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Florans are creepy

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by NeoslayerX, Aug 5, 2016.

  1. NeoslayerX

    NeoslayerX Big Damn Hero

    I thought of a lifeform..
    Nobody knows what it looks like, as it turns invisible (usually)when one sees it, but when someone is not watching (Who knows, recording) you can see it.
    It has glowing eyes.. Scales that have glowing volcanic light emitting from them.. They shed skin as hot as ashes, leaving it around.. It sometimes turns itself into an indestructible ball of bluish yellow sparks that disintegrates anything it touches
  2. evilnancyreagan

    evilnancyreagan Pangalactic Porcupine

    well yes, obvious and convenient conventions are in place because they are obvious and convenient. However, sci-fi is about pushing the boundaries of imagination, not just a checklist of tropes. Well, it used to be, anyways. #subtleyfascists

    my god, plant people are (and have been, for a while) TOTALLY 'a thing'

    This is why double negatives (as fun as they are for back-handed dismissal) are BAD English.
  3. PyreStarite

    PyreStarite Space Kumquat

    least unimaginative... wait, is that a double negative? That's an honest question, it doesn't sound like a double negative.
  4. NeoslayerX

    NeoslayerX Big Damn Hero

    It does.
  5. Sean Mirrsen

    Sean Mirrsen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I did say they are a thing. They are not, however, usually anything like the Florans, sociologically. Barbaric turning socialized, cannibalistic but amicable, bloodthirsty without being mindlessly aggressive, stab-happy yet completely sane. The sort of people that'd accidentally hunt down and eat your dog because it looked like prey, honestly apologize, offer you a weird snake-creature as replacement, and spend the rest of the week playfully stabbing at you with dull objects hoping you'll forgive them because they're being nice.
    STCW262 likes this.
  6. Shaadaris

    Shaadaris Giant Laser Beams

    Well, let's see... We have:
    Hylotl: The weirdest mix of Japanese Politeness and Asian Rudeness shoved into an equally weird mishmash of Japenese traiditional and pop culture.
    Apex: Literally 1984 with monkeys and SCIENCE!
    Humans: Need I say anything?
    Glitch: Glitched robots that imitate life. Have a Hive Mind.
    Avians: Bird People with a Scary Amoral Religion and crystal tech.
    Novakid: Made of stars in a Space Western setting. They're pretty much geniuses, but with poor memories and attention spans.
    Florans: Generally stab-happy Plant People who don't see other lifeforms as being sentient. Despite being extremely primitive, have some good tech due to scavenging and reverse-engineering.
    evilnancyreagan likes this.
  7. evilnancyreagan

    evilnancyreagan Pangalactic Porcupine

    yeah, that spin is unique as far as I can tell.

    honestly, it comes off feeling like a half-hearted ribbing of vegetarians;

    "Oh hey, you're meat that eats plants? Well we got plants that eat meats! BOOM!"
  8. Shaadaris

    Shaadaris Giant Laser Beams

    Clearly, the solution is to eat rocks. Then nobody's happy.
  9. evilnancyreagan

    evilnancyreagan Pangalactic Porcupine

    Oh Whitney!

    Too soon, too soon! :(
  10. Shaadaris

    Shaadaris Giant Laser Beams

    I feel like I'm missing something that would be plainly obvious to 99% of people here.
  11. evilnancyreagan

    evilnancyreagan Pangalactic Porcupine

    oh, how fickle the tides of lazy, throw-away humor are:
  12. Grox100

    Grox100 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Florans and creepy? HA!
    They aren't creepy to me.
    Not just because i already experienced much more creepier stuff in starbound with the FU mod on death moons, nono...

    They just love me.

    I almost all of my avatars in the game where the same because i loved to see myself in it and i was there since one of the earliest releases, meaning my saves often got corrupted.


    One of the reasons i hate them :urgh:

    Secound because they purged the Hytol :whaaat:

    It's not because of their Chinese side and the anime refrences stuff.

    I love their Japan side.

    All the knowlege, everything they know, the tempels...just everything.

    Reasons why i whold PURGE THE FLORANS BACK :fireball:

    Oh, and too a little because of their very very bad grammer :pfff:
  13. Iaeyan Elyuex

    Iaeyan Elyuex Cosmic Narwhal

    Oh, the irony.
    Grox100 likes this.
  14. Grox100

    Grox100 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I mean, they speack worse than i do xD

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