Electricity Generation

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by DemonlordHatty, Mar 24, 2012.


Did you think this was a good idea?

  1. Yes, it sounds good.

  2. No, why would you ever think of this?

  3. Yes, but it could be better.

  1. Woodledude

    Woodledude Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Yes, I like it... needlessly complicated, but not overly complicated. And just one for the defense of complicated things: Life would be boring if we could solve all of our problems with boxes. Thank you for considering my ideas valuable... Assuming you did. No offense, but honestly, I can't tell. :rofl:
  2. I have the feeling, that we are speaking about very similar things.
    Here I've dropped idea about advanced building of everything: power plants, research labs, factories, facilities, defence turrets & etc.
    And here I've dropped idea about all possible energy sources.
  3. DemonlordHatty

    DemonlordHatty Void-Bound Voyager

    You've caught me red-handed, good sir. I did indeed value your suggestions.
    I don't exactly know how to respond... :p.... um.... Yes? I suppose they are very similar.
  4. DemonlordHatty

    DemonlordHatty Void-Bound Voyager

    How about those likes, huh? Those of you that would like to see this idea, threads with lots of likes are always eye-catchers! ;)
    Also, ideas. I would love some more.
  5. DemonlordHatty

    DemonlordHatty Void-Bound Voyager

    Man, I really don't want this thread to die just yet.... :/
  6. Woodledude

    Woodledude Subatomic Cosmonaut

    There's really not much else to say. Unless you can expand on the topic (which, by the way, the title doesn't allow for much of that), or come up with more ideas, this thing just might be dead. Don't worry, I know how you feel. I started a clan that no one ever posted to... Well, one guy posted a video, but it got deleted or something. T_T
  7. GlobularDuke

    GlobularDuke Phantasmal Quasar

    Idea = powered by a little tredmile
  8. DemonlordHatty

    DemonlordHatty Void-Bound Voyager

    So like... Powered by a captured enemy or something? That sounds pretty awesome.
  9. GlobularDuke

    GlobularDuke Phantasmal Quasar

    make penguin slaves
    Casimir likes this.
  10. jon218

    jon218 Phantasmal Quasar

    I think if its the future, and fictional, then you could probably harness the power of stars. (Which is technically nuclear power) But there could be oil platform type things on the sun/other stars. This would be cool. Just trying to keep more energy ideas coming!
  11. GlobularDuke

    GlobularDuke Phantasmal Quasar

    That may be bit hard considering we will travel by a star map
  12. jon218

    jon218 Phantasmal Quasar

    Really? I have been wondering about the travel in the game for a while, is this in the Released Info thread?
  13. GlobularDuke

    GlobularDuke Phantasmal Quasar

    I think it was in a Q and A session may be in the Info section
    Edit : Yes it is on the released info
  14. DemonlordHatty

    DemonlordHatty Void-Bound Voyager

    Hmm, if it's a desert planet, how about power generated from natural heat? Ooooh, that's sounds good, I think I'll play with that.
  15. I wrote it already. Source of energy as natural heat - Geothermal Power Plant :)
  16. VandBRT

    VandBRT Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Very good spritework, I love it! Also, if you could draw a tidal generator, it would be even more awesome. That way we could build a Total Annihilation-like base.
  17. DeVoid

    DeVoid Void-Bound Voyager

    I'd suggest a smaller nuclear power generator. Much smaller ones have been made, such as the one powering the Curiosity Rover on Mars. And they run on the power behind nuclear decay, so it can be powered by not only the decay of uranium, but by thorium, plutonium, and a few other elements.
  18. VandBRT

    VandBRT Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Nice, but there is a problem - player character won't have much resources to go around, and nuclear reactors can't be built with scrap metal, cold smithing and basic tools. Wind turbines can, and they will provide an existing power grid to build higher-output generators, like fission/fusion ones.
    I had an idea about using/salvaging crashed ships' power generators, but this belongs to another forum branch.
  19. Tea Mate

    Tea Mate Existential Complex

    As long as i can use a giant hamster. Not for the electricity it would generate. Simply for the sheer amusement of having my highly-scientific devices to be powered by a hamster. And so i could boast about it to friends. And for the low level of risk involved. And for the simplicity involved(won't have to search for what is broken for long). And...
    Wait a minute. Hamsters are probably the best way to make energy. We should power our cities using hamsters.

    Just kidding of course. I am not sure about this idea. Perhaps if it's an optional one it might be nice. You know, if it was used only to increase the power of things you have already made/built.
  20. DeVoid

    DeVoid Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm down for hamsters and I'm not kidding :geek:

    You have very good points, but, assuming space travel is commonplace, there are probably lots of advanced materials that could work. If we can build spaceships and mechs, we could probably get hooked up with some nuclear power :coffee:

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