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Constructive - Bows, pathing, items

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by TechnoCat, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. TechnoCat

    TechnoCat Space Hobo

    A few constructive suggestions. Disclaimer: I'm not saying any of this is a MUST HAVE NOW!

    1. Bows - When using a bow I would love a trajectory indicator. I know it shoots where the mouse is pointed, but a faint line that plots the projectile's trajectory would be of a personal benefit.

    2. Max Crafting Button - An option to craft the maximum of a given item based on the supplies available. Placed conveniently near the increase and decrease quantity arrows.

    3. Improve Mob Pathing - Man, these buggers sure can jump! Except for when they get stuck on a single block and run in place while I massacre them. The mob pathing is a bit quirky, sometimes they get stuck under ledges or won't step over a single block.

    4. Remove Attacking Through Walls - I feel the player's ability to melee through walls a bit overpowered. I've used it to my advantage, yes, but if it went away it would probably serve the player's better. Not necessarily game breaking, albeit cheap.

    5. Buried by Sand/Gravel - The... uh... physics? of gravel and sand is scary. I've watched an avalanche of it pour down after hitting just the right block. Was nearly buried alive! Literally. No damage was done when I became encased in gravel and I was able to mine my way out. This isn't so much as a suggestion as it is a thought, because I'm not really sure what to suggest. I was grateful I didn't take damage from being buried in gravel, but should it suffocate the careless (me!) player and/or mobs?

    EDIT 6. Immersive Items
    A. Totally vain and unimportant. I can create my character with standard jeans and a work shirt. But this is sci fi! This is space! I captain a ship, dang it. Where's my sleek space outfit? I'd love to see more clothes options that fit the setting better.

    B. Similarly, why am I mining with a stone pickaxe? I get it is part of trying to survive in the wilderness of an unknown planet. Maybe these planets don't have the same kind of technology my destroyed home planet had. But I feel slightly more advanced (in design) harvesting items and lighting objects would go a long way towards immersion in this sci-fi space adventure. Same functionality and tiering, but more appealing to the setting.

    So far I am very impressed, especially with dev responsiveness. A few of my wishlist items were already taken care of in tonight's patch.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2013

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