February 12 - Update Notes

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by metadept, Feb 12, 2015.

  1. eksynn

    eksynn Giant Laser Beams

    lol random 'update' added to my quote (yes i edited it out >.<)
    what's the
    "___" bit?
  2. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Where you substitute your tech name.
  3. AlexanderLaheij

    AlexanderLaheij Void-Bound Voyager

    My turn :rofl:

    Kawa likes this.
  4. eksynn

    eksynn Giant Laser Beams

    oh! i thought i had to replace techName instead xD silly moment... thanks lol
    i'll try it out
  5. Type1Ninja

    Type1Ninja Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Wait... What

    (is the explosion)
  6. AshyRaccoon

    AshyRaccoon Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    • Crafting and inventory windows can be closed by pressing the key or activating the object that opened them
    I hope this is improved some more, so if you have a container or craft table open, and move the cursor, pressing use will close what you had open, no matter what, instead of operating nearby lights and switches, opening other containers instead or so on. :) It gets disorienting when it opens other crafting machines or different chests.
    The thing I opened tends to be under my inventory window or its UI, so I often can't see it to point at it again to close it. So I'm still relying on pressing the open inventory key to close chests, or pressing use twice if I open a different craft station.
    GorunNova likes this.
  7. Mero

    Mero Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Yeah this is what i was thinking when i said "not implemented" as in you can't get it by normal means.

    Edit: Also the update (to the stable) is the unstable update that this update notes is about. For the people that wanted to know
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2015
  8. eksynn

    eksynn Giant Laser Beams

    /spawnliquid console command, spawning about 1000 lava i think
  9. Mero

    Mero Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I think it is more than 1000 lava, and could be tons more because at that point you can't tell how much lava was spawned because it's still spreading in all directions .
  10. I Said No

    I Said No Cosmic Narwhal

    Hey folks, if you're missing characters like I was: check your mods if you're using any. My block replicator mod was out of date and upon fixing it, my characters returned. Just something to try if they aren't showing up.
  11. lemonrev

    lemonrev Subatomic Cosmonaut

    The Robot Boss level with auto seeking rockets , is far too hard to kill even when you have some sort of strategy worked out.

    Can there be maybe more layers to run around in that level a bit, its very plain and really hard to get away from those missiles.

    I want to progress but at that cost of death its just not worth playing.
  12. eksynn

    eksynn Giant Laser Beams

    what kind of armour and weapon are you using? it's usually best to use armour above the required level to stay alive a little longer, heal very often, and be quick. very quick.
    don't forget to have your best techs on as well.
    it's not an impossible boss.. but it IS meant to be very hard, as it's the last boss you'll be facing until they add in more bosses and quests. it took me 3 tries to get that stupid robot >.<

    but i agree on one point, there should be more room to maneuver around...
  13. Zebak

    Zebak Void-Bound Voyager

    To face those missiles one need either a shotgun with decent fire rate or a fast gun.. so to shoot them down... Double jumping agaisnt the wall also works if you get a good timing (the missiles explode agaisnt the wall)... just beware the super punch, have plenty of healing (bandages and red stims.. maybe healing water potions).. and it helped to have some rope, used it to avoid the flamer..

    ...Alas, when I faced him last, all I had were a rocket launcher and a grenade launcher, both super slow.. dies a few times but defeated him. It is hard but not impossible.. ^.^
  14. Doctor Devil

    Doctor Devil Big Damn Hero

    If you have a bad strategy, everything's hard. He's super-easy when you have a decent shield (200 durability+) and a 1-hand machine pistol (or Uzi, or Revolver) and a sword to hit him when he's stunned.

    It took me 2 tries to get him. The first time I didn't expect him rushing on me and didn't dodge it in time.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2015
  15. eksynn

    eksynn Giant Laser Beams

    can you guys add support for "blinkMode" : "cursorPenetrate" again please? if it's an issue, maybe it could work only in admin mode... it's very troublesome working on a really big base without the ability to teleport through walls, even if through the use of a mod that no-longer works.

    edit: guess i'll post this in the suggestions thread as well...
  16. Frost Spectre

    Frost Spectre Big Damn Hero

    Nice to be able to close containers with "e" button again, but in my opinion, the ability to open another container while one is open with mouse pointer on it, is abit wonky, preferred that the "e" would open and close the current container and I could then open another after closing the last one, instead of opening another container under the mouse pointer
    teilnehmer and AshyRaccoon like this.
  17. squeaky369

    squeaky369 Space Spelunker

    Still crashes on random planets and has a HUGE framerate drop in dungeons and the portal.
  18. Lazogna

    Lazogna Contact!

    Aforementioned crashes, plus my home planet was reset. Everything I have built is gone. My fault, i guess, for not having a backup, but I didn't expect a bugfix patch to wreak that much havoc

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