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Vanilla (No Mods) [Closed]Yokohama[No longer available]

Discussion in 'Public Servers' started by Usiemon, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. Nadia dimitri

    Nadia dimitri Void-Bound Voyager

    What if I have Reno item pack installed
  2. Usiemon

    Usiemon Cosmic Narwhal

    Hi Dimitri,

    Unless you spam, harass, or grief, you are welcome!
  3. Usiemon

    Usiemon Cosmic Narwhal

    Hello everyone,

    I have modified the server's network environment.
    I hope it fixed the connection issue we have having.

    If the domain name usiemon.info does not work for you, use IP directly.


    Vrow likes this.
  4. Usiemon

    Usiemon Cosmic Narwhal

    Hi everybody,

    The server is back online now!
    It might take several hours until the domain name usiemon.info works for you.
    If it doesn't, please try the IP

    I hope to see you all soon!


    Last edited: Oct 10, 2015
  5. Nadia dimitri

    Nadia dimitri Void-Bound Voyager

  6. Usiemon

    Usiemon Cosmic Narwhal

    Hello everyone,

    We have a single starter planet now!
    The coordinates are X -99999953 Y 8.
    Celestal Waste I is the hub planet where all new players spawn!

    You can apply for joining builders on the hub planet by sending me a few screenshots of your work.
    For those feel like exploring somewhere else, we also greet new players with 20 core fragment ores.

    Have fun!
    mappo and Vrow like this.
  7. eksynn

    eksynn Giant Laser Beams

    is it updated to the latest unstable? =D
    any plans on making a nightly build server? (please say yes and yes!)
    mappo likes this.
  8. Usiemon

    Usiemon Cosmic Narwhal

    No, and no(at least for now).
    eksynn likes this.
  9. Ruby_Riftwind

    Ruby_Riftwind Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hi, I'm looking for a Starbound server to play on again since it's been a while since I've played. My last server died off. I was just wondering if you guys had the time to answer some questions about your server?

  10. Usiemon

    Usiemon Cosmic Narwhal

    Hi Ruby_Riftwind,

    I am happy to answer your questions. Please send them to me via forum message, or you can post them here!


  11. mappo

    mappo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Don't worry, unstable version will become stable version soon. :>
    eksynn likes this.
  12. eksynn

    eksynn Giant Laser Beams

    can't wait =D

    why did you say dongtai? o O
  13. mappo

    mappo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Lol, idk, maybe I typed it by accident. 可爱
    eksynn likes this.
  14. Usiemon

    Usiemon Cosmic Narwhal

    I have just updated Yokohama server to Glad GIraffe!

    I hope to see you all soon.
    Vrow likes this.
  15. pipeeeh

    pipeeeh Space Hobo

    Help, i cant connect to the server
    I updated my starbound and when i try to connect says Join failed! timeout while establishing connection
  16. jjaimster88

    jjaimster88 Void-Bound Voyager

    Mine just crashes when I try to join :-/[DOUBLEPOST=1449608367][/DOUBLEPOST]Server list displays it as offline :-(
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2015
  17. Usiemon

    Usiemon Cosmic Narwhal

    Thank you both for the info, it should be fixed now.
    If it happens again, please let me know.
  18. SioxGWolf

    SioxGWolf Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I plan on going back to Starbound, get some time in, and play around, and having a server to have a good time in wouldn't be so bad. I try not to spam, and griefing, wouldn't think of it. (Unless it's my own thing, or I get permission, then I'll try to take out that half of the planet with it, there are plenty of planets to go around anyway.) I do try to be nice, and help out. But, I refuse to take any charity! I will get to the top with my own two dam hands. Hope I get the go ahead. Chao.
    mappo likes this.
  19. maidean24

    maidean24 Void-Bound Voyager

    I am very interested in joining your server
  20. TheRedEnigma

    TheRedEnigma Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm glad to see this server making its return! Your server always had been a personal favorite of mine. The community just had an instant click of friendship and teamwork in my prior experiences whilst playing on your server. Hopefully this revival project will hold heavy impact on the multiplayer community and I wish for both you and your server's success in the weeks to come! And I do anticipate being able to play on your server once again.
    Thorndancer, Picky Yuuto and Usiemon like this.

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