RELEASED FarmAutomation.ItemCollector (Unofficial v1.1)

Discussion in 'Mods' started by maddy99, Oct 5, 2016.

  1. Gigadroid

    Gigadroid Void-Bound Voyager

    How do I locate my log file? I've tried to first give it a pumpkin in my hand (while there's pumpkins in the adjacent chest) and it doesn't draw another pumpkin from the chest after consuming the first one from my hand.
    • Xaaci

      Xaaci Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      AFAIK seed maker wont work if you have "grass starter" on the same chest AND placed before your your crops [there might be other items but for me grass starter is the cause]. what i do is put my crops into d chest press organize button after that your crops should be placed at earlier slot and get processed by seedmaker.
      Better yet make your chest as dedicated only for making seed.
      • kaizer777

        kaizer777 Void-Bound Voyager

        I was storing coffee beans and other seeds in the chest that was attached to a seed maker. I found that if the coffee beans were sorted before the fruit in the chest, that the seed maker wouldn't take any fruit. Just removing and re-adding the coffee beans caused it to start processing fruit.
        • kaizer777

          kaizer777 Void-Bound Voyager

          I guess I should have read the entire board before responding. I encountered the same issue, but with coffee seeds appearing before the fruit. Definitely seems like the seed maker only checks the first slot in the chest for fruit to process.
          • maddy99

            maddy99 Big Damn Hero

            The seed maker list is right now just a list of all crops in the game dumped when the game runs, so coffee beans and grass starters (and tree fruits) are on that list. The reason it stops when one of those is first is the slots are processed in order and it'll get stuck in a loop of trying to jam the item, say coffee beans, into the seed maker, reject it, put it back in the chest, then try again and never move on to the next item. That's the way the original code works, but I've modified it a bit so now it will self-heal by removing any incompatible objects from the machine configurations once it detects the issue. It may take a few moments for the machine to work normally, but it should. This will also only correct issues with individual /objects/ listed, if a category is incorrect, you should receive an error in the log pointing that out and will need to correct it manually.

            New version being uploaded to first post!
            • simdebster

              simdebster Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              Where can I find a good description and information about this mod? The first post basically says nothing at all.
              • maddy99

                maddy99 Big Damn Hero

                I've linked back to the original mod on the first post, you can review the documentation there as other than some config differences which are explained in the config file, it's pretty much functionally the same.
                • Berserker55

                  Berserker55 Master Chief

                  Running 2.5.9, ran into a bug with crab pods:

                  Behind the leftmose crab pod is a chest. All crab pods have glitched animations, they change from invisible to shadowy rectangles and the chest is invisible and unopenable. Also the pods are not interactable.
                  • maddy99

                    maddy99 Big Damn Hero

                    I'm not able to reproduce that and nothing the code does changes animations, however I did find a different error with crab pots which shouldn't cause that, I think. By any chance, can you include the SMAPI log if there's any errors and also what other mods you're using?
                    • Berserker55

                      Berserker55 Master Chief

                      I've put the savegame, log and modlist into this dropbox folder:

                      I should also note, the pods worked fine for at least a week. I left them alone for quite a while after that and when I checked back after a month of so, they were like this.
                      • maddy99

                        maddy99 Big Damn Hero

                        I'm wondering if the mod trying to constantly shove items into them every 10 minutes might have broke them, I've changed how they're handled a bit with the new version if you want to give that a try. Though you might need to break the old ones (if you can) to get those working.
                        • maddy99

                          maddy99 Big Damn Hero

                          Also, forgot to mention, Mill and Hut are now supported in!
                          • Berserker55

                            Berserker55 Master Chief

                            Can't break them, nor the chest. Any ideas?

                            Edit: played the update a bit and noticed my charcoal kiln isn't doing anything.
                            It is directly next to a chest, with 200 wood and 42 coal, but it isn't starting any tasks.
                              Last edited: Oct 17, 2016
                            • maddy99

                              maddy99 Big Damn Hero

                              I believe that's because the status of machines isn't captured properly for every machine and my code to correct mismatched items was seeing it as a failure and removing the item from the list of things to process, I've restricted that code to only the seed maker since that's why it exists to begin with. I did confirm both the kiln breaking in and the kiln working as intended in which is now on the first post.

                              As far as the chest and pots, unfortunately I believe you'll need to use a map editor to remove them. There's nothing in the code to change animations of objects and all that, so I can't really explain what broke them, nor successfully reproduce the issue.
                              • Berserker55

                                Berserker55 Master Chief

                                Well I have no idea about stardew map editors, know of any program that has a good chance of working for a modded save?

                                Also, while I'm here - it's possible to automate the mushroom cave, but it seems the same isn't true for the fruit cave. I've tried just putting a chest there and hoping for the best, but unfortunately nope.

                                Anyway, that might be combinable with an Idea I had while playing;
                                How about, in the config file, allow for the different chest colors to be configured differently? For example, to allow the user to set different chest types, that reflect colors ingame; those would be:
                                allow import (pull output from machines)
                                allow export (export into machines)
                                collect nearby items from ground

                                This way it would be possible to have specific input/output chests, excluded chests for manual operation and allow item sucking without a new entity.
                                • MaddoScientisto

                                  MaddoScientisto Void-Bound Voyager

                                  Where's 2.6.1? I see the changelog but the available file is still 2.6.0
                                  • maddy99

                                    maddy99 Big Damn Hero

                                    I've clearly not had enough coffee. It's up now.
                                    • maddy99

                                      maddy99 Big Damn Hero

                                      As far as tool, going by the NewMachines original topic, people have been using this -

                                      Regarding colors, that might be an interesting way to handle things. It would require the mod being rebuilt from the ground up pretty much, though, so I'll have to give it some thought.

                                      As far as the fruit cave, I've never had one, so I've no idea how it works. I'm assuming that items are left on the ground and must be clicked similiar to coop/barn?
                                      • Berserker55

                                        Berserker55 Master Chief

                                        Yep, that's how the cave works. And it's all fruits, so they can go into preserve jar/keg as well.
                                        • Berserker55

                                          Berserker55 Master Chief

                                          Last edited: Oct 17, 2016

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