Decaying planet, a chance to rebuild.

Discussion in 'Planets and Environments' started by Panda, Sep 24, 2012.


Do you think this a good idea?

  1. Yes

  2. No (If you post a reason I'll try to fix it)

    0 vote(s)
  3. Undecided (maybe post what you would want to see?)

  1. Panda

    Panda Big Damn Hero

    Up to nine likes :D :D :D, now's the time to send in any art as I (probably if I get that last like) will be making the updates tommorow and it's a hassle to art art after the whole shifting process :mad:
  2. Crazyon

    Crazyon Master Astronaut

    *Feeds Panda to my trapper*
    Try to avoid double posts, I do :rofl:
    I think mods look at it as spamming....
  3. Panda

    Panda Big Damn Hero

    Just an info update, and I'll eat your trapper alive :D
    Updated picture BTW
  4. Crazyon

    Crazyon Master Astronaut

    If you want, Ill pm you a boss idea with some art of it :p
    Also, edit your link to my thread, its incorrect :rofl:
  5. Panda

    Panda Big Damn Hero

    Nice i'll appreciate it and if you want credit ill give you it, but it might not be the SUPER BOSS that i have already imagined *spoiler alert*:p
  6. Crazyon

    Crazyon Master Astronaut

    Mk :p
  7. Crazyon

    Crazyon Master Astronaut

    Sorry, this is as best as I can do with the current drawer Im using :rofl:
    (The green at the bottom is sludge, so is the green coming out of the mouths)
    Wouldn't let me post it in conversation, so here.

    Attached Files:

  8. Panda

    Panda Big Damn Hero

    Alright it gives me an idea of what to work on :D
  9. Crazyon

    Crazyon Master Astronaut

    Glad to help!
  10. Panda

    Panda Big Damn Hero

    however i still need art and will accept any offers
  11. Crazyon

    Crazyon Master Astronaut

    Sorry bout my crappy art :3
  12. alex

    alex Void-Bound Voyager

    your art is pretty hype.
  13. Crazyon

    Crazyon Master Astronaut

    I sooo new to making digital art...I need to find a good free drawing program :rofl:
  14. Con7Rad7

    Con7Rad7 Giant Laser Beams

    All art is good art....

    It's just that some is more..... let's say "special"
  15. Panda

    Panda Big Damn Hero

    I WILL accept all art about the text (make it look cool)
    Decaying Planet
  16. Crazyon

    Crazyon Master Astronaut

    I know it sucks :p
    Trying to find a new digital pixel drawer...
  17. Panda

    Panda Big Damn Hero

    It's not always the drawer sometimes it's just that you need to practice on the pixel drawer (or sometimes it just sucks :p)
  18. S'now Face - Chamcham

    S'now Face - Chamcham 2.7182818284590...

    awesome idea! reminds me of the Rebuild 1 and 2 on armorgames/kongregate.
  19. Panda

    Panda Big Damn Hero

    That's where I got the inspiration :D
  20. playerjerry2

    playerjerry2 Phantasmal Quasar

    iam all ears panda.

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