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Game crash when activating "The Gate"

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by Ed_SNEWBELL, Jul 29, 2016.


    Ed_SNEWBELL Lucky Number 13

    I am currently stuck on one of the first quests, it is to get 20 core fragments to open the gate, but when I approach it I pressed 'E' and exited the window pop up, when I did the game crashed.
    So I relaunched the game thinking its some sort of bug, I go collect the 20 fragments and do it again, it crashed.
    No progress is lost but I cannot advance the story line, help would be greatly appreciated.
    aqua411 likes this.
  2. rainst

    rainst Intergalactic Tourist

    same problem here!

    I'm playing on Steam OSX, Avian char, added log

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    Last edited: Jul 29, 2016
  3. aqua411

    aqua411 Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm on Mac and i have this error too.
    I post the crash report :

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    Last edited: Jul 29, 2016

    Ed_SNEWBELL Lucky Number 13

    So, anyone have any idea on how to fix this?
    I can't seem to be able to progress the story, so i'm basically stuck on the first planet you ever land on...
  5. Probalt

    Probalt Aquatic Astronaut

    I'm having the same problem.
    Tried reinstalling the game aside from my storage folder and it still doesn't work, haven't tried it with a new character yet since its like 1am and I don't have time right now.
    Not sure if its based on certain characters or if its just a problem with the game in general.
    Hope a fix is coming soon, really wanna get back into this game after the 1.0 update/release.
  6. JakeTheSteak

    JakeTheSteak Orbital Explorer

    I am having the same problem. All I wanna do is play. :(
  7. Kooldude4 3

    Kooldude4 3 Void-Bound Voyager

    I've just tested Starbound on both a mac and windows, it seems to be a Mac ONLY problem, whether it was caused by the latest update or not, im not sure.
  8. alaisl

    alaisl Void-Bound Voyager

    Same problem here. Also playing on OSX. Thank goodness it just teleports me back near my house and still retains all my looted items.
  9. notquitereal

    notquitereal Void-Bound Voyager

    Same here, OSX too, can't get off the first planet due to this bug.
  10. AkimboDigital

    AkimboDigital Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm also having this problem on osx
  11. Jimbob767

    Jimbob767 Void-Bound Voyager

    For those of you stuck on the first planet send a copy of your storage folder to a friend who is running windows and get them to activate the gate for you. Then, once they've sent it back, replace it with the new saves and the gate should be activated. This could also be done to use rob repairo and tech ui but is a lot of effort to get around the problem. If you use steam you can find the storage folder by right clicking on starbound in your library list, properties, local files and browse local files. Make sure to back up your storage folder and get your friend to do the same.
  12. akalay2003

    akalay2003 Void-Bound Voyager

    Sort-of Fix: I don't know if anyone has access to a dedicated server or something, but if you are stuck trying to get through the gate, try doing so on a multiplayer server. Your game will crash, but it will be registered on the server as activating the gate. When you log back on to the server, you can enter the gate.

    You will only be able to access the Outpost and the Ark on that server (To get quests ect. that will carry over into singleplayer), but at least its something.
  13. Cthulhu01

    Cthulhu01 Void-Bound Voyager

    So I have a temporary fix for the tech bug I think. I joined a random server, switched my tech to what I wanted, instead of closing the panel I used the teleport button on the right of the screen. The game still crashed, but when I reloaded my character I had the new tech equipped. Hope this helps.
    FLuffyskull, aqua411 and akalay2003 like this.
  14. aqua411

    aqua411 Void-Bound Voyager

    Ok everybody,
    I have a solution it's on a file because "the smiley" deface the command.


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    ChosenOne1234 and TonyVuko like this.
  15. TonyVuko

    TonyVuko Orbital Explorer

    Thank you SO much! Just in case people don't know, first do /admin in game to give you admin rights! Thanks a bunch Aqua411!

    Edit- After you do the second command, it takes up to 5-10 seconds to put you into the map and prompts you with "Lets do the space warp again", so don't panic.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2016
  16. ChosenOne1234

    ChosenOne1234 Space Hobo

    You sir, are fucking amazing.
  17. infinitebento

    infinitebento Space Hobo

    So am I supposed to use the command every time I need to go to the outpost until they patch it? :/
  18. FLuffyskull

    FLuffyskull Void-Bound Voyager

    You can go to the outpost from your ship's teleporter, and other teleporters. You only need the gate when you first go there.
  19. AArticuno3

    AArticuno3 Big Damn Hero

    what about the tech bug? Is there a solution for that?
  20. Woojoo333

    Woojoo333 Void-Bound Voyager

    I love this game and bought it in preorder and got past the mission before the bug came, but Chucklefish better fix this fast. THey are shooting themselves in the foot. So many people got this game and then realized in 3 minutes they are stuck due to glitch and refunded I bet,

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