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Fix For Platinum Generation

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by SethKipz, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. ChrisDark

    ChrisDark Astral Cartographer

    Apparently someone DEPR, while adding Armor distribution per threat level, not properly noticing armor penetration value at all, and the needed ore type to craft such armor. More like, one person added armor with there armor value and mineral type, while someone else did the ore distribution per threat level, and between the 2 there was no coordination during the implementation, probably because of placeholder, just like everything in the game right now(Also that why we know Armor penetration is going to be remove, and a new Dmg system will be in place). That pretty normal, and we should expect that on the stage that is the beta right now, so it's ok.

    btw, there no need to accuse anyone of/or feel like you are cheating, because right now if you are not doing it, you are not Beta testing properly. This is NOT the full release, and this is the purpose of alpha or beta testing. That been said on the stage the beta is, IS VERY mod-able, I mean there's almost no restriction. So bypass how ever you can, especially if there is going to be a character wipe, you need to test has much.
  2. ChrisDark

    ChrisDark Astral Cartographer

    Right now the patch version on play is "Irritated Koala" No new update have come up. That other you all speak off, is the up coming big update.
  3. orkun0606

    orkun0606 Space Hobo

    I thought that starbound is better than minecraft unless i get to gamma sector cuz everything oneshot me and i cant find this platinium and cant make a better armour. i have 7 platinium bars and 1 ore from the chests. I'm in a 21 lwl planet and there's no dungeons so i cant find them in chests too also i cant travel around my planet and find some dungeons too. I think if there wont be an update everyone will leave playing starbound because of this platinium
  4. janusforbeare

    janusforbeare Phantasmal Quasar

    There has been an update; this is an old thread you've posted in. Planet threat levels are capped at 10 now, so you're playing an outdated version of the game.

    I'm trying very hard not to jump to conclusions about why that is.
    MysticMalevolence likes this.
  5. Yeah... so... steam update is a good thing... assuming you can use it...
  6. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    I love beyonetta

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