Electricity Generation

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by DemonlordHatty, Mar 24, 2012.


Did you think this was a good idea?

  1. Yes, it sounds good.

  2. No, why would you ever think of this?

  3. Yes, but it could be better.

  1. Assassinsillusion

    Assassinsillusion Starship Captain

    I would think there should possibly be a no wiring at all it detects a base and if you have a power source you simply need to connect it to a main control for it then you wire this to the switches or wall then the lights doors and other extensions of the switched get automatically added to the grid. Sort of like the energy of the carrier you loose a permanent amount with everything you hook up to the main console.
  2. uiomancan

    uiomancan Subatomic Cosmonaut

    What about water energy. Flowing water could be made by attaching a wheel with paddles (Dont know what it is called) to the water to create electricity.
  3. Senego Trainz

    Senego Trainz Subatomic Cosmonaut


    And here is what I think a fusion reactor should look like. I started doodleling while idleling at work, and then some.. then things went out of hand completely!

    But the idea was not to show of but to show what i would like to see in starbound. So far we have not seen any superstructures that give an impression of the power they represent and a fusion reactor is certainly some powerfull object.
    The scale is actually somewhat 1:1 compared to the tiny humans you find when you look closely and taking ITER, the soon to be finished fusion reactor as a reference, which I did.
    The next thing was making it interesting, not just a box/big house without windows like the real thing seen from outside.
    So when every house you build in starbound is seen in a cutaway view, why not plants, machines also. A fusion reactor is big enough to walk into anyway.
    Of course lighting and animation of the plasma chamber would have to be dynamic and animated.

  4. Need infinite power?
    Get it!
  5. enemarius86

    enemarius86 Cosmic Narwhal

    hahahahaha this is the coolest power generator ever!
    blind sniper likes this.
  6. Eccentric

    Eccentric Pangalactic Porcupine

    I find this necessary.
    It would be so cool.
  7. Geckoala

    Geckoala Void-Bound Voyager

    I made this for fun, I love this idea, and this is my support :
    It's an....electric generator, powered by...an unknown thing ><

    x1 Scale :

    ARGH Scale :

    Enjoy :)
    TTCBuilder and enemarius86 like this.
  8. Magnificent! If you're interested, take a look at this post. Though it is valid only for when I will actually start working on mod and when modding tools for Starbound as well as Starbound itself will be released. But just bear in mind, that in near future via good art & animation you will be able to earn yourself some $ to get game(s) on Steam.
    Geckoala likes this.
  9. Geckoala

    Geckoala Void-Bound Voyager

    Ok it's cool :) Sprites posted in your topic ;)
    And there is another one :
  10. JoshF

    JoshF Void-Bound Voyager

    Dams or other generators that use water movement, for ocean worlds.

    Chemical energy, such as battery cells.

    I think a low tech option for a stationary bike or hamster wheel would be funny.
    TTCBuilder likes this.
  11. TTCBuilder

    TTCBuilder Jackpot!

    He's discovered how they powered the death star!
    Ten million ewoks on hamster wheels.
    JoshF likes this.
  12. Saber Cherry

    Saber Cherry Big Damn Hero

    Fusion puts the "Star" in Starbound. Without fusion, it would just be Earthbound.
  13. TTCBuilder

    TTCBuilder Jackpot!

    I don't think anyone would want to walk into the fusion chamber itself...
    Very nice design though ;)
  14. Senego Trainz

    Senego Trainz Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Its actually a cutaway view. Since a tokamak fusion reactor has enormous proportions with the most interesting part invisble, i figured this was the only way to show the actual fusion process. I even discussed this in my posts as a principle for large structures.
    So you can't walk into the chamber, but you can walk around it if you look closely. I made hatches and ladders to walk the outer hull.
  15. This is exactly reason, why in my planned mod I intend to make all complex structures modular and room-based.

    Do you remember that in Terraria in order to build house, you had to make closed room and have bed inside it? Well, same thing in my mod, just much more complex and advanced.

