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Do you think planets are going to change seasons?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by LeBleuMeldy, Sep 23, 2012.

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  1. Adurna

    Adurna Big Damn Hero

    Trying to make seasons happen in a sprite based game could possibly be as simple as writing a sprite "editor" that takes the foliage, ground, etc. and makes various forms of them, like trees that lose leaves, and float through the air occasionally, or snow covered trees, etc. something that takes the original sprite and adds seasonal variations, maybe there's a harvest season and fruits are added to various trees and bushes. And from how I see it, adding a snow layer should be rather easy to implement.
    Firered likes this.
  2. Firered

    Firered Void-Bound Voyager

    Sounds like it could be possible. If it is, i am sure it is on the "probably long" list of things to do. I do like this idea though, but it would require alot more pixel art to incorporate it.
  3. Firered

    Firered Void-Bound Voyager

    Oh darn. Sorry bout my last post. I guess i forgot to read all the posts... Again... Anyway, i guess it could be that easy. Make something like (Snowpinecover.jpg) that is just snow cover shaped to the tree... Maybe something like this:
    [​IMG] + [​IMG] = [​IMG]

    Or something like that...
  4. SomaSam

    SomaSam Big Damn Hero

    Would be a neat concept, but i think single biome planets would work just fine. And considering the randomness of the planets I don't think we would be lacking to much there.
  5. Wuzhles

    Wuzhles Cosmic Narwhal

    No, most likely not, they said somewhere that you don't stay on planets for long, so adding seasons would only be useless. Of course, there is the chance that they add the feature to only affect your homeplanet.
  6. Adurna

    Adurna Big Damn Hero

    They did say that there would be an easy way to return to planets you've found, and even share them with friends. Also, I would imagine that there would be story specific planets you would return to often.
  7. minigibbo

    minigibbo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i love to see sesons on planets but dont forget you can travel to other places in space like moons, stars, in to other galaxies and outerspace :) sure will be great
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