Heart Forth, Alicia Launches Its Kickstarter Campaign

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Apr 16, 2014.

  1. Saber Cherry

    Saber Cherry Big Damn Hero

    This reminds me of Secret of Mana. Except side-view.
    KevinFragger2427 likes this.
  2. Namiwakiru

    Namiwakiru Black Hole Surfer

    There is a fair bit of news floating around the net about this.

    That's good for everyone
    KevinFragger2427 likes this.
  3. real cheese

    real cheese Void-Bound Voyager

    Yeah, sorry if a repeat question, but does anyone know if this is being deveioped with Linux or Mac too i guess in mind as well as Winblows?
    I tried to read the thread, but it was so full of entitlement I couldn't quite manage.
    KevinFragger2427 likes this.
  4. quantian

    quantian Aquatic Astronaut

    Maybe you should have read the obvious kickstarter that was obviously linked in the obvious first post, before the obvious hardware bashing. Since you obviously had to have read something.
  5. Carryall

    Carryall Big Damn Hero

    Consultation. I agree. Which takes longer? Doing a math equation or teaching someone a math equation? The answer is variable and the extent in which cf is invested is just as variable ,but the concept implies diverted attention. I'm only legitimizing concerns mentioned earlier by other posters that were met with face value answers about the publishing.

    I may be over-analyzing the situation, but there are details to imply that the efforts of CF don't end with just publishing, and it would be hasty to dismiss the other details. I am also open to elaboration of details if they ever come to light. Would save alot of speculation from either angle.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2014
    KevinFragger2427 likes this.
  6. quantian

    quantian Aquatic Astronaut

    The details as I see it seem to squarely end at publishing, I'm not certain of what you consider publishing to entail, but from the way it was worded, this seems less intensive than most publishing efforts.

    And as to your question of teaching and or doing the math equation. I'd say that in this case the former is quicker. Due to the wording suggesting introductions rather than code teach.
  7. Carryall

    Carryall Big Damn Hero


    Sorry in advance. I greatly dislike reposting, but I highlighted key words to separate the porting from publishing details. I've cited this before to avoid confusion. I hope this helps if you are genuinely confused and not biased. I'm open to new material if any comes by though.
    KevinFragger2427 likes this.
  8. quantian

    quantian Aquatic Astronaut

    Um, publishers are supposed to give support and advice.
  9. Carryall

    Carryall Big Damn Hero

    Publishers are generally a medium. A means to distribute. True, publishers can collaborate on an artists work. I won't deny that. My case was to reference my previous post pointing out that resources could have been diverted to this Alice project, and alot of people caught Flak for saying just that. Here's a wall of quotes to help remind you :

    KevinFragger2427 likes this.
  10. IggyBousse

    IggyBousse Void-Bound Voyager

    Having a bit of a Trine deja vu here, looks good.
    KevinFragger2427 likes this.
  11. Dinomide

    Dinomide Void-Bound Voyager

    LOOOOOOOVE the look of it. I've always had a soft spot for games about wizards and magic. :up:
    KevinFragger2427 likes this.
  12. LlamaMaster

    LlamaMaster Void-Bound Voyager

    This game looks cool and appears to be something i'd enjoy.. but maybe put some more effort into the game you've had people back already. Your kickstarter is nearly $5million dollars and there isn't even a concept of a story in starbound or any massive changes in the near future. Its a shame to see something with so much potential get left in the dust.
  13. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Starbound developers are NOT making this game. They are just publishing it. Mother of god does no one know the definition of that term?
    KevinFragger2427 likes this.
  14. Lobo

    Lobo Spaceman Spiff

    shh bbu, its k... 1 post
    report and carry on c:
    KevinFragger2427 likes this.
  15. Akado

    Akado Oxygen Tank

    This is actually a thread talking about "Heart Forth, Alicia", which is a separate game that is being developed/created by Afonso Martin, and not by the same people that are developing Starbound.

    Chucklefish is producing it (giving advice, publicity, and help porting to other consoles/OS's), but not actually writing any of the game, which is why HFA has their own kickstarter. They're getting no money from CF, and thus no strings attached.
    KevinFragger2427 and LlamaMaster like this.
  16. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    1. Heart Forth, Alicia is only being published by Chucklefish; a separate studio is developing it. The only game being developed by Chucklefish is Starbound. It's amazing how many people don't understand this.

    2. The game is still in very early beta (i.e. stage 1 of 3). The storyline is not planned to be added until much closer to the full release (stage 3).

    3. The developers are in the middle of moving their staff to the new office, which is in a different country for many of them. They temporarily haven't been able to work at full capacity while this move is taking place. This does not constitute the game being "left in the dust".
    Last edited: May 3, 2014
  17. Kata

    Kata Orbital Explorer

    In the immortal words of the great Fry, "Shut up and take my money" :D
    KevinFragger2427 likes this.
  18. TheÜberFrenchToast

    TheÜberFrenchToast Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Looks amazing! Sadly enough, I don't have a job. I'm still in High School... well... a freshman to be exact, but still! :D

    Why can't you guys spread these news to those who are dense enough to not understand this?

    Seriously... people need to stop being so stubborn and rude.

    Maybe I should do it too, not just you guys... Sorry!
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2014

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