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RELEASED EnhancedTemperature 1.3.2 reup

Adds a more complex temperature system to starbound

  1. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    I still can't understand why Chucklefish scrapped the previous temperature system. That was a terrible decision IMO. I could definitely see disabling it for casual, but beyond that all they did is make Starbound less than whole. Your mods should exist to adjust and expand upon the system, not attempt it's replacement. No offense intended towards either of you of course, but this is the sort of thing that SHOULD be handled by the game engine itself on the C++ side of things for performance reasons. It should be baked in. Obviously Chucklefish disagrees and thus such mods become necessary.

    I haven't checked out how this particular mod works in practice yet(pending FU patch). How while we've not been given access to place a hud on screen like the old system utilized, I believe there is the particle system that might substitute. For example it was once used to indicate the need to interact with the tech station, but sourced from the tier0 ship lockers. The object's had this in the JSON.

    "particleEmitter" : {
      "emissionRate" : 1,
      "pixelOrigin" : [164, 27],
      "particle" : {
      "type" : "textured",
      "image" : "/objects/ship/emid.png",
      "size" : 1,
      "color" : [255, 255, 255, 255],
      "fade" : 0.0,
      "initialVelocity" : [0.0, 0],
      "finalVelocity" : [0.0, 0],
      "approach" : [0, 0],
      "timeToLive" : 0.5,
      "layer" : "front",
      "fullbright" : true

    That makes me think about making the player a particle emitter using the animation system - as a substitute for proper hud access.

    heating.png arrowfreezing.png arrowleft.png arrowright.png arrowwarming.png empty.png freezing.png freezingbar.png heatingbar.png

    In effect I don't think it would be much different than what we had.
  2. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    Hm that particle stuff could be what i was looking for...i'll experiment around with it after i finished the patch ^-^ Thanks :)

    ~ Iris ~
  3. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    I can tell you techs make use of it(all the effects you see). They would use the player's position as the source but no reason you couldn't spawn the particle just north of the player's position. Although I'd expect the status system is a better fit than requiring techs and would work much the same way.

    The small downside is multiplayer peeps seeing this particle, but that isn't a big deal IMO. Still that's why a hud would be better if we had it.
  4. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    I wonder if activeItem.interact could be used to open a gui which displays the temperature and exposure bar (according to the api doc it is possible). This would require an item to open the gui but would prevent the particle spam in multiplayer when there are a lot of ppl crowded. I'll write both possibilities down >v<

    ~ Iris ~
  5. dareddevil7

    dareddevil7 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Will you be adding any insulating clothing with armor value?
  6. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    I'm going to import every equipment piece that is currently present in vanilla starbound but this won't happen before 2.0 because there will be significant changes to the core system. Actually all equipment parts except the ones listed in the codex ingame provide standard protection as long as weared in the normal armor slot.
    Before 2.0 there will be 1.2 which adds compatibility for FU. After this i won't release any updates (except bugfixes if needed) until 2.0 is finished.

    ~ Iris ~
    greenRAM likes this.
  7. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    The release of the compatibility patch will be around saturday or sunday this week. If something changes i'll post it here.

    ~ Iris ~
    bk3k, SivCorp and Inf_Wolf14 like this.
  8. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    Iris Blanche updated EnhancedTemperature with a new update entry:

    Savannah Biome Fix

    Read the rest of this update entry...
    Inf_Wolf14 likes this.
  9. greenRAM

    greenRAM Giant Laser Beams

    Here's some suggestions after playing with this a little:

    I played it through and I got stuck on the first challenge in the game, gathering Core Fragments near the planet's core. Going down that deep kills the character by way of hyperthermia. Perhaps I missed something, as I headed down straight from the first mine with all the starter gear, and didn't take a break to craft anything. If nothing has been added yet to address this problem, you might still need to introduce something early on to keep characters' alive through that first challenge. Perhaps just adding custom stims to the starter gear in your ship that cools you down temporarily would be enough to make this a little more playable, and still make hyperthermia a early threat. Making them craftable from Core Fragments might be a funny way of balancing the continued "cooling stim" use with acquiring more Core Fragments.
  10. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    There is still a lot of balancing to do so any suggestions and feedbacks are appreciated :) I thought about adding effects to food and add exposure protection to all equipment parts (even bring some new equip). With 1.2 which will be released on saturday or sunday the exposure calculation will be delayed by 2-3 ticks so it takes longer to change. It seems that it's processing too fast. The idea with the stims isn't bad. I'll add it to my todo list :)

