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Describing starbound

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by TheSneakyMalteaser, Nov 11, 2015.

  1. TheSneakyMalteaser

    TheSneakyMalteaser Intergalactic Tourist

    How would you describe starbound? Me, I would say Pokemon mixed with terraria mixed with space travel
  2. Faeryheart

    Faeryheart Weight of the Sky

    Hmm. I don't see how it is like pokemon, wanna explain? :p
    I would describe it as a relaxing, but also exiting game that lets you travel to worlds you never saw before and it makes you feel free and also has nice music :3
  3. Nakura

    Nakura Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I would describe it as this.
    Know Minecraft? Terraria is like that but in 8-bits 2-D scroller more focused on action.
    Now Starbound is like that, but more onto character growth, colonization and on 16 bits

    IN SPACE!!!
  4. TheSneakyMalteaser

    TheSneakyMalteaser Intergalactic Tourist

    There are so many different creatures that have different attacks
  5. Hel

    Hel ✨ Johto's Finest ✨ Forum Moderator

    But people never used guns and melee weapons and killed everyone in Pokemon... They mainly used Pikachu's and Charizard's ^_^

    But for me I would describe it as relaxing, but its got its action moments. So its like an action movie in a way. Its got the dramatic bits trying to set up a colony or upgrade your ship, and the actiony bits where you shoot multiple aliens with a shotgun. Or is that just me?
  6. The MechE

    The MechE Existential Complex

    Unfinished indie game. Better than it was before, but it still has quite a long way to go.
    FormalRiceFarmr likes this.
  7. LittleWasp

    LittleWasp Big Damn Hero

    A game that I enjoy, and really hope becomes all it can be, but also one that I frequently feel... not disappointed, but dismayed, perhaps.
    I like where the game is going, but I'd still do it differently if it were me making it. On the plus side, Starbound's modding scene is amazing, and I'm doubly amazed at how dedicated the community has been with it.
  8. sergalbutt

    sergalbutt Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I was totally obsessed with Terraria for a while and a friend suggested Starbound to me, so whenever I was asked by my Steam friends what Starbound was, when I first started out playing it I would affectionately refer to it as "space Terraria". And if they didn't know what Terraria was, I pretty much summed it up as "2D Minecraft with more stuff" :p

    I will note that I've played a LOT more Starbound now, and have more recently referred to it as "space Terraria with SO MUCH MORE STUFF AND SO MANY THINGS TO DO AND OMG GET THE GODDAMN GAME"
    Lemony Shtickit and Faeryheart like this.
  9. The_Red_Veil

    The_Red_Veil Aquatic Astronaut

    There are hundred thousands of words in the english language alone... Yet I need only 3 word from a different language to describe it.

    Langeweilig und schwachsinnig.
    Boring and bland.

    Still after the update it feels like this :/
    FormalRiceFarmr and RToTheAze like this.
  10. RToTheAze

    RToTheAze Subatomic Cosmonaut

  11. pop-yotheweird

    pop-yotheweird Ketchup Robot

    inb4 edgy. of course you see it this way, 1.0 isn't even out yet lol.
    but seriously, it seems most like a space exploration/terraforming/adventuring game.
    OR, Terraria in SPEHSS.
    sergalbutt likes this.
  12. LittleWasp

    LittleWasp Big Damn Hero

    Boring and bland is still a valid way to describe the game, unfinished or not.
  13. Kilowolf

    Kilowolf Big Damn Hero

    It's like Terraria... but good and in space. (hated Terraria and only came to Starbound when a friend begged me to play with him.)
    sergalbutt likes this.
  14. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    Michevious Misadventures in Matter Manipulation

    Also, X-files in space.
    sergalbutt likes this.

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