February 12 - Update Notes

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by metadept, Feb 12, 2015.

  1. Milapurr

    Milapurr Astral Cartographer

    Can there be an update to fix the servers using only one thread when there's more threads to be used?
  2. davidlolcat

    davidlolcat Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hurray for improved cat AI! :D
    Zael likes this.
  3. Corraidhín

    Corraidhín Supernova

    uhh... what cat?
  4. teilnehmer

    teilnehmer Existential Complex

    I wonder if the floran party mission will still be able to be started after this update... the lever is outside the cage. Did anybody try that yet?
    Kittails and Corraidhín like this.
  5. Full Metal Kirby

    Full Metal Kirby Phantasmal Quasar

    And just like that, my storage area for back items goes from 4x4 to 84x192, le sigh.
  6. dwuff

    dwuff Phantasmal Quasar

    I'm glad about the better microdungeon loot! I've found quite a few really important looking ones with lots of fanfare and pretty chests only to find them... completely empty. T_T
    TheGlitchKing likes this.
  7. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Pet cat.
    Zael likes this.
  8. Corraidhín

    Corraidhín Supernova

    oh all right, thanks!
  9. TheGlitchKing

    TheGlitchKing Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "Added race specific storage lockers craftable from the robotics table."
    *Metallic gasp*
    *short circuits*
    Excellent work on this update, I am in favor of all of the changes.
    Zael likes this.
  10. Krytikal

    Krytikal Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I haven't checked yet as steam won't let me update until 5 minutes from now for some reason.. but I rather liked the tents having no animation while you were in them. Also race-specific storage lockers sounds amaaahzing. As a hoarder I had to resort to using sandstone statues to identify race-specific "storage areas", but I haven't seen ANY statues in this build yet. And stackable backs are out? :'( For consistency's sake one could have made armor stackable lmao. And no interacting with objects through walls = even more creative use of storage objects gah. Tell you what should be craftable, the numbered outpost signage. Perhaps after you find "Seven." from the mini dungeon with the coffee pot. Speaking of signage, I'm not impressed with the goofy outline for the custom signs. Okay I need to stop...
  11. TheGlitchKing

    TheGlitchKing Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I think it would be great if there was a craftable wall panel for each tier of metal, instead of only titanium.
    I kinda want to make a base for each tier(with the beds, lights, etc,), and wall panels for each would be good for variation.
    Edit: I'm sorry, apparently you can craft iron panels on an anvil, and presumably steel panels on a metalworking station., and durasteel ones somewhere else. Sorry about that, I really need to check all the crafting stations before I go whining about a problem that does't exist(though I'm pretty sure aegisalt, rubium, violium, impervium, ferozium, and cerulium panels still don't exist. Will check on that).
    Edit: Ok, so it turns out that while you can make iron and titanium panels, you can't make steel or durasteel panels.
    They would be nice.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2015
    Kawa, Krytikal and Type1Ninja like this.
  12. SioxGWolf

    SioxGWolf Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You can find them in underground microdungeons. I found 2 coffee makers, and am happy.
    skydart and Kawa like this.
  13. Bronze Dog

    Bronze Dog Starship Captain

    Re: Sleeping without armor. I slept in my outpost bed while wearing my usual armor and noticed a little buff/debuff (in the buff?) icon in the top left of a human wearing nothing but underwear, and my jaybird was naked in my inventory window. Guess making nudity a status condition is how they implement it, now. It does leave me to wonder if my Koala habit of carrying a bed with me would now be risky due to negated defenses. Next time I'll check my stats when I take a nap.

    And now, thinking of possible mods, I'm reminded of the original Get Smart movie. "Gentlemen, there is no nude bomb! There never was a nude bomb! There will never be a nude bomb!" *foom* Everyone in underwear.
  14. SioxGWolf

    SioxGWolf Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That is a good point. It'ed be funny if they broke their own game with that one update.[DOUBLEPOST=1423835285][/DOUBLEPOST]
    They would never add it back in just for toilets, it's either all or none. A modder, although, is allowed to be lenient. Maybe you could be that modder, or not. But if it's something you love, then it is something worth working for.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2015
  15. Kajima

    Kajima Phantasmal Quasar

    Lever's inside the cage now.
    teilnehmer likes this.
  16. davidlolcat

    davidlolcat Subatomic Cosmonaut

    You should maybe explore the Erchius mining mission again... With morph ball and rocket boots
    Zael likes this.
  17. scriber

    scriber Void-Bound Voyager

    What's going to happen to the back slot items that are currently stacked? Especially, back slot items stacked in containers that are full.
  18. Silent Strider

    Silent Strider Pangalactic Porcupine

    I would have to test, but last time I played with stack sizes, stacks above the new limit seem to go down to the new limit. In other words, unstack the back items you don't want to lose the extras before playing with Unstable; better safe than sorry.
    scriber likes this.
  19. Zebak

    Zebak Void-Bound Voyager

    on the first, it is the bas with a glass section.. the shaft is above that area...
    on the second.. using the flashlight on the slope above reveals the lever....

    And no, no damage the poor kitty.. it works right away.... assuming you do not miss... or that you got extra pods on the first run... ^.^
    Zael likes this.
  20. jimmy_jenkins

    jimmy_jenkins Space Hobo

    Are we going to have the ability to cick and drag the scrollers on item menus and the what not, because currently you can only click on the up and down arrows to make the items menus scroll up and down
    Kittails likes this.

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