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Fun with electricity! (screenshot)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Soup, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. creepwolf

    creepwolf Giant Laser Beams

    That screenshot is shockingly making me want to game more...
    Robo Hobo, Soup and backstabbeth like this.
  2. Echo

    Echo Big Damn Hero

    Hopefully the blocks that hurt you will hurt the enemies in this game as well... instead of having spikes not do anything to mobs >.>. On that tangent I hope that mob projectiles do not go through walls >.> (at least not all walls).
    Thanel, WoxandWarf and creepwolf like this.
  3. Poor Apex. She's in serious danger of frying. ><
  4. ThatAmazingPerson

    ThatAmazingPerson Existential Complex

    That image was shocking. :rofl:
    Pretty sure that is confirmed/planned.
  5. Echo

    Echo Big Damn Hero

    What got something against country fried ape? D:
    Vladimir 3.22 likes this.
  6. Vladimir 3.22

    Vladimir 3.22 Zero Gravity Genie

    nope nothing they taste great.
    Echo likes this.
  7. Medricel

    Medricel Space Spelunker

    That door in the upper-left of the shot. Does that have.. a key icon on it?
    Makes me want lockable doors that only I can open with this key I have right... wait.. where is it?? Did I leave it in my other pants?!
  8. Soup

    Soup Giant Laser Beams

    Good eyes. That would be nice to have lockable doors and containers to protect your house and treasure horde from bandits.
    JackOfAllTrades likes this.
  9. Dwagon

    Dwagon Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    So simple, and yet, so cool.
    Makes me think of Duke Nukem 1 and 2 for some reason.
  10. Kousaka

    Kousaka Void-Bound Voyager

    I wonder if deadly jumping puzzles/tests will be something generated in Apex dungeons, or if all that was player-made
  11. JackOfAllTrades

    JackOfAllTrades Cosmic Narwhal

    Unless the bandits have lock picks, that is.
  12. head2

    head2 Void-Bound Voyager

    1. Wear rubber boots
    2. Problem?
    Breather and Vladimir 3.22 like this.
  13. Vladimir 3.22

    Vladimir 3.22 Zero Gravity Genie

    can i borrow those some time .
  14. Baradrim

    Baradrim Big Damn Hero

    What if that is electricity that is harmless itself but injects Ape Flu into the person that touches it? Remember kids: Ape Flu is no joke!
  15. Adam #

    Adam # Big Damn Hero

    In my opinion it would look ridiculous to have player only hurting blocks. Spikes are kinda okay but not electricity :<
  16. Idenar Bwargh

    Idenar Bwargh Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Dear god, that's how that's made?!
  17. Redheat

    Redheat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ikr. I hated that fact that you couldn't cover your base with spikes to kill mobs that mindlessly charged at you. Maybe this time it'll hurt them?
  18. Paillan

    Paillan Existential Complex

    Prepare to get electrocuted.
  19. Fantastic Mr. Legion

    Fantastic Mr. Legion Phantasmal Quasar

    Electric Boogaloo.
    JackOfAllTrades likes this.
  20. Tiny Master of Music

    Tiny Master of Music Existential Complex

    That image made me think of Portal so much.
    I hope there's a portal gun.

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