Modding Discussion Easy way to spawn items.

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Zidonuke, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. Clockwork

    Clockwork Master Astronaut

    You need another ] after the beamaxe
  2. Gemdragon

    Gemdragon Space Spelunker

    Okay so I added another ] after the beamaxe so now it looks like this.
    "id" : "apextutorial.gearup",
    "title" : "^#9be3d6;On The Run.",
    "text" : "The Miniknog has crushed the Apex rebellion. You have escaped with your life intact by hijacking a Miniknog ship. The ship has run out of fuel in orbit of an unknown planet. Before setting out in search of fuel, ^green;search your ship's storage for a ^pink;matter manipulator^white;. Press ^green;E ^white;to interact with objects.",
    "completionText" : "Well done! The matter manipulator allows you to manipulate almost anything in the gameworld.",
    "conditions" : [
    { "kind" : "gather", "item" : [ "beamaxe", 1], [ "ocarina", 1]
    "moneyRange" : [10, 10],
    "rewards" : [
    [ [ "ocarina", 1 ], [ "beamaxe", 1]
    ] ],
    "planetMode" : "none",
    "questDungeons" : [ ],
    "followUp" : "tutorial2.gearup"
    I am still getting an error when I try to launch the new character.
  3. Gnomechompski

    Gnomechompski Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Fixed my problem, I use Notepad++ ! Work like a charm!
  4. Xirukai

    Xirukai Pangalactic Porcupine

    "id" : "apextutorial.gearup",
    "title" : "^#9be3d6;On The Run.",
    "text" : "The Miniknog has crushed the Apex rebellion. You have escaped with your life intact by hijacking a Miniknog ship. The ship has run out of fuel in orbit of an unknown planet. Before setting out in search of fuel, ^green;search your ship's storage for a ^pink;matter manipulator^white;. Press ^green;E ^white;to interact with objects.",
    "completionText" : "Well done! The matter manipulator allows you to manipulate almost anything in the gameworld.",
    "conditions" : [
    { "kind" : "gather", "item" : [ "beamaxe", 1]
    "moneyRange" : [10, 10],
    "rewards" : [
    [ "ocarina", 1 ],
    [ "beamaxe", 1]
    "planetMode" : "none",
    "questDungeons" : [ ],
    "followUp" : "tutorial2.gearup"
    There, copy paste this into the apex tutorial, it should work now.
  5. Mewbone

    Mewbone Phantasmal Quasar

    The problem is that you can only have 2 rewards or else it will crash, my friend figured out how to fix it but I can't for the love of god remeber what he said to me.
  6. iZLA

    iZLA Space Spelunker

    i managed to get this to work and spawned in targeted blink, but i can activate it. i tried it on the tech console and using it in inventory
  7. Aigis

    Aigis Tentacle Wrangler

    Simply not true. I have 104 rewards (including the Matter Manipulator).

    Make sure you're adding -chip to the end. It works fine using this;

    [ "targetblinktech-chip", 1],
    iZLA likes this.
  8. Gryzbow

    Gryzbow Void-Bound Voyager

    Can someone help me? I cant get these to work for the life of me.

    "rewards" : [
    [ "dashTech-chip", 1],
    [ "humanMechTech-chip", 1],
    [ "morphballTech-chip",1],
    [ "jetpackTech-chip", 1]
    [ "apextier10daggersword", 1],
    [ "neolegs", 1 ],
    [ "neoback", 1 ],
    [ "neochest", 1 ],
    [ "neohead", 1 ]
    [ "apextier9legs", 1 ],
    [ "apextier9chest", 1],
    [ "apextier9head", 1],
    [ "laserminerminingtool", 1],
    [ "legendarypistolgeneratedgun", 1],
    [ "glitchtier10shortswordsword", 1],
    [ "apextier10daggersword", 1]
    [ "grapplinghook", 2],
    [ "rocketjumpTech-chip", 1],
    [ "beamaxe", 1]
  9. Xirukai

    Xirukai Pangalactic Porcupine

    "rewards" : [
      [ "dashTech-chip", 1],
      [ "humanMechTech-chip", 1],
      [ "morphballTech-chip",1],
      [ "jetpackTech-chip", 1]
      [ "apextier10daggersword", 1],
      [ "neolegs", 1 ],
      [ "neoback", 1 ],
      [ "neochest", 1 ],
      [ "neohead", 1 ],
      [ "apextier9legs", 1 ],
      [ "apextier9chest", 1],
      [ "apextier9head", 1],
      [ "laserminerminingtool", 1],
      [ "glitchtier10shortswordsword", 1],
      [ "apextier10daggersword", 1]
      [ "grapplinghook", 2],
      [ "rocketjumpTech-chip", 1],
      [ "beamaxe", 1]
    There, fixed.

