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Game crash

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tygra, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. Tygra

    Tygra Space Hobo


    I didnt find the mentioned bug report forum,i hope this is it.
    So i played about 1,5 hours and unexpectedly the game pops up an error.

    If you guys tell me is there an error log in the game folder somewhere,i will attach that too.
  2. Drakojin

    Drakojin Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I just got the same error. Was just about to post. My error is a little longer, though. Same error ID 007D2B90

    Mine happened when I clicked on my Apex character.

  3. demensia

    demensia Subatomic Cosmonaut

    similar happenings

    crashbug yay!.png

    It happened upon my death by murdering myself with a bomb. (all for testing purposes of course!)

    included is system specs and also I'd provide the log but it says that the extension isn't allowed :/

    also odd, and a likely note, it's looking for things in the E:/ drive which I am not currently using as I have no usb plugged in.

    Attached Files:

  4. Tygra

    Tygra Space Hobo

    I got another dozen of this errors.It seems they happen after or before crafting and when i hit the save and quit button.

    P.S.: the game is truly awesome!
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2013
  5. Quto

    Quto Orbital Explorer

    I found a pattern.

    It seems whenever players are teleported back to their ships either by choice or by death; the game kicks players out and... well, CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH.
  6. Tygra

    Tygra Space Hobo

    I didnt remebered this error so i tried out the beam up,died.No error for me.But cheers,i have others:D
  7. hypothrmia

    hypothrmia Seal Broken

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