RELEASED Dialogue Font Redux

Discussion in 'Mods' started by ra-elem, Mar 25, 2016.

  1. ra-elem

    ra-elem Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I found the default font to be inconsistent and messy, so I've made it more so.

    StardewModdingAPI 2016-03-25 07-58-06-57.png StardewModdingAPI 2016-03-25 07-59-08-25.png StardewModdingAPI 2016-03-25 08-01-32-50.png StardewModdingAPI 2016-03-25 08-03-09-04.png StardewModdingAPI 2016-03-25 08-03-57-40.png StardewModdingAPI 2016-03-25 08-04-16-82.png

    If you see anything that's out of place be sure to let me know.

    If you're manually installing it, just drop the .xnb files onto Content/Loose Sprites, but I would recommend using SDVMM, for an easier life.

    I've also been trying to edit the smaller font, but no great results as of now.

    .zip containing the .xnb files is attached to the post.

      Attached Files:

    • Allan Belmont

      Allan Belmont Lucky Number 13

      Nice! Really clean font. Loved it
        ra-elem likes this.
      • MrIce

        MrIce Subatomic Cosmonaut

        (I Want a Comic Sans Font)
        • ra-elem

          ra-elem Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          I'll try to comply.
          • MrIce

            MrIce Subatomic Cosmonaut

            • Drogean

              Drogean Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              did you make this in photoshop?

              if you have the .PSD it might be beneficial for everyone to have the un-rasertized layers so everyone can make them
              • ra-elem

                ra-elem Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                I actually made this in a way which would make it able for everyone to make their own font.

                copy.png copy 2.png

                If you can see the green square in the left image, that's the maximum amount of pixels a character can take up. I made a grid so that it's easier to find the correct dimensions. ConcernedApe didn't make coding for dialogue consistent in spacing, meaning when you first make your font, chances are some characters would look weird, may it be too small or big, too low or too high etc. etc. So when you make your own font, test and fix any errors you find. My font underwent about 8 tests in-game, and 8 errors were fixed.

                For the font_colored.xnb, it looks basically the same as the font_bold.xnb, just fill it with white.

                  Attached Files:

                • ra-elem

                  ra-elem Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  Hey guys, I made a slimmer, and imo, cleaner font and it's already good for use, as always point out anything that's out of hand.

                  StardewModdingAPI 2016-04-03 20-22-39-14.png StardewModdingAPI 2016-04-03 20-22-59-93.png StardewModdingAPI 2016-04-03 20-23-14-65.png StardewModdingAPI 2016-04-03 20-23-28-17.png StardewModdingAPI 2016-04-03 20-23-57-25.png StardewModdingAPI 2016-04-03 20-25-48-94.png

                  Download available at the main post. Labeled as ""
                  • GosuGian

                    GosuGian Twenty-three is number one

                  • FinalMantasyX

                    FinalMantasyX Big Damn Hero

                  • Borodin

                    Borodin Oxygen Tank

                    Really liked the first of the two! Thanks very much for developing it; using it now.
                    • about drew

                      about drew Phantasmal Quasar

                      Love the clean font, great job!
                      • thaimeodz96

                        thaimeodz96 Void-Bound Voyager

                        Can u help me add unicode font ?
                        • Bluarchon

                          Bluarchon Void-Bound Voyager

                          I love the font but for some reason the first letter of each word seems to be misaligned, not at all like your screenshots.

                          • Xuomi

                            Xuomi Phantasmal Quasar

                            @Bluarchon They're outdated files. When SDV 1.2 came out, it updated the font files to include more letters because of the language expansion. So the mod is outdated. You can unpack the XNB files and merge them though if you want.
                            • Zake

                              Zake Void-Bound Voyager

                              I updated one of the versions (my favorite), so I am sharing just in case someone wants it.

                                Attached Files:

                                云朵飘啊飘 likes this.

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