Chucklefish are Hiring

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. Drakaden

    Drakaden Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    And i somewhat agree and disagree with you, because they changed code language and they now need new coders to make things go faster, before the code changing they had a fair pace, but what i'm interpreting there is symptoms, because it is what is being felt.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2014
  2. Namiwakiru

    Namiwakiru Black Hole Surfer

    Perhaps you misunderstood, I am apathetic to the argument. It doesn't invoke a strong emotional response from me though I don't think peoples concerns are any less valid.
    I am sympathetic for another reason, but I won't go in to that, it served it's purpose and the forums are much more constructive because of it.

    To be brutally honest, our $15 got exactly what was promised, access to an early stage of the game. Chucklefish would actually be well within their rights to say, "Welp...we are rich now and have decided to stop developing Starbound, so long, and thanks for all the fish!!" It would be one of the biggest dick moves in the history of gaming, but there would be little we could do and obviously they are NOT doing that in the least.

    I am equally passionate about the game, but I am going to need Chucklefish to actually break my trust before I accuse them off it. And if that unlikely day were to rear it's ugly head, I would be equally vocal.
    But a three person apartment and office space don't sound like misuse of anything to me, it's clearly adding some structure to a company that was fractured at one point and want to actually pursue their passion of making and publishing games. People have to live and I think we are past the age of assuming our teachers stand in the classroom cupboard over the weekend, waiting for Monday.

    I will judge them on their own merits and actions alone, not against the actions of other companies or individuals, at least until it happens.
    If you really feel your money was misused, ask for a refund and decide at a later stage if this project is something you want to pay for. You obviously have very strong views on pre-ordering, early access and the way it used in the industry, so why did you buy in to a practice you don't like?
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2014
  3. Drakaden

    Drakaden Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Perhaps i come off too strong for you, i am more observative than actually feeling something about it, and i give you points on your perception because you are not in the wrong either, i do not dislike the practice in itself personally, and i know there's risks behind it, i apology if i seemed to take a side there, because i'm actually on neutral grounds. Sure i have a few concerns like the other posters, but nothing to sway me against CK.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2014
  4. Rhotus

    Rhotus Void-Bound Voyager

    I agree with this. I got $15 in enjoyment out of the game and then some, but at the same time, I feel like these guys have sold me down the river. I know I won't be buying any early access titles again, and my thought process would be "Do you want another Starbound?"

    Now, before anyone says "But you said you got your money's worth and enjoyed the game," hear me out. I wasn't sold a feature-complete game, I was sold on what they have now being full of promise and the future being ten times brighter if I buy the game at full price and support them. So while I enjoyed the game, it's bittersweet because I didn't really get what I paid for either way. I don't see how it's any different from the ambivalence people feel about the Fable series and Molyneux's track record of blowing smoke in gamers' faces. Do people enjoy them? Yes. Do people feel Molyneux is an a-hole for lying so egregiously to them? You bet.
    D-16 and Toquio3 like this.
  5. zugz

    zugz Space Penguin Leader

    Something tells me that getting Starbound to 'beta' stage properly speaking should be more of a priority than starting the development of a new game. Still waiting for a way to pause my game, btw.
    Toquio3 and D-16 like this.
  6. Dust

    Dust Giant Laser Beams

    Why do people think Priorities are changing? Tiy is hiring a whole new team to work on a seperate project, with probably minimal supervision. While Tiy and the rest of the current team still work on Starbound full time
    Akado and SnakeX like this.
  7. Namiwakiru

    Namiwakiru Black Hole Surfer

    Never let the truth get in the way of a good outcry
    Akado and SnakeX like this.
  8. higuysstarboundiscool

    higuysstarboundiscool Orbital Explorer

    You act like there's a cap or ceiling on the amount of people able to work on a game. That entire other team working on a whole other game could be better spent being put to work on STARBOUND, the one that made them millions.
  9. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Not really because time would be wastede integrating them in the workflow. The fact that you think just throwing people at a project improves the production speed shows how much of an amateur you are.
  10. higuysstarboundiscool

    higuysstarboundiscool Orbital Explorer

    Obviously you don't see that the production speed is at a near standstill right now, not to mention we were promised daily updates. Time wasted? And it isn't on wasting time on hiring all new staff for some new game when there cash cow isn't even out of alpha? Getting more people into the workflow on Starbound would be a good thing. Just because it's an immediate hassle now to take in more people doesn't mean it's wasted time, it's good in the long run. Perhaps you're the amateur here, or just another blind fanboy.
    Pingeh likes this.
  11. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    Chucklefish refers to an organization, which is a collective. "Are" is the right word here.
  12. Akado

    Akado Oxygen Tank

    Production speed is not at a standstill. That's because none of us can see the speed of production, we can only see how fast they release patches to the Unstable and Stable branches.

    Hiring new staff is likely done by Mollygos and Tiy, since Tiy is in charge and Mollygos is HR/PR/CRM/Everything Else. Not Bartwe, or GeorgeV or the other developers that I can't name off the top of my head. That shouldn't take much time away from the people whose fulltime jobs are to develop Starbound. With all due respect to Tiy, I'm not including him in that category because he's kinda in charge of everything, therefore he isn't dedicated exclusively to developing Starbound.

    Getting more people integrated into Starbound's workflow would be a good thing in the very long term, but it would be a very big disruption in the short-term. Let's assume they have 5 people working fulltime on Starbound, and they hire 2 more. At least 2 of the 5 people working fulltime can no longer work fulltime, because they must spend some of their time teaching the 2 new hires how they do things, why they do things, how the game works, and what the 2 new hires need to do. This doesn't happen overnight, it would probably take 2 months.

    Once those 2 new hires are fully up to speed (2-6 months), then there will be 7 fulltime people working on Starbound. But, are you willing to wait 2-6 months with SLOWER release speed than now? (Judging by your statements, I assume you are not)
    Darklight likes this.
  13. higuysstarboundiscool

    higuysstarboundiscool Orbital Explorer

    Surely you've heard the statement "I've waited this long, I can wait a little longer"? I said production rate is at a standstill relative to the statement they made about having DAILY updates for us. And yes, now's the time to get more people people on board, instead of hiring an entire crew for a new game, when their cashcow isn't out of alpha yet. Other people have mentioned this, more eloquently than I have.
  14. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Since we're throwing around saying I will throw one as well. "too many cooks spoil the broth"
  15. higuysstarboundiscool

    higuysstarboundiscool Orbital Explorer

    I simply meant waiting isn't an issue, especially for necessities. And do you really think the small amount of people they have working on the game will suffice? I don't think so. Starbound can't be "spoiled" by some more manpower.
    Pingeh likes this.
  16. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Yes I do think it will suffice. The only reason things have slowed down somewhat is because of the move to the office and getting the necessary paperwork in order.
  17. higuysstarboundiscool

    higuysstarboundiscool Orbital Explorer

    k well keep thinking that.
  18. icewolfaspect

    icewolfaspect Master Chief

    the pirate game sounds interesting, tho my only question is will it have pirate lingo or will it be like most everything else in the language you speak so your not confused.

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