Er mur gurd, wherr dur furrrren urpdurt?!?!?!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Leezeebub, Mar 30, 2015.

  1. myomi13

    myomi13 Pangalactic Porcupine

    That is exactly why I don't pre-order games/buy alpha access. You have to really watch what you throw money at nowadays. I think it's funny that update is only 3 days overdue and a lot of peeps are freakin' out. I think we all have indie kickstarter abandonment issues. It's pretty justified, but luckily most of us on this forum are keepin pretty cool and cordial as opposed to sending or posting nasty messages. I hope it doesn't turn toxic at some point.

    @tangledlights I agree for the most part CA is really just one person and that just means any hurdle is gonna take a lot of time. Heck he could've caught some funky stomach bug March 31st and could still be too sick to work.
      kattenjansson likes this.
    • kattenjansson

      kattenjansson Cosmic Narwhal

      I learned the hard way not to preorder/buy during alpha. honestly these days you can throw together a demo, some screenshots, and a decent trailer, and you've made some decent money[DOUBLEPOST=1428090646][/DOUBLEPOST]
      let's be clear: no one here is saying they are entitled to the game because they want it. If you are going to create a fanbase, then you can expect a certain level of demand. The whole basis of selling is to create demand in the first place. We don't know that this is a masterpiece. To draw on what others have said here: an alpha demo and some screenshots, still doesn't mean you will ever play the completed game, or that it will be good. There are people here that were active in getting the game greenlit, promoted the game, are buying multiple copies. Buying blind. The dev should have a certain level of appreciation for that, as should fellow members. NO, that doesn't mean that we are entitled to the game the second we want it (if that were true we would all already be playing it). It just means that, for some of us, random/unclear updates aren't that great. We kind of expect better (in that regard only)

      Don't over-reach and twist this into the idea that people feel entitled to the game. The sooner you understand that, the sooner we can all stop having this circular discussion.
        Last edited: Apr 3, 2015
        Lunarabbit32 likes this.
      • tangledlights

        tangledlights Void-Bound Voyager

        My comment was not a sweeping generalization like yours seems to be. There are definitely some people here who feel an amount of entitlement that I think is inappropriate. I'm one of the ones who has been following the development since 2012, voting for it on greenlight, and intending on buying multiple copies to give to friends and family. I will be one of those blind buyers because I've been hungry for a game that brings back the feeling of an older farming simulation. Heck, I'm one of the ones who bought the Cube World alpha when it first released. I give my money to people and companies I want to support. Sometimes they work out, sometimes they don't, and honestly, that's okay because it's the risk you take - and should be aware of - when supporting indie developers. I've been an assistant developer on many different kinds of projects, both successful and not, which has helped me learn some perspective and patience.

        The freaking out over an update being a few days late is unnecessary entitlement, especially when there are people suddenly bringing up the Cube World/Wollay when I think it's comparing apples to oranges. CA is one person. That's all I'm saying.
          Last edited: Apr 4, 2015
        • WatcherCCG

          WatcherCCG Giant Laser Beams

          I think I ended up completely derailing this discussion and I apologize for that. My statement, as I intended it, was that CA should avoid dropping off the face of the earth and actively avoiding contact. He updates at least once every month, sometimes bi-monthy, and always, always has something to show for it. Plus, he has, as noted, refused to take money or go Early Access, both of which grant customers a certain level of expectation. I respect Ape and I believe he is going to deliver us something magical. I simply brought up a shining example of the complete opposite of the spectrum.
            Lunarabbit32 likes this.
          • Lunarabbit32

            Lunarabbit32 Starship Captain

            Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with a little healthy debate among members. I think it's awesome that we can all come together and talk about things while we wait for the update. Yes, I know it's only been a couple of days. No, I don't think CA is dead or abandoning the game, lol. I am quite proud of CA for all the work he has done and the passion he has put into this game without giving up. I think he is one of the best indie developers out there. I think we're all just a little antsy after years of watching it be developed because we're excited. We post in good fun. It's really cool that he can get us so excited for a game that we're antsy after only a week of missing an update. It's just that good of a game. Huzzah! :)
              Last edited: Apr 4, 2015
              kattenjansson likes this.
            • kattenjansson

              kattenjansson Cosmic Narwhal

              lmao imagine if the game turns out horrible
              that would be so tragic in so many ways shakespeare would blush!
                myomi13 and Lunarabbit32 like this.
              • Dust

                Dust Giant Laser Beams

                Don't jynx it.
                • oath2order

                  oath2order Parsec Taste Tester

                  oh god that sucks

                  oops i did >.>

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