Clean Town Mod 1.1?

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Hillary, Oct 12, 2016.

  1. Hillary

    Hillary Void-Bound Voyager

    Has anyone done a mod for 1.1 that cleans up the trash in town and on the shore lines?
    • Androxilogin

      Androxilogin Giant Laser Beams

      On the beach you mean? Like boards and such? I'm a willing participant, just have to know that's what you mean.

      [EDIT] I apologize, I'm about braindead this time of day.. Files attached.

        Attached Files:

        Last edited: Oct 12, 2016
      • Hillary

        Hillary Void-Bound Voyager

        Like the bottles and bags on the shore at the bottom of the cliffs, near the Wizard's house. And the cans and tires in front of Pam's. You don't need to go to any trouble! I was just wondering if it had already been made :)
        • Androxilogin

          Androxilogin Giant Laser Beams

          Wizard tower cleanup added. No trouble at all.

            Attached Files:

          • Hillary

            Hillary Void-Bound Voyager

            Thank you so much! I just tried it out and it's awesome!
              Last edited: Oct 13, 2016
              Androxilogin likes this.
            • Androxilogin

              Androxilogin Giant Laser Beams

            • Entoarox

              Entoarox Oxygen Tank

              @Androxilogin Have you considered making a ALL version that uses the tile-editing feature of ALL, since that way there would be a 75% chance for it to remain working even in 1.2+? :rofl:
              • Androxilogin

                Androxilogin Giant Laser Beams

                I was unaware of this feature, thanks, I'll look into the documentation. Can you provide a thread? I appreciate all of your hard work to make most of my posts possible.
                • hadenvoss

                  hadenvoss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  Thank you so much for making this! I always saw Stardew as a community that really takes care of itself.
                  • Androxilogin

                    Androxilogin Giant Laser Beams

                    I know the feeling, this is why I stress not to use unofficial mod sources everywhere- we're all here! Like a 24/7 live tech chat with creators rather than people who just reuploaded and slapped their names on it with no clue of the internals. It's a fun way to kill time and a contageous interest builder once others find a mod they like a lot and think, "I want to figure out how to make something like this". Soon enough the community grows a little more and a ton of new mods begin to appear along with help to put plans into action. I appreciate what we have here as well. Unlike other games such as Skyrim, etc. where users just see the final product of a mod and get intimidated, Stardew has that simplistic feel which turns out to be much more than it is and it's fun to learn/share. Unlike a lot of other communities where people feel like they're some sort of king/queen because they have all the answers and aren't willing to share (or stalling while figuring it out) until their attempt to embarrass them shows through. Not to sound like an after school special, but while thinking about the subject, a lot of the time all I can think is, "Get involved!". Really though, I also appreciate this community for what it is. I check back multiple times a day just to see if anyone is having problems with maybe something I posted or with their edits and try to offer what I know from experience. Of course sometimes there are more than one answer to a problem or a new & easier way to get it done (such as Entoarox' post above). In which the one with an answer learns something too! Alright, enough sentimental rambling. *Wipes tears*.
                      sabrinatw, hadenvoss, fftljoe and 2 others like this.
                    • RAINBIRD55

                      RAINBIRD55 Starship Captain

                      Has anyone noticed that if you have tools you don't want or need anymore (like milk pails, shears, extra fishing poles), they can't be thrown away or sold?
                      Would it be hard to make a mod that can allow disposal of items that can't be thrown away? :nurushock:X3
                        Androxilogin likes this.
                      • Entoarox

                        Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                        CJB Item Spawner lets you do that, as it also lets you spawn new ones in :rofl:
                          hadenvoss and RAINBIRD55 like this.
                        • RAINBIRD55

                          RAINBIRD55 Starship Captain

                          Thanks Ento- is there a trick to it? Is it as simple as left or right clicking on the unneeded item? :nurushock:
                          • Entoarox

                            Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                            You go into the spawner menu for the mod (I) and drag the item onto the trash can.
                              RAINBIRD55 and hadenvoss like this.
                            • RAINBIRD55

                              RAINBIRD55 Starship Captain

                              Thanks! I'll try it tonight! :nuruawe:

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