Modding Help Gun help, muzzle flash glows?

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Lynx88, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. Lynx88

    Lynx88 Phantasmal Quasar

    Hi, I hope someone can tell me how to add glow/lighting effects on the muzzle flash, gun projectile and the gun itself?

    I've looked through the files, but there doesn't seem to be any code (at least to me) that controls this effect.

    I have no trouble with adding the muzzle flash's graphic itself, but its doesn't actually "flash" (lighting up the area briefly), which makes it very strange looking at night.

    Seems like currently the glow is only attachable to projectiles? I can do that no problem for projectiles, but I only want the muzzle flash to have the glow, not on the projectile itself (cause it lights up the area around the projectile).

    Also, if anyone has figured out how to re-enable ammo (instead of using energy), that would be great.

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