    This is mock-up how will look Fission Power Plant:
    This power plant consist from:
    1x Improved Console - to configure speed and output of all modules used in building.
    1x Enrichment Chamber - isotope must be further enriched first before can be used.
    1x Isotope Storage - we need to store somewhere radioactive material, without being affected by radiation.
    1x Radioactive Waste Storage - used isotopes are sent here for disposal or further usage.
    1x Fission Reaction Chamber - generates energy from fission reaction of isotopes.
    3x Coolant Units - sends coolant liquid to reduce temperature of other modules.
    10x Capacitors - store volatile energy and stabilize it to normal energy.
    1x Power Output Connector - adds generated energy to global or local energy grid.

    This is Fission Power Plant's connections layout:
    Red Cable - optical cable for control and management of each module.
    Brown Cable - transporter tube for resource/stuff transfer between modules.
    Blue Cable - liquids tube for liquids transfer between modules, in picture it transfers coolant to modules.
    Green Cable - volatility cable for transferring unstable energy through the entire system. To transfer power across they base and not withing construction, you will need another cable.
    Reddish/Bluish/Brownish/Greenish Dots - linkers that actually connect link cable and module behind it.

    In addition to everything, room of every construction will have it's own special environment, based on modules used. For example if construction will require extensive cooling and room will be filled with cooling units, temperature withing room will be very cold. Same goes for radioactive stuff, increased radiation levels & etc.

    Though, some building will be single and won't require entire room to make them, but might require room filled with capacitors to store produced energy, like this Deployable Wind Turbine:

    If you want, you already can go to my planned mod post, check list of modules to start drawing and posting there - once I will begin modding, I will choose suitable sprites and will buy you stuff in Steam for earned $.
  16. Senego Trainz

    Senego Trainz Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Thats interesting, and a solution - IF you consider huge structures with fixed layout a problem in the first place.

    I would support and play a mod where you can create complex plants that way, letting the player deal with the problems by themselves.
    But, my idea was not to point out a problem by pixeling a fusionreactor that took me days, i wanted to highlight an visual opportunity for the game.​
    Imagine a base or city build of sprites this size, reflecting the technological progress of the player, as well as the capacity of the structure proportional to its magnitude.
    How could a reactor the size of a beverage dispenser, based on known technology, power a city? That does not make sense for me even in a game.​

    So this slightly off-topic, as was your concept by the way. We are now talking about general game mechanics for complex machinery, probably in mods only.​
    Why does a fusion reactor has to fit on screen? This game simulates a galaxy of planets and stars, there will be no real limits for expansion and development. So why has everything to be in conveniant 20pixel walking range. Apply your concept and make it huge and visually more attractive. Dissect my reactor into the functional elements in your concept, because its all there actually :) and you have my full support. Even sprite support.
    Allthough i think they allready went wireless for controls. And wiring stuff up sucks in real life as much as in games, i would go for drag and drop connections without physical cables.​
  17. Minimization.​
    Who said that it's known technology?​
    Because I'm the one who makes mod and decide scale. If you're unhappy with it, you can do your own mod.
    CPU resources are quite limited.​
    Because I decided so, since it's my mod.​
    It will be only more attractive to you. Base will have too much components, to allow one reactor be at size of entire base.​
    Just make your own mod.​
    I do know how and can make good sprites, but it just will take time for me, that I can use for coding.​
  18. Senego Trainz

    Senego Trainz Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It seems you got me wrong, i did not criticize your mod whatsoever. I simply stated my opinion concerning certain aspects of the game, and why they would differ with your mod. Mod coding is all about pushing your own ideas, so why would i want to change your mod? But different opinions, thats something you simply have to deal with on a forum, no need to be sulky.
  19. TheKrister2

    TheKrister2 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Love this
    You have my support! <3
  20. Magikos

    Magikos Space Hobo

    I just bought this game and this was something I was wondering about, and something I would love to see. I know it is probably something hard to add at this point in development- but I feel it would be totally worth it and add significantly to game play.. A survival game needs all aspects, you've already got health, hunger and temperature. Getting and maintaining power for more advanced gear is something I feel would play a serious roll.

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