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Crafting leaked

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by navar0nius, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. navar0nius

    navar0nius Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    One could argue the "up up up" icon was experience gain.
  2. TuefelHundenIV

    TuefelHundenIV Cosmic Narwhal

    I doubt it is experience gain. As far as we know to date there is no experience. I am betting it is movement related. The two coloumns are organized vertically. Left hand is health, general defense, and specific damage resistances. Right hand seems to be other modifiers like weight, movement speed and I am betting one of those is jump. Now that I look at it. Maybe that is some sort of flight stat perhaps? Could be an up arrow with rockets at the bottom.

    Looking at the first instance of the picture and the dummied up one. They are almost the same. Two additional things to add to the lack of comment at the top of the greyed out one. The dummied one as the cursor and a different background. The newer looking one seems to have a little more colour but I am thinking that is from the "gray film" over the dummied out one. I noticed Tiy popped in and didn't shoot it down as just a dummy one as well.
  3. Soup

    Soup Giant Laser Beams

    So the icons on the bottom left...
    We have placables (looks like a torch and a pot,) building materials, weapons, armor, crafting materials?, and other.
    Second row (for armor) is head, torso, legs, back (cape,) some sort of accessory (tech perhaps?) and shield.

    It's shaping up to look rather good. We also have filters for item rarity at the top and lots of stats. I can't wait to see it in action!
  4. Plano

    Plano Void-Bound Voyager

    Man I love crafting and this system looks pretty good I, just like everyone else, can't wait for this game and will be amazing. Anyways back to crafting, I like that the gear has lvls which is nice to see, also gets me wondering about how the leveling system works and do we get static stats or manual ones. So many questions, the Radiation/Poison Guard is really nice to see at least we know there is some sort of "Toxin" hopefully toxic gases.
    Keeper likes this.
  5. Plano

    Plano Void-Bound Voyager

    The thing about what they are doing right now/ or done but the modules that they are implementing into their game are extremely sophisticated but with complexity comes simplism, what it means is that it can take a couple weeks to a month to develop the modules and then when they want to add more stuff to the game ie. weapons, mods, cupboards, armor etc. it will take but a few seconds or if a lot of data maybe a couple hours. This games coding is very meticulous and done right, Tiy stated that he wants to be able to give us new things each week for the first year, so to be able to do this smoothly and not have hiccups in the code they make the code complex and work. So in the end this game has great back story to everything, infinite amount of space to explore, amazing coding, great developers, and a decent fanbase, and that is just the start of it with nothing to do with the gameplay and the huge amount of content, they are doing it right, maybe taking "a little longer" but hey its going to be worth it.
  6. Regal Kain

    Regal Kain Space Kumquat

    To be honest, the "three up arrows" or little tree as I see it, could be an oxygen supply. Seeing as it also has a perk for 10% air, that might be a general attribute on armors, an oxygen supply for atmosphere-less planets.

    Could also be environmental protection, the up arrow key doesn't have to be jump, it could be gravity. Though I'm torn between that being gravity, and weight effecting gravity in some ways. Dunno, lots to theorycraft over that's for sure. Good to see some visual progress though. <3 Chucklefish.
  7. navar0nius

    navar0nius Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Apparently it's a mockup for bartwe

    I was watching him code and he seems to use the image as a reference of sorts
  8. Kalvuric

    Kalvuric Big Damn Hero

    So I guess this means I'm going to spend all my time hunting for crafting materials and stuffing various containers full of all the awesome things I craft, doesn't it? People will be all "wow you logged a ton of hours in that game" and I will respond "sorry I can't hear you I'M BURIED IN CHESTS can you hand me that wrench I need to add more UBER to complete this set. :rainbow: "

    Maybe that's just the crazy coffee talking. :cautious:
    JackOfAllTrades likes this.
  9. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    Aw man looks so coo...
    I wanna play...
  10. Shanjaisolen

    Shanjaisolen Pangalactic Porcupine

    This game just can't stop getting better and better...
    Bizaroide likes this.
  11. Alternal

    Alternal Existential Complex

    "Bigger on the inside Backpack." Well hello Doctor Who reference.

    Also this is really intense, wow. I'm very impressed with how in depth this stuff is, perks and stats on each item and everything.
  12. Voyager

    Voyager Spaceman Spiff

    Yes, it looks to have a long replay value with the complexity of the inventory screen and the stats.
  13. Poltergeist

    Poltergeist Zero Gravity Genie

    Nice and simple...approved.
  14. TuefelHundenIV

    TuefelHundenIV Cosmic Narwhal

    It is a nice looking Mockup. It will be interesting to see what the final product looks like.
  15. harnackam

    harnackam Ketchup Robot

    I hope crafting of basic items won't require you to go to more than one planet for material.
    I'm also interested in how item drops will work with the random generation. Will different species of trees all drop the same things I.E.:wood
  16. nomotog

    nomotog Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That mystery icon will drive me crazy trying to figure out what it means. It looks like a kind of jump, but why would a hazmat mask give jump.. It could be the sneak stat, but it looks nothing like a sneak icon. Hmm
  17. Telorath

    Telorath Orbital Explorer

    Alright, first post here we go. My current theory is that the mystery statistic represents buoyancy, which would effect your mobility in liquid environments. Just a thought, and it WOULD make some level of sense, given that we've deduced about everything else. I don't think anybody else has beat me to this theory yet, and I'm wondering what others' thoughts are?
  18. Admiral Obvious

    Admiral Obvious Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Here, have your first like. That is a very reasonable answer.
  19. Shiftyeyesshady

    Shiftyeyesshady Space Penguin Leader

    Its too bad none of his streams are saved. I've never gotten to see one.
  20. Bizaroide

    Bizaroide Master Chief

    This crafting way looks terribly efficient

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