Enraged Koala Hotfix / Content update #5

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by kyren, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. SpaceKGreen

    SpaceKGreen Existential Complex

    Ooh, quick question. I did visit my home planet so I'm pretty sure it's in the current database, but will I still have the planet my home planet is orbiting? Haven't visited it since before Enraged...

    ...Will I still have the solar system my home planet is actually in?
  2. SweFox

    SweFox Guest

    How is it hard to understand? If you want to keep a world, you visit it, if you already have then it's already stored.
    renbear likes this.
  3. Yet the game has "Hell" in multiple other places. Maybe it's not intended to be a "hell" biome.
  4. Ultra mutant 336

    Ultra mutant 336 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Have fun with that then. Meanwhile.

    Raaandom dancing!
  5. Jetpack725

    Jetpack725 Guest

    Alpha bug fix yes
  6. Ultra mutant 336

    Ultra mutant 336 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Apparently the notion is worse than the use of the word. In other words. Who the hell really knows? Eh?
  7. Crimms

    Crimms Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I kinda have to side with zugz on this one:
    Because of Steam auto-applying the patch, one cannot actually go visit his old world without the patch installing first. And how does one learn of said patch before it installs (without having to check on the frontpage of playstarbound every 5 minutes or so)?

    The wording Kyren used indicated that, but I assume the actual message was something like: If you want to keep your world from oblivion, go visit it before moving anywhere else, so it saves in the new celestial map/thing.
    uHu and Liktorn like this.
  8. hrafnkel

    hrafnkel Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "Small update," still 481MB. A+ Chucklefish. No more comprehensive patch notes, no smaller update sizes, goodbye installation.
    Blue Hair and Liktorn like this.
  9. Small content update, still debugging symbols.
    Ping likes this.
  10. D-16

    D-16 Spaceman Spiff

    so i take it "updates wont be as big" really means "we're not going to be updating the exe"

    just so there is no misunderstanding, i have no opinion about this, just stating an observation.
  11. Iznano4nik

    Iznano4nik Big Damn Hero

    omg, "small" 480mb.
    terraria 60mb client btw
  12. Huckleberry Len

    Huckleberry Len Void-Bound Voyager

    I had to Google debugging symbols, as I am not a programmer and didn't know what they were. That said, I can now see why they are necessary with all the variables etc. in the game. So, at least I learned something today. On a side note, and although I do sometimes grumble at the file size, and some of the other (at least in my opinion) issues; I do appreciate the work and am greatly enjoying the game. Thank you all for your hard work and energy.
    Gorlan likes this.
  13. Jerimis

    Jerimis Void-Bound Voyager

    And Starbound is 2 GB Client.
    so what do you wanna tell us ?
    Gorlan and Ping like this.
  14. D-16

    D-16 Spaceman Spiff

    also, i am confused about the note. you cannot enter planets into the NEW database without applying the patch. any planet visited is automatically saved, so... what does the patch note mean?
  15. Borgius

    Borgius Tentacle Wrangler

    this outrage, the server and are not fixed! as falls and fall
  16. D-16

    D-16 Spaceman Spiff

    no, starbound's client is about 11MB (as shown by opengl exe). the other 400-odd MB come from the debugging symbols, in the directx exe.

    the client is not the content.
    Leak likes this.
  17. Keep up the good work. I mainly want to see and/or figure out the planet failing bug. Some planets will fail, vanish, and then return later. (After a few restarts)
    Very bizarre.
  18. keyofnight

    keyofnight Aquatic Astronaut

    ITT: lots of snark. ;) Alpha/Beta testing requires patience and lowered expectations. We are here for the sole purpose of catching and reporting bugs / problems after all.

    Keep up the awesome work, Chucklefish!
    Ping likes this.
  19. Neko_Kotori

    Neko_Kotori Void-Bound Voyager

    I like the updates but please update the starbound launcher version number to atleast mention which hotfix we're currently running on, Mine still displays Enraged Koala 18/02/14 but I know its updated multiple times since then.

    TBH Since I cannot play the game I distrust steam updating automatically and given minor updates/fixes, If I restart my system since an update, the only way I will find out of a patch is to go on your forums, it really shouldnt be that difficult. Especially when the current version of the game could make the difference between playable and unplayable for some users. its somthing that should be made more visible instead of relying on the steam downloads section to say that starbound has been updated.

    Developers always let people know which specific version they're using even down to the hotfixes. I've never seen this skipped in other beta's and regularly updated games until now. You've taken a few pages from minecrafts development and keeping the launcher up to date should be one of them.

    Edit: The game should also have its version/hotfix number in the corner beside Enraged Koala too.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2014
    Scarletting, Uxt, Kittails and 2 others like this.
  20. rammur

    rammur Aquatic Astronaut

    How bout a character delte option i mean that should be an option and maybe some sorta unread/read option for the codex its a pain lookin for entried i havnt already read.

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