    ~ Iris ~
  11. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    Well i didn't expect 1.1 to arrive before i finish the 1.2 update. On the other side it is now easier to make compatibility patches because i don't need the statuseffects anymore (which also results in an autoimport for pre-EHT worlds). >v< Well however....vanilla starbound added new biome types so it'll happen that some biomes won't have any temperature calculation. The status effects will be kept on "old" biomes and also in the mod to prevent log spam about missing status effects.

    1.2 now will include:
    - Exposure rebalancing (will progress slower)
    - Auto import (no more compatibility cards needed >v<)
    - Space suit behaviour for airless biomes
    - Novakid objects included into heat sources (some of them are already present)
    - FU compatibility patch (yep finally ;) )
    - BetterBarren Elysium worlds compatibility patch (was requested)
    - Previously wrong named "svannah"-status to prevent log spam on 1.1.4 pre-generated savannah worlds

    1.2 will be the "final content update" before 2.0 (bugfixes will still be released)

    ~ Iris ~
  12. Toa_Derax

    Toa_Derax Pangalactic Porcupine

    I think a lot more people will be looking into this, once the changes are live.
    I know I will be.
  13. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    I'm sorry to bring up this news but i have to delay the FU compatibility patch. There are some problems in getting the right size for the bigger fu planets (xwrap > 9999)
    I'll have to find a way to bypass this limit to get the current planet size.

    ~ Iris ~
  14. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    Hey folks >v<

    Sooo sorry for the delay of the patch + compatibility patch but i'll make a few additions in exchange (some of them are already finished):
    - More rebalancing in exposure calculation
    - The current armor protection value will affect exposure raise -> the higher your protection the slower you will suffer from hyperthermia and hypothermia
    - Exposure protected vanity items will be moved to the costume slot and stack with the armor rating so you can keep your armor and survive extreme cold/hot locations without having to worry about being 1 shotted by monsters
    - Deadly Heat and Deadly Chill no longer deal damage when visiting those planets without the appropriate epp but they will cause the max level of hypothermia/hyperthermia (this makes it possible to survive on those planets when you have hybrid sources placed)
    - Fixed weather detection
    - Added status effect detection (mostly affects fu patch, slightly vanilla)
    - Temperature detection is no longer biome driven, it's planet driven. This change must be made to keep the auto import (affects fu patch with 3 planet types)
    - Eventually i'll add the augments too (not sure though so don't expect it)

    As for the patches:
    Better Barren - Elysium Worlds is nearly finished. I only have to write the codex for it.
    Fu compatibility patch will be revamped due to above additions

    Current release plan:
    -> EHT 1.2 update: Friday
    -> Elysium worlds compatibility patch: Friday
    -> FrackinUniverse compatibility patch: Friday

    Thanks for all the feedback i received so far. I really appreciate it :3

    ~ Iris ~
    bk3k likes this.
  15. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    Iris Blanche updated EnhancedTemperature with a new update entry:

    Update 1.2

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  16. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    I still haven't used it quite yet but will once I can with FU. I'll be patient until then, even if I am anxious to use it. :D

    And I haven't unpacked to look at your code yet, but in case you're still figuring out how to handle heat sources I have a suggestion. A very basic mockup of putting temperature changes

    function changeTemp(sourceTemp, insulationFactor)
      insulationFactor = insulationFactor or 1.00
      local changeFraction = 100
        --so that it doesn't change the temp too much in a single tick
        --the actual number you'd want to use is something to experiment with
      local diffTemp = sourceTemp - storage.currentTemp
        --in theory if the sourceTemp was colder than storage.currentTemp, you would loose heat instead
      local alteration = (diffTemp * insulationFactor) / changeFraction
        --It will never fully equalize temperature, but larger difference result is larger adjustments.
      storage.currentTemp = storage.currentTemp - alteration
    It would only make a fraction of the change per function call. So you call it periodically(update paired with a timer) instead for gradual changes. It solves the issue of people wanting to spam lots of heat sources. That just isn't going to work with this implimentation. A single really hot source would, but soon they could overheat instead! That makes it rather realistic.

