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Crafting leaked

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by navar0nius, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Scott Hammond

    Scott Hammond Big Damn Hero

    Doesn't seem to tell you what materials are actually required? Unless I'm missing something.
  2. Tiy

    Tiy Lead Developer Chucklefish

    It does show you, just in a tool tip
  3. Ah, good. I was wondering about the materials myself.

    OT: Also, can you confirm how true this quote is from Molly? [​IMG]
    "i dunno what i'm allowed to spoil! i just take screenshots and say OMG TIY CAN I SHOW THIS TO PEOPLE PLEASE and he goes NO FATTY and then i cry :("
    Hirumaru and Mr. Electric Ocean like this.
  4. Nirn

    Nirn Existential Complex

    Radiation confirmed? This allows means my new idea is possible. *evil cackle*
  5. The Thing

    The Thing Existential Complex

    Things are looking pretty good until now. And the screen seem to strike a good balance of information given and simplicity.
  6. I see you got your scarf back....
  7. Zellman

    Zellman Existential Complex

    Ah! I thought I had seen that screenshot before!
    But judging from the backgrounds this is a different iteration of code. (that and the lack of "stupid and temporary" up top)
  8. This looks absolutely sweet. I was afraid that crafting in Starbound, with so many items, might be a little confusing, but this shot of the interface has erased my fears.
  9. Oathrunner

    Oathrunner Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This... This is just awesome!
    I love the look of the whole system, It's great!
    I can not wait!
    (This isn't really a "Leak" though, Tiy kind of put it out himself.)
  10. Sid_M

    Sid_M Big Damn Hero

    They should do screenshots of stuff like this like every 2 weeks or something. I would like to see more crafted items. I love the Hazmat suit.
  11. Shanjaisolen

    Shanjaisolen Pangalactic Porcupine

    Rawhide Cowboy Hat of Significant Uselessness.
    What does that mean o_O
    Kalvuric and Nirn like this.
  12. kagenn

    kagenn Pangalactic Porcupine

    Great pic & info! These craftable items are set through-out every? To these set bonuses apply to only crafted items and not items you can find via random loot drop? So for example, on the radioactive item set, unless you find materials to craft these items you can't proceed past mining radioactive ore? Or you can risk mining it and it'll be permanently safe inside your inventory (no longer radioactive) or will it still cause radiation?

    On a side note, anyone else noticed that nuclear airtank? A nuclear powered oxygen(or whatever each races breathes) filled gas tank? When I scuba dive and my tank leaks air I'm a little worried. When I'm exploring planets with a nuke strapped on my back... sounds just like a recipe for... clearing unbeatable bosses. That ism if the radiation from a minor leak doesn't kill you or mutate you into a monster first.
    Prymael likes this.
  13. Probably a cowboy hat that is purely aesthetic. :p
  14. imp

    imp Void-Bound Voyager

    I like the use of main categories, and then sub categories to organise the craftable items.

    Although I must admit that the apparent complexity of the window was slightly overwhelming for a few moments before I could figure out what was what. It does seem a little cluttered in my opinion.
  15. Alec5h

    Alec5h Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Looks cool, but complicated, I really hope that its easy to use when you are actually in game.
  16. janovick

    janovick Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Anti-fart suit ftw ;)
  17. Fireninja404

    Fireninja404 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    i think the mystery icon might be cold resistance
  18. AlphaMongoose

    AlphaMongoose Ketchup Robot

    Looks like we got health, damage, defense, energy, jump, speed, and stuff I can't tell bonuses.
  19. Garrelton

    Garrelton Tentacle Wrangler

    The three up arrows thing almost looks like two people between an up arrow. Maybe there's an evac speed or delay when teleporting to your space ship? I mean that kind of makes sense? A suit that is based on withstanding harsh elements, giving you a shortened escape time? I have no clue. This is me throwing cards into a hat.
  20. Archrandom

    Archrandom Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This pleases me, in depth attributes please me greatly.

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