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CRIBZ: Space Edition (a tour of a human ship)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Mar 10, 2013.

  1. Saber Cherry

    Saber Cherry Big Damn Hero

    You know what was great in System Shock (the original)? I mean, everything was great, but especially the fact that when you were in an elevator, it played elevator music. Very classy...
  2. Cynical_Wolf

    Cynical_Wolf Big Damn Hero

    That would be just amazing. Hopefully the books will be readable, kinda like in Skyrim. There's nothing better than a good book after a hard day's work.
  3. Shock

    Shock Spaceman Spiff

    This is beyond hilarious and awesome. I love this animation so much. Mollygos has done a fantastic job on this. :love:
  4. Krytan

    Krytan Phantasmal Quasar

    So I realize this thread has been kind of dead for the last... month and a bit, but I couldn't find any other ones looking at the full ship. So first off, I can't believe I couldn't see anyone having already done this, but I merged together the few shots we had from Mollygos' gif into one image so I could get an idea of how big the ship really was.


    Currently it looks like we are still missing small pieces of the ship. Essentially the 'airlocks' between columns of the ship. (Connecting the Storage Bay to the Bathroom, The Mess Area to the Kitchen, etc) The Reason I'm saying this is due to the Mess Hall picture. On the right hand side we can see the frame comes back down towards some sort of console, but we don't see that console at all in the kitchen picture.
  5. Shock

    Shock Spaceman Spiff

    It now looks as if she's just remodeled the spaceship over and over again. o.o
  6. Breather

    Breather Oxygen Tank

    Yes, someone did this already.
  7. But Alanzer didn't use actual frames of the Gif. He just drew a sketch.
    Krytan likes this.
  8. Krytan

    Krytan Phantasmal Quasar

    Another thing missing is how to get to the sleeping quarters. We see stairs in the kitchen area but none in the bathroom. Are they offscreen right now as well? If so then why did the kitchen stairs not follow suit, or were they put there after the fact.
  9. Zellman

    Zellman Existential Complex

    Good job piecing that together. I tried when it first got released, and ended up calling foul because I couldn't get it together.
  10. T-Rex

    T-Rex Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Yea let's all blame Rho!! :D
  11. Lawls

    Lawls Space Kumquat

    Lol, it could also be one big long space-bus
  12. Tojo

    Tojo Existential Complex

    Please dont start anything, you might mean it as a joke, but someone might take it seriously.
  13. Rainbow

    Rainbow Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I swear, each and every day i fall more in love with mollygos.
  14. T-Rex

    T-Rex Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Dun dun dun dun!!!! :iswydt:
  15. nofo

    nofo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Mollygos confirmed you can make children in starbound?????

    Can glitch do it anywhere or is that limited to bedrooms as well?
  16. Krytan

    Krytan Phantasmal Quasar

    That does raise the question of ship layout though... I mean Mollygos' was in a sideways "Y" configuration do they have to be that way? Also are the rooms pre-setup to state that 'this would be a living quarters' Or was Mollygos just very VERY detailed in her decorating of the ship (She mentioned she spend a lot of time on in, so in theory they could just start as empty "bays" that you turn into whatever you want) Is that as big as our ships can get? (5 'bays')
    Endless Rain likes this.
  17. Zellman

    Zellman Existential Complex

    I think someone (Tiy?) said that this was a level 3 ship, and there are 5 levels.
  18. Lynx88

    Lynx88 Phantasmal Quasar

    That would be a fair idea of the layout, save for the position of the planet in the windows/background. This is especially obvious when you observe the sick bay and mess hall, and look at the position of the planet from them.
    There also seems to be an engine below the sickbay (first on the left), and one above the mess hall (second section) which i've placed in my attempt to piece it together. And no matter where I put them it doesn't make sense.

    So, either its a really, really huge ship and the parts we see are far from each other, or the planet in the background moves when you go to a higher or lower section of the ship (thus shifting the perspective in the windows), or both.

    I threw together a graphic to show what I mean. The red line is the planet's position in the background.
  19. Alluvian_Est-Endrati

    Alluvian_Est-Endrati Existential Complex

    Glad to see a few people stitch those images together.

    I do suspect the perspective of the planet shifts slightly as one moves around on the ship. It may not be much, but it is likely just a little bit. Currently I do think it likely that the windowed sections may be stacked on top of one another.

    This is an element of the game I would like to see more of one day soon if at all possible. At least ships have started getting shown off again.
    Krytan likes this.
  20. Krytan

    Krytan Phantasmal Quasar

    I noticed that a little as well when trying to stitch together the Cargo Bay area, the planet in the bottom part of the original frames didn't line up... like not even a little bit, so I am wondering if the planet rotates while you are in space above it. The front part of the ship is stitched from 3 images, the cockpit, and two of the full cargo area, and while I could line up the ship itself properly I couldn't even come close to matching the landmasses on the planet.

    Oh great... now I have to scour the forums for this tonight... :p thanks. :)

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