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Having the ability to bookmark planets

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Kitty Khaos, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. Kitty Khaos

    Kitty Khaos Phantasmal Quasar

    I feel as though you should be able to bookmark any planet you have visited, sort of like how the game bookmarks your home planet. I also think you should have the ability to add text to said bookmark so when you hover over that planet/system, you can see why you bookmarked it. For example; Say you found a merchant that sold an item you really wanted, but preferred to farm for it later on (we know getting pixels can be a pain to farm nonstop). But one issue; what if you leave that planet and completely forget where it was? That would really suck. Now, I do believe there is a doted line showing you where you have traveled, but it helps for only so long. If you travel to a lot of different planets and find quite a few you want to revisit, it would be pretty difficult remembering where they are. There are coordinates, however, writing them down or pasting them to a notepad (which is tedious since the game likes to crash when you alt+tab) is pretty annoying. Instead, I believe a simple bookmarking addition to the game would solve this issue and allow you to travel as far and as much as you want without losing your favorite planets!
    Nearo and threadNecromancer like this.
  2. Terwin94

    Terwin94 Pangalactic Porcupine

    That sounds like a great idea. If they did that they should add an option to beam down onto a part of the planet you have been to instead of just the same place.
    Nearo and Kitty Khaos like this.
  3. Osmedirez

    Osmedirez Phantasmal Quasar

    I'm keeping a personal log for this kind of thing for now, but it would be nice to have a streamlined, in game ability to organize/categorize visited planets. I'd even be okay with just a 'history' style list with clickable options like: ()Merchant ()etc

    as in, you just set various flags to remind you what was there.
  4. Kitty Khaos

    Kitty Khaos Phantasmal Quasar

    Yeah, I'd love to have that as well. I found a pretty rad looking building only to be one shot by some dude with a gun. I was running to the left for a good 10 minutes before I saw that, which kind of irritated me since it takes so long to get back
  5. GSGregory

    GSGregory Ketchup Robot

    I like this idea as well.
  6. Faust87

    Faust87 Void-Bound Voyager

    Sounds like a great idea!
  7. Kitty Khaos

    Kitty Khaos Phantasmal Quasar

    I'm glad you guys like the idea :) Maybe if we're lucky, a dev will sneak a peak and agree with us!
    Faust87 likes this.
  8. Inco

    Inco Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    One of the devs already confirmed it as an upcoming feature during one of the streams. So, yay!
  9. Kitty Khaos

    Kitty Khaos Phantasmal Quasar

    Ah, well that's wonderful! I haven't watched their streams very much, so I didn't know it was planned. But I'm glad to hear it :D
  10. Karull

    Karull Big Damn Hero

    would also be nice if there was something that shows the last couple of planets you visited
  11. Mostlyjoe

    Mostlyjoe Orbital Explorer

    A simple Planets visited tab in the ship controls, maybe with a 'flag favorites' option.

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