    You cant spawn a random generated gun in the rewards though! So I removed that entry too.
  10. Aigis

    Aigis Tentacle Wrangler

    I suggest firstly to go through and check all your item names are correct, because from just looking I can see that the name for that Glitch sword is wrong and, less importantly, you can't use generated guns like that, they need to actually be generated via a drop table and such. The latter doesn't cause an error though, simply gives you a "perfectly generic item."
  11. ARTdrakon

    ARTdrakon Void-Bound Voyager

    Here is ready made file with all top items in my opinion.
    if you want use it with other races, you need to change a few lines from "human" to race you want to use.

    File code:
    "id" : "humantutorial.gearup",
    "title" : "^#9be3d6;There's No Place Like Home",
    "text" : "Earth has been ripped apart. You have been in search of a new home for some time. Finally your ship has run out of fuel in orbit of an unknown planet. Before setting out in search of fuel, ^green;search your ship's storage for a ^pink;matter manipulator^white;. Press ^green;E ^white;to interact with objects.",
    "completionText" : "Well done! The matter manipulator allows you to manipulate almost anything in the gameworld.",
    "conditions" : [
    { "kind" : "gather", "item" : [ "beamaxe", 1] }
    "moneyRange" : [10, 10],
    "rewards" : [
    [ [ "buster", 1],
    [ "bubblegun", 1],
    [ "rocketjump-chip", 1],
    [ "morphballTech-chip", 1],
    [ "miningdrill", 1],
    [ "humanMechTech-chip", 1],
    [ "hoverTech-chip", 1],
    [ "jetpackTech-chip", 1],
    [ "doublejumpTech-chip", 1],
    [ "dashTech-chip", 1],
    [ "butterflyboost-chip", 1],
    [ "bubbleboost-chip", 1],
    [ "cameramanboost-chip", 1],
    [ "targetblinktech-chip", 1],
    [ "banana", 1],
    [ "gravgun", 1],
    [ "chainsaw", 1],
    [ "humantier10hammer", 1],
    [ "humantier10broadsword", 1],
    [ "harp", 1],
    [ "saxophone", 1],
    [ "rocket1", 1],
    [ "cameramanhead", 1],
    [ "fishsomething", 1],
    [ "grapplinghook", 1],
    [ "superfishaxe", 1],
    [ "humantier10pants", 1],
    [ "humantier10head", 1],
    [ "humantier10chest", 1],
    [ "beamaxe", 1] ]
    "planetMode" : "none",
    "questDungeons" : [ ],
    "followUp" : "tutorial2.gearup"
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2013
  12. NightmareX91

    NightmareX91 Phantasmal Quasar

    How would one acquire a coloured cape using this method?
  13. cabowabo4000

    cabowabo4000 Void-Bound Voyager

    How would one spawn a randomly generated gun using this technique?
  14. Polyforce

    Polyforce Aquatic Astronaut

    Here whoever wanted the ocarina, this should help

    @colored cape dude

  15. eran100

    eran100 Void-Bound Voyager

    you forgot to add tech-chip to some tech stuff.
    C0BsT3R likes this.
  16. dboys742

    dboys742 Void-Bound Voyager

    does anyone know how to get the eyesword or the deathstick to work i keep getting perfectly generic object when i try
  17. NightmareX91

    NightmareX91 Phantasmal Quasar

    I'm talking about the simplecapeback, not the rainbow cape.
  18. Aigis

    Aigis Tentacle Wrangler

    [ "simplecapeback", 1],
    It can't be done this way. However, if you navigate to assets\treasure and open "hunting.treasurepools" you can modify the drops gained from hunting. An example of this would be;

      "hunting" : [
        [1, {
            "pool" : [
              [0.125, [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "legendarygrenadelauncher" } ] ],
              [0.125, [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "legendaryassaultrifle" } ] ],
              [0.125, [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "rareplasmashotgun" } ] ],
             [0.125, [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "legendaryflamethrower" } ] ],
              [0.125, [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "legendarypistol" } ] ],
              [0.125, [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "legendarymachinepistol" } ] ],
             [0.125, [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "teslastaff" } ] ],
              [0.125, [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "legendaryrocketlauncher" } ] ]
            "poolRounds" : [
              [0.20, 0],
              [0.80, 1]
            "levelVariance" : [-1, 1],
            "allowDuplication" : false
          } ]
  19. NightmareX91

    NightmareX91 Phantasmal Quasar

    That doesn't give me the desired colour I want. The cape can be in many colours. I want to know how I can specify a specific colour for the cape.
  20. Mewbone

    Mewbone Phantasmal Quasar

    It is true, we had at least 10 people trying to do the same thing, but kudos to you that you got it working.

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