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Easter Egg within the character creator [3/6 found]

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by plaYer2k, Feb 21, 2013.

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  1. Ariskelis

    Ariskelis Ketchup Robot

    More than likely. Oh well. xD - What direction do YOU suggest we think too hard in?
    Prophet of Deception likes this.
  2. Leokins

    Leokins Subatomic Cosmonaut

    :badpokerface: Meant to quote this:
    I don't know. Read Tiy's posts on this thread over and over. :yeahhhh:
  3. .:FancyPants:.

    .:FancyPants:. Pangalactic Porcupine

    So far Tiy has stated that it
    A. Isn't easily guessable
    B. Isn't in the comment code
    That's two directions not to go in, but how many other directions are there?

    Ah well, at least I found it for myself. :I
  4. Alpha_Squad

    Alpha_Squad Cosmic Narwhal

    Really, there are only obtuse directions left considering there have been a few of us looking for something more blatant.
  5. DakoShark

    DakoShark Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well. Seeing as this was relatively recent. I'm thinking start looking for stuff that's been posted within the last month or two. I don't think they planned for these little easter eggs months and months in advanced, though they make have used referenced to older things, but newer is always easiest to go through. If I had a large compilation of Screenshots that I could dig through it might be easier. :rofl:

    Since "IFoundAGlitch" Was the first one, and it was pretty obvious, maybe the others are a bit obvious as well but we're looking in the wrong places. Guessing isn't going to get us far because there are millions of combinations of words.

    I'll keep browsing things about the races and see if I can find anything. X.x
  6. Ariskelis

    Ariskelis Ketchup Robot

    Hmmm.... If only we could even have the most miniscule hint xD
    *Yells for Tiy*
  7. Alpha_Squad

    Alpha_Squad Cosmic Narwhal

    Enjoy a pic compilation: http://starbounders.tumblr.com/

    Don't think it will do much good and I am not sure how far in the past this has been planned.
    Ellie and Luna like this.
  8. Ariskelis

    Ariskelis Ketchup Robot

    Geh, I give up for tonight, i'ma go to bed. Seey'alls tomorras.
    Leokins likes this.
  9. .:FancyPants:.

    .:FancyPants:. Pangalactic Porcupine

    I just need a hint as simple as how deep to look.
    I think the first of the six was a freebie, I wouldn't be surprised if the others were hidden a lot better.
  10. Leokins

    Leokins Subatomic Cosmonaut

    He did give hints.
  11. mark990

    mark990 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    darnit! i thought i had found one on this old picture
    o well...
  12. plaYer2k

    plaYer2k Pangalactic Porcupine

    wow nice find there, i personally dont think that its related to the easter egg but ... nice! :D
    Kinda reminds me of that one here http://imgur.com/a/Hk4uk where i would a "glitch" within the glitch images. For the first time in all images (at least i could never find that happening before) some tiles got an offset of 1 pixel to the background xD (red blinking entries are the ones that got this offset)
    Well judging on Tiys quote, he only said that "comments themself" are not the easter egg, but not that they wouldnt lead to them.
    Maybe i interpret too much here, but that the information "the comments in the code arent the easter eggs" directly followed the sentence starting with "there are clues knocking about" seems like a hint to me. Like he would say "the secret isnt the waterfall" would be true, because the secret treasure is behind.

    Totally agree here, the first is usually something obvious to catch attention and trigger everyones interest.

    What initially cough my interest within tramsans post were that "personality" got replaced by "poses" so that could maybe somehing, but its unlikely.
    Also the "force multiplier" sounded like a lead but i couldnt come up with something for that except smashing the words in with different spacing and capitalization, didnt yield anything aswell.
    I guess the best lead, if any exists within tramsans original post for the chargen, would be "One pose is worth a thousand beards" or maybe iam just hallucinating :D
    Mianso likes this.
  13. todayisok

    todayisok Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I've reached a conclusion: I hope Chucklefish will never release their own puzzle games (or worse, include them in Starbound) :rofl:
    I already suck at solving them but if they also make them cryptic I will never have a chance.
  14. Cloudhopper

    Cloudhopper Weight of the Sky

    Haha i knew someone would do that . Muahahaha!
  15. Zellman

    Zellman Existential Complex

    Yup. This reminds me of a treasure hunt I once was in, and the author of the hunt got frustrated because the rest of us couldn't decipher the clues.
  16. Sephel

    Sephel Title Not Found

    Things I've tried:

    Ape Flu Is No Joke
    Big Ape Is All Seeing
    Go Ape
    50 Shades Of Green
    BeckySan likes this.
  17. .:FancyPants:.

    .:FancyPants:. Pangalactic Porcupine

    You kidding me?
    I absolutely love this stuff!
  18. Argthrond

    Argthrond Oxygen Tank

    I couldn't find any. :facepalm:

    The chances are BEYOND slim.
  20. Leokins

    Leokins Subatomic Cosmonaut

    They won't listen. :cry:
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