    What's more - a temperature source (which could be ambient air) - would warm if it is warmer than the player, or cool if it is cooler than the player. It isn't something you'd have to think about... it just works naturally.

    insulationFactor would be affected by armor(as I believe you're already doing) and probably also could be affected by being immersed in liquids. That in turn makes cold oceans and lava all the more dangerous. And that could REPLACE the burning status effect that lava gives you. Note that insulation would slow warming and cooling equally... which again is realistic.

    Possibly you have this all figured out already and/or prefer it your way more so than my suggested method. I won't take offense. Your mod, your way.

    Another possible suggestion - you might also take into consideration if a species is supposed to be warm blooded. A relatively small passive raise to temperature. But that would make the warm blooded have an easier time on cold planets, and a harder time on hot planets. You'd just have a species check function, and if it doesn't match a known string then you just default it to one or the other. Different species may also have different "comfort zones" aka a range of temperatures for which they don't suffer damage. And of course you'd need a default range for species not in your list of strings.

    edited:even though not needed, after a little rest I realized my formula didn't make sense. This makes more sense. My ocd wouldn't just let it be even if it doesn't matter.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2016
  17. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    Races will be implemented with 2.0. It's already on my todo list :D The heat/hybrid source detection is already in and working really good so far but thanks for your suggestion. ^-^
    Actual it's safe to use EHT with mods even if they don't have a compatibility patch. I changed the biome detection to the planets terrestial type so there are no more compatibility cards or environmental status effects needed to import previous generated worlds.
    Most of the mod is config controlled. Only object patches are needed for torches or other objects that have something like an on/off state.

    As for the air...i'll consider it but it can get really difficult to implement it. I'll add it to my list but i it will be more at the bottom.

    Also thanks for all the input you gave me. :) I appreciate it.

    ~ Iris ~
  18. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    So since i have no idea where and how to start...I want to add an immersive/rp-friendly codex with EHT 2.0 that explains the whole exposure and temperature system. Something like a diary or so... Well however....i have no clue how to write it or where to start. If anyone is intereseted and wants to write one i'd greatly appreciate the help. The codex creator will definitly be mentioned in the credits and also ingame in the main codex. I'm also thinking about adding new objects as heat and hybrid sources but my graphic skills are below 0 xD

    Note: These are actual plans and the results won't be added soon!

    If someone is interested in helping me with this stuff contact me via pm :)
    Thanks for reading >v<

    ~ Iris ~
    Crossfang and SivCorp like this.
  19. greenRAM

    greenRAM Giant Laser Beams

    I ran through the game with this mod, and it felt pretty good on moderate worlds. I pulled off my gear when I started overheating, and I pulled it all back on when the temperature dropped again. When I reached the frozen planets I started to have problems though. A blizzard came in, so I found shelter and started a fire, but my exposure kept rising regardless. It didn't feel like shelter or a fire was working. The blizzard went away and I got out and got into a fight with someone, then my exposure quickly jumped through the stages until I died of freezing before I got halfway through the fight. The two problems that I can see from this is that getting into a tent or standing by a fire should make the player feel like it's having more of an effect. As well, when exposure does kick in, it should never jump too quikly through the stages. In this case it was faster then it took to get done with combat and bunker down.

    If it's possible, I'd suggest pausing exposure during combat. Also, I'd suggest that sleeping and being by a fire not just reduce exposure by some indiscernible amount, but instead neutralize it to some very obvious degree. If you set up camp and sleep in a tent it should feel like you're weathering a storm or getting through a very cold night in relative comfort. Exaggerating the positive effects may not be that balanced for gameplay, but it will be a strong set of signs to make the player know when they're doing the right thing and when they're not.

    I hope this feedback helps. It feels like it's getting there, but it may still need some polishing still. This project has come a long way in a short amount of time. Great work so far!
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2016
  20. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    How fast was hypothermia raising? Was it nighttime? Which equip did you wear? Did you have the epp for it but the deadly chill effect was still there?

    For determining if the player is in a tent (or bed) i haven't found a proper way to get this info yet but the tents (and beds) are already on my list.
    For the combat...this can be really hard to achieve even impossible. When does the combat start? When does it end? How to prevent exploiting it?

    ~ Iris ~

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