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Floran Physiology?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Ssj782, Nov 5, 2013.

  1. demanrisu

    demanrisu The Original Agaran Menace NPC

    florans rub butts to reproduce fyi
    Cloudhopper likes this.
  2. Dreynguid

    Dreynguid Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Phew!, I'm not brave enouth yet to read all the big theories (plus I don't master english enouth to read easily ^^'). But I'll do it ! (Even if this thread is really old and a little asleep)

    Just, I was saying to my-self : know how floran evolved is easier when we know the other species from their planet.
    Of course, we don't know a lot of thing. So should we imagine other animals wich followed a part of the floran evolution ? Or just wonder if there's other plant-like animals in floran's planet ? (Even extinct)
  3. Garatgh Deloi

    Garatgh Deloi Master Astronaut

    Thats basicly the story from star trek: A advanced race explores the universe, discoveres they were alone, goes emo and then decided to seed life on a large number of worlds.

    After aloot of time we have humanoids aliens that are remarkably similar yet still very different on a several worlds (those that didnt go extinct etc).
  4. Lora Grim

    Lora Grim Guest

    Huh. That is very similar to how us ponies reproduce by touching butts. Now i wonder if a Floran and a pony can get it on...

    H-hey! Someone! Anyone out there knows how to draw!? Get on it!
  5. Xisis007

    Xisis007 Space Hobo

    Being to lazy to read the other comments I'll add this, The Floran timeline is somewhere in the tribal stages. So that tells us that they are a new species. Humans being the oldest, then Apex, Novakid, Glitch, Hylotl, and then Floran. Hope it helps.
  6. Garatgh Deloi

    Garatgh Deloi Master Astronaut

    Wait what? The Apex and Hylotl both seem way more advanced then humanity, so why would humanity be older?

    Btw you cant realy use a alien races current stage in human evolution as a indication to culture age.

    For example the glitch, they are at a medevial stage, but thats only becuse they are controlled by a hive mind and that hive mind has a glitch in its programming, they might have been stuck at said medevial level for thousands of years.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2014

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