Modding Discussion Future mods

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Reizal, Dec 12, 2013.


If they'll ever be created, will you use it or you think they will break the game?

  1. Yes, i'll use it, just to help me to level up faster and i want a lot of pixel to buy stuff

    1 vote(s)
  2. If someone will create those mods i still will not use it

    3 vote(s)
  3. I cannot understand your question, your english is awful.

    0 vote(s)
  1. Reizal

    Reizal Intergalactic Tourist

    Exp/pixel boost mods?

    (hope you understand the question, google translate pro) :rofl:
  2. kieve

    kieve Intergalactic Tourist

    Currently, there is no concept of "exp". Your prgression is determined by the weapons and armor that you have or can create. That said, I think some "fast forward" mods have already been created. Some people want to use them after wipes and such. From the perspective of a beta environment, it seems conterproductive to impoving the game.
  3. Reizal

    Reizal Intergalactic Tourist

    Kinda sad, isn't it? They'll lose all the pleasure of exploring and crafting, am i wrong?
    I mean..
    "Let's play this game, let's have all the best items immediately".. and then?

    And what about all the random things, spawns...when we all can create custom planets and dungeons....?
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2013

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