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Everything I hoped it would be

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by adamtaa, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. adamtaa

    adamtaa Title Not Found

    Ok so quite simply it is awesome. Yes the beta is rough but it is fairly stable for me and holds a lot of promise.I for one welcome my new time sink and I am so glad I didnt bother with buying a console. This is way more fun and much cheaper.
  2. m33pm33p

    m33pm33p Space Spelunker

    Having a blast myself. Was rough waiting this long but Ive had pretty smooth gameplay since the BETA launch. I would definitely like to see a pause feature implemented soon though.
  3. SqualidMisnomer

    SqualidMisnomer Pangalactic Porcupine

    I agree entirely, the beta is so much better than what I expected; definitely worth the wait for me.
    I've really only encountered one bug, and it's not even that big :3

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