OOC DUALSTUCK: The one where we actually go through with it.

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by icefire82G, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. icefire82G

    icefire82G Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I say we stick with this format until a moderator tells us we done fucked up. Then we figure out what to do from there.
    Padexin and WoxandWarf like this.
  2. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    YOu don't get it, do you

    See, there will be a huge amount of confusion, and mass madness, with RP, and OOC posts getting mixed up, and other things

    This is the only thread that I have seen with any chance of survival that has done this, and I seriously know its against the rules.
    Catoosie likes this.
  3. icefire82G

    icefire82G Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Padexin likes this.
  4. Padexin

    Padexin Big Damn Hero

    Ice fire will be the only one posting the RP. He can put links to the next one in the end of the previous. Kind of like the MC Forums' fanfiction thing works?
  5. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Not only is that going to strain the Forums, I don't see why we even HAVE a thread for this then, unless we ourselves are posting
  6. Padexin

    Padexin Big Damn Hero

    Did you even read the OP?
  7. Padexin

    Padexin Big Damn Hero

    WoxandWarf likes this.
  8. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

  9. icefire82G

    icefire82G Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Actually, I think I got an idea.

    Since I will be the only one posting the RP, and everyone else will be posting OOC stuff,

    Wouldn't that make this thread MAINLY OOC?

    I say I change the tag to OOC, and roll with it.

    Yeah see, this would fall under OOC. Let's do that then.
    Seajun_, Padexin and WoxandWarf like this.
    god dammit flux
  11. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Yeah, thats what I want
    Padexin likes this.
  12. icefire82G

    icefire82G Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    hoo dis
    Padexin likes this.
  13. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Padexin likes this.
  14. I'm probably the closest thing to a mod that actually cares.
    Padexin and pyromancerLaurentius like this.
  15. icefire82G

    icefire82G Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    well okay then

    i hope i fixed all the stuff

    carry on
    Padexin likes this.
  16. Yeah, it looks pretty good

    flux is just a grump
  17. icefire82G

    icefire82G Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    well I guess you could call me NOT SO GRUMP!

    *budum tish*
  18. pyromancerLaurentius

    pyromancerLaurentius Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Woo glad that sorted itself out. Sorry for my lack of input, when things go down and I don't know what to do I go into scientist mode and just watch as said shit descends.
    Padexin likes this.
  19. Padexin

    Padexin Big Damn Hero

    Okay, here's the Lucy/Pax thingy

    -- infiniteLimit [IL] began pestering penguinLover [PL] --

    PL: Oh

    PL: Hi

    IL: hi

    IL: happy birthday!

    PL: Uh, thankss

    IL: got any sweet loot?

    PL: Oh

    PL: Y€ah

    PL: I got ssom€ cool thingss

    PL: L€t m€ think

    PL: SSisst€rr got m€ an aw€ssom€ new moduss!

    IL: how awesome 1-10

    PL: It'ss a tw€lv€!

    IL: that's a lot

    PL: It'ss call€d th€ Mussic Moduss. I can't wait to trry it out and m€ssss with it and sstuff!

    IL: is it a simple modus?

    IL: i've been having my eye on array

    PL: I think sso! You hav€ to composs€ ssom€thing to g€t th€ it€m into it

    PL: I'll hav€ to giv€ it a sshot

    IL: i don't think that counts as simple but ok

    PL: Oh, my ssisst€rr iss h€rr€ with th€ mail! I'm gonna go ch€ck it out, and ssay hi to h€rr

    PL: By€!

    IL: ciao

    -- penguinLover [PL] ceased pestering infiniteLimit [IL] --

    You don't know why you don't like her that much. Just the air around her, you suppose. Anyway, time to go get that mail!

    You suppose you should lrn2modus before you try to get the mail. No use heading out there if you can't retrieve it.
    You think quickly and begin whistling a little tune that you think represents a mug. Instead, a GHOST IMAGE OF A PUMPKIN shows up on your card. What?

    You hum a little something, and captchalogue....
    GHOST IMAGE OF JOHNNY 5. This is stupid. Screw this, you're gonna go get the mail!

    Actually, first you decide to say hi to your sister. Heading to her room, you pass through THE LIVING ROOM.
    There's the TV straight across from you. To the right is your keyboard, which you like to compose with, although for some reason it sounds better than when you try to sing or hum. To the left is the couch. Straight ahead is the kitchen, and through the kitchen is your sister's room.

    You see the kettle going. Sister must be making more tea. She's kind of weird like that, doing various favors for you while still nagging you to hell and back. Daily strifes are quite common, and yet at the end of the day, you still can sit down and watch something together.

    You look around the door. You don't see her; she's probably using what as far as you can tell are her strange hiding abilities. It's not natural, and you can't figure out how she does- AGH OH MY WORD
  20. This is what would go in the IC thread.
    Ikbenbeter, WoxandWarf and Padexin like this.

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