Colonies and Endgame

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Apr 27, 2015.

  1. Tiy

    Tiy Lead Developer Chucklefish

    Tiy submitted a new blog post:

    Colonies and Endgame

    Continue reading the Original Blog Post
  2. dwuff

    dwuff Phantasmal Quasar

    Ooh exciting :3
    CrystalCharlie and Zael like this.
  3. devilanc

    devilanc Title Not Found

    Sweet! A gestion/strategy game withing a sandbox rpg! That'll be awesome. Definetly a great plus for the future game :)
  4. Titanium

    Titanium Existential Complex

    Very happy with this update. Hope to see this get expanded far beyond what is currently on offer—there's a lot of potential in this kind of progression, as evidenced by games like Terraria that this is clearly inspired by at least in part :idea:

    I've always kind of thought it would be awesome to have some kind of endgame system-spreading event (of many, preferably. ultimate endgame is never fun in a sandbox) that resembled the plot of "FTL: Faster than Light", as impractical and broken as that idea might be.
  5. So what you're SAYING is... that Ive just wasted the past few weeks working on Colonies... :/
  6. Greenfinger

    Greenfinger Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    what do you mean? making a town and filling it with villagers? :wut:
    CrystalCharlie and sid3aff3ct like this.
  7. ladraum

    ladraum Space Hobo

    How about black holes ? Could they be used in end game?
    King Leonidas likes this.
  8. No. A project of mine that I have been working on since the release of Beta:

    My mod has already implemented a few things on @Tiy's post. Specifically the checking of furniture/decoration, Moving in, Eating as a requirement to live, Sleeping as a requirement to do jobs around the colony, Researching new techs for the NPCs to use, and a few other things.
  9. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    They are not exactly overlapping. Yours focuses more on jobs while the vanilla focuses more on benefits.
  10. CelioHogane

    CelioHogane Void-Bound Voyager

    Im so going to make the worst planet i find in a amazing glorious city.
    Nahin, Truenecro, Greenfinger and 3 others like this.
  11. RatixFarrence

    RatixFarrence Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Now would this interfere with non-house related projects? Like if i built a dungeon would npcs be spawning in it? Or is there going to be something unique to use that will prevent that from happening?
    benignInferno likes this.
  12. Tiy

    Tiy Lead Developer Chucklefish

    You have to place a vacant sign in the home :)
  13. LOL BALL

    LOL BALL Existential Complex

    Finally, a second reason to build! :D
  14. CelioHogane

    CelioHogane Void-Bound Voyager

    I would actually happy, with this new adition your mod will be way interesting.[DOUBLEPOST=1430143949][/DOUBLEPOST]
    So basically not like terraria? Nice, that was not so fun.[DOUBLEPOST=1430143983][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I hope the first reason was "No reason, building is fun"
    Greenfinger, Sly_Wolf and LOL BALL like this.
  15. RatixFarrence

    RatixFarrence Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Sweet, sweet, now i create vacancies for the asteroid above my planets, I'll be rich! hahaha!
    n1t3n, Greenfinger and Hedix like this.
  16. CelioHogane

    CelioHogane Void-Bound Voyager

    Asteroid homes? uuuuh that sounds fun.
  17. RatixFarrence

    RatixFarrence Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    No one below will ever have to know...
    Greenfinger likes this.
  18. Biirdy Daysleeper

    Biirdy Daysleeper Weight of the Sky

    Excited. Adding colonies will give at least 10 times more interest to the game than it already has. But I just hope that it will be possible to create a colony on his own planet and have several species. Ideally I would like a modern / futuristic city with all species together (and I also hope that Apex will not be the only scientific). Anyway, already do this it's already extra, the rest will come later. ^^
  19. Sounds so nice!!! really excited for it
  20. RatixFarrence

    RatixFarrence Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    As Tiyuri said, it would be based off of objects placed in buildings tagged. It's yet an example of another intuitive use of spawner objects. I hope to see some interesting things come out of this. :)
    sid3aff3ct and Biirdy Daysleeper like this.

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