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First impressions of starbound

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by InterDan, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. InterDan

    InterDan Void-Bound Voyager

    So in our first day of gameplay we managed to reach the bottom of the map
    We made our way and avoided the magma making this tunne

    We also tried to reach the top of the map constructing a stairway and we finded a meteorite
    It's hard to get there because the extreme cold, so we had to carry ourselves a bunch of torches

    In other hand we also tried to jump from the meteorite twice. The first time we died frozen before landing and the second one it took like a little less of 5 minutes to reach the ground (due to the lag of the server mostly). It was funny
    FelipeChoque likes this.

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