Every planet with a BACKSTORY

Discussion in 'Side Quests' started by maranor, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. maranor

    maranor Void-Bound Voyager

    Hello guys,

    I've been playing Starbound a lot lately and it's a great and fun game. But when playing I still feel like something is missing when exploring new worlds.

    From what I've heard, this game should be also based on Star Gate idea - exploring new worlds, visiting new cultures and so on.
    But when you think about it, what was also the main reason you watched Star Gate? The stories behind every adventure.

    Starbound is full of so many great things. But they aren't connected to the backstory very much. So I thought...How to make exploration and generally playing Starbound more interesting? Connect these thing with Backstories.


    - Backstories for (almost) every planet.

    Some randomly generated, based on things in the world; some based on continuous "storyline."


    Imagine having something like "Goa'uld storyline" here in Starbound. Something what would drive you to other places, force you to explore other planets so you could continue your story.

    The game would have for example 10 "story planets" (more as the story would continue), connected with this main storyline. When the player decides to explore new planet, the game may generate planet with First part of story. If it does, it will randomly generate the Story planet 1 and adds elements needed for the story.

    Like in Stargate, next couple of planets could have random backstory (see bellow), or don't have a story at all.
    Later, the game will generate a planet with the Second part of the main storyline.

    Example of Story planets:

    Some examples of "random" backstories:
    Some examples of "bound" backstories:

    I hope you like the idea of Backstories, I think it would be awesome to have something like this in-game :)
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2014
  2. MPretzel17

    MPretzel17 Aquatic Astronaut

    see the random back story about a volcanic planets core exploding well maybe you should have to make a cold fusion device like in the newest star trek movie and freeze a thick layer of volcanic rock around the core OR make tons of those things they had in the third star-wars for keeping the lave from spewing all over the lava farms
  3. maranor

    maranor Void-Bound Voyager

    Yup, there are many possibilities and many more backstories to be created. But it's kind of a big thing, many players would have to like this suggestion so it gets noticed by devs :up:
  4. maranor

    maranor Void-Bound Voyager

    Sorry, I've moved this to Mechanics, since I feel this is more like a game mechanic, than a simple quest. :oops:
    Can somebody delete it here?

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