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Easter Egg within the character creator [3/6 found]

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by plaYer2k, Feb 21, 2013.

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  1. 1. Think of any word in the english language.
    2. Now multiply it times the number of words in the english language, and every word in starbound.
    3. Do step two a few more times.

    You might as well try and log into Tiy's account.
    Xetor, 11clock, Hirumaru and 8 others like this.
  2. okiedokie

    okiedokie Void-Bound Voyager

    Very true, but I thought it was worth a try and it was kind of fun to come up with besides.
  3. SivCorp

    SivCorp Parsec Taste Tester

    How about this... I took each number that was on the screenshot, transferred a corresponding letter in the alphabet to it, and got this.


    so maybe a combination of these letters? - eudacioce -

    thinkin' outside the blocks :cautious:
  4. Kitty Box

    Kitty Box Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Maybe it's not only names that will trigger an easter egg. We should try other things. Not sure what exactly though.
  5. Star and Moon

    Star and Moon Space Kumquat

    tramsan told me on IRC that guessing is not the way to go, he told me to "keep my eyes peeled".

    That probably means all easter eggs exist in written form, somewhere.
    Kitty Box likes this.
  6. mark990

    mark990 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    apparently "TheBirdIsTheWord" isnt the phrase for the avians, too bad :p
  7. Kitty Box

    Kitty Box Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Has there been any mention of whether or not all easter eggs are caused by typing a certain name?
  8. Soup

    Soup Giant Laser Beams

    Yes they are all triggered by the name field. I checked the code for the character creator.
  9. Kitty Box

    Kitty Box Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Breather likes this.
  10. xnez

    xnez Subatomic Cosmonaut

    There was a extremely weird screen shot a long while back where a lot of crazy stuff was going on in the background, and like 11 pictures of this actor or singer I can't remember his name.. I bet that would be one !
  11. Kesk

    Kesk Phantasmal Quasar

    The web console says Hi to it's mother.
    Kitty Box likes this.
  12. plaYer2k

    plaYer2k Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well that one is okay, its just a confirmation that nothing can be found. Its not like digging though the code and telling the secret :D
    Soup and Kitty Box like this.
  13. Kesk

    Kesk Phantasmal Quasar

  14. Kitty Box

    Kitty Box Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I tried the following for a name just to see if anything happens:
    Hi mom
    Hi Mom

    Nothing happened so that's the limit of "Hi mom".
  15. Voyager

    Voyager Spaceman Spiff

    Why are creatures on space ships wearing medieval helmets?
    I don't get this, I want more hat choices! Also, I don't like the clothes the florans have - hence may avatar.
  16. Kitty Box

    Kitty Box Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That doesn't have much to do with this thread unless for your first sentence you are referring to the first easter egg found.
  17. Voyager

    Voyager Spaceman Spiff

    Yea, I don't even see how that is an Easter egg. The hats look bad IMHO.
  18. Kitty Box

    Kitty Box Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Do you even know what an easter egg is?
  19. .:FancyPants:.

    .:FancyPants:. Pangalactic Porcupine

    Used an anagram generator for that, I wouldn't call it cheating.

    13 found. Displaying all:
    Ciao Deuce
    Ciao Educe
    Ace Ice Duo
    Ciao Cue Ed
    Aid Eco Cue
    Ado Ice Cue
    A Code Cue I
    A Coed Cue I
    A Cued Eco I
    A Ice Cue Do
    A Eco Cue Id
    Ace Cue Do I
    Ad Eco Cue I

    The word "code" and "audio" is in there, maybe that's something?
    Kitty Box likes this.
  20. Soup

    Soup Giant Laser Beams

    I tried Omar the Penguin from the newsletter...no luck.
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