Custom, player made options on Character creator

Discussion in 'Other' started by The Great Beezle, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. Affero

    Affero Contributor

    Why... not...
    I think it's a great idea actually.
  2. KaptainKake9

    KaptainKake9 Tentacle Wrangler

    It's just... playermade things tend to be a little.... graphic. I did like the steam workshop kind of idea though.
  3. DJFlare84

    DJFlare84 Spaceman Spiff

    Maybe unfair, but it would create a business of sorts in the world of StarBound.


    As in, give me this-and-this and I will make you FABULOUS.
  4. KaptainKake9

    KaptainKake9 Tentacle Wrangler

    Yeah, designing like shirts and pants and such would be great. But actually being able to EXPAND your character to make it have, AS SAID IN THE 'boobs' and 'butts' threads. Larger sexual appeal and graphic content.
  5. blackrave

    blackrave Twenty-three is number one

    While I support more options for character skins, I am against total freedom
    it isn't Minecraft or Terraria where there is only one player race (human, I suppose)
    This game have multiple distinct races, and total freedom would allow to mask the race of the character
    And since race is something important it should be avoided
  6. Tea Mate

    Tea Mate Existential Complex

    This. In addition to the fact that the made "skins" for your units would have to be stored in the server in order for other people to see them. Which is somewhat messy.
  7. Shock

    Shock Spaceman Spiff

    That's actually made me smile. Now this is literally an awesome idea. I give my metaphorical cookie to you.
  8. GamerGod

    GamerGod Phantasmal Quasar

    The character creator should have something like this for people who do want to create their own character, who is unique.
  9. Naupz

    Naupz Void-Bound Voyager

    I think this would be a great idea, but of course there would need to be ways of regulating sexually graphic content if a custom avatar were to appear on multiplayer as well. TBH I think the best way of doing this is just making custom skins/characters clientside. Sure, no one would see your custom skin in multiplayer, but at least that's better than nothing.

    I really just want to be a wolf - preferably the one in my avatar :DD
  10. Farathil

    Farathil Spaceman Spiff

    That does sound like a wonderful idea, kinda like a minecraft skin, but wouldn't that kill the whole races thing.
    Someone would just go in there and do something incredibly random and not pertaining to Starbound and ruin the theme yknow... the mood? :wut:
    I don't think the devs. would want it. I can see both sides of the coin though don't get me wrong.
    In minecraft I see people put alot of work on their skins (some of them are BRILLIANT), but minecraft doesn't even have a real theme so it doesn't ruin anything.. o_O
    Starbound is very lore based. I don't think the lore would cover custom characters.
    Sorry if I sound like a total buzz kill. :(
  11. Darkhog

    Darkhog Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well, if such player would go into server and admins won't like his "skin" (like when it is dick-based), they can kick him/her easily. If he/she would do that in singleplayer, who cares?
  12. Farathil

    Farathil Spaceman Spiff

    Yeah true, but if I had a public server, I don't want a random anime char. (No offense anime lovers ;)) to walk by. It kinda kills the mood.
    I'm seriously not trying to be a troll, I just don't think the developers would go for it.
    Also there's race abilities, and play differences. :wut:
    I don't think custom race chars. would be covered.
    I'm sorry if I'm sounding like a buzz kill once again I'm trying to be polite. :(
  13. Darkhog

    Darkhog Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well, you can then ask person to change his/her char, if that doesn't work kick him/her and if this doesn't work also, ban this person. And none taken.

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