DNA Mixer

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by Sarzael, Feb 24, 2012.

  1. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    You can already do that, at a cost that i didnt specify on the post, or whit the other machine.
  2. Xploding_Cherry

    Xploding_Cherry Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I mean, you take some of your own DNA, so you an turn back into your old self, good as new!
  3. Booboorocks998

    Booboorocks998 Aquatic Astronaut

    I like this. Hope it gets added. :)
  4. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    You re not alone, bro!
  5. Pigsnot

    Pigsnot Phantasmal Quasar

    ah, dude sweet idea bro, i'd love to see this in the game THUMBS UP!!

    Nice, that sounds just awesome. hope they put it in! :giggle:
    Sarzael likes this.
  6. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    Pigsnot: You re not alone.
  7. Fantasja

    Fantasja Industrial Terraformer

    Love the idea thinking: "Dragon like creature DNA would be an awesome power <3"
  8. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    Fantasja: Id rather use an pararel track and converting myself into a real dragon than being half dragon half human.
  9. Treeman4

    Treeman4 Pangalactic Porcupine

    This is going into the game if i had any say
    Good idea to start with
    You let me get tree dna :up:
    And i could become spider man
  10. Ghoschief

    Ghoschief Phantasmal Quasar

    This would make the gameplay and class set ups alot more interesting, I like it ;p
  11. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    Now i just need to think what use it could be converting you into full tree whit 100% tree DNA. Faster regeneration? Camouflage? Allowing you to move and become an Ent? Suggestions are accepted!
    Cowskee likes this.
  12. Dasaki

    Dasaki Pangalactic Porcupine

    Being able to whip out tree based weapons live thorny vines :D

    bulba, bulbul bulb bulbasaur!
  13. Treeman4

    Treeman4 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Oh and ruduced movement speed
  14. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    But being almost 4 times taller than a human would have some disadvantages (LOL)
  15. MechaShizzle

    MechaShizzle Subatomic Cosmonaut

    first of all
    splice DNA with a fire fly: give of light
    splice DNA with a insect: ability to climb walls
    and also i hope you can give DNA attributes to your pets like have a pet winged jelly fish, just tossing it out there
  16. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    I already said adding DNA to pets would be in.
  17. MechaShizzle

    MechaShizzle Subatomic Cosmonaut

  18. Eqlles

    Eqlles Over 9000!!!

    (By the way, as with some other threads, I didn't bother reading all the suggestions- there are just too many posts and too little time. I didn't steal any of these ideas from you- I just didn't know they were suggested)

    A long time ago I started dreaming up a game where something similar was the prime mechanic. It was a bit like DQM, to any who know the game, but slightly different.

    First off, you need special gear. By 'special gear,' I mean an extraction device and storage units to put the DNA in. Once you have both, you can find a creature and attempt to extract its DNA. To do this, they need to hold still enough for you to do so. That said, you would have to extract while they didn't know you were there. Thus, you'd have to sneak up on them asleep or tranquilize them (secondary fire on the extraction tool?). Once you collect some DNA, the loss of whatever you took would do some damage to the mob, potentially waking it up. Once you have the sample, you go to your lab and find a use for it. Whatever you used it for, it would be consumed in the process. For examples I'm certain many of which have already been suggested, you may scan it for traits, attempt to combine it with other DNA, mix it into serums, etc.

    Opinions welcome.

    Additionally, I would guess that genetic modifications would be limited. For example, you can only have mutations based on a certain criteria, like your current hp, radiation exposure, quests- the like. That said, you would need a way to undo these changes- likely resetting yourself with DNA your 'infuser' collects automatically the first time you use it. Ooh, you could probably use it to change your physical appearance if you wanted. Also, mutagen buffs would be limited in the changes they wreak on you. One idea is that you don't know what the serum will do. Will the tree serum give you better hp regen or increased armor, or will it make your hair into leaves and grow fruit, providing only an aesthetic change? All things to consider.
  19. Peberro

    Peberro Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I want to mix a penguin with T-rex. And ride it.
    Carnage approaching! :devil:
  20. 777eza

    777eza Existential Complex

    Reminds me of Destroy All Humans am up for it.

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