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Chickens New Gif

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Sarzael, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank


    Had to upload this before the others!
    SuperMann, failcake and ImmortalFrog like this.
  2. natelovesyou

    natelovesyou Oxygen Tank

    I like the part where the gif moves.
  3. Sarzael, you're not doing it right.

    M C, Jonesy, Zody and 4 others like this.
  4. Affero

    Affero Contributor

    That's not a gif mate, it's a jpg.
    demanrisu, M C, Jonesy and 5 others like this.
  5. Namiwakiru

    Namiwakiru Black Hole Surfer

    What ever they are all looking at has em all scared stiff.

    what the heck is that dark mass in the back ground.....
    Freddy, Jonesy, tassina and 6 others like this.
  6. lmao :iswydt:

    The background looks like a giant obsidian mountain, Or something of the sort.

    p.s. @Namiwakiru, your title looks to be a reference to The Fantastic Mr. Fox, loved that movie.
    tassina and natelovesyou like this.
  7. RizzRustbolt

    RizzRustbolt Existential Complex

    The Black Fortress, home of The Beast and his army of Slayers.
  8. Miss Andry

    Miss Andry Cosmic Narwhal

    I like how that one chicken has a chicken coming out of its head
    Ellie likes this.
  9. Did anyone else notice that the Avian on the first picture is holding what seems to be a fish? :p
    Qndrez likes this.
  10. Affero

    Affero Contributor

    That's the fishaxe, dev mining tool of mass destruction.
    Freddy, tassina, WoxandWarf and 5 others like this.
  11. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    Is the Fishaxe and has been shown many times.
  12. ShadetheDruid

    ShadetheDruid Pangalactic Porcupine

    For some reason, the little coop and the chickens made me think of this:

    Draks, tassina, WoxandWarf and 2 others like this.
  13. Miss Andry

    Miss Andry Cosmic Narwhal

    I'm also noticing that chickens and stairs just do not mix at all. They're floatin like mother fuckers.

    Protip: I do not know how much mother fuckers float.
  14. Now, if the ones on the right of the coop were jumping off and had their wings extended they would be fluttering or gliding, the fact they're walking up steps but are a complete block away floating in mid air is no bueno.
    Ἄνουβις likes this.
  15. Blankness

    Blankness Void-Bound Voyager

    Y U NO GIF!?
  16. ImmortalFrog

    ImmortalFrog Oxygen Tank

    First ever non-suggestion post?
    Jonesy likes this.
  17. M0du5

    M0du5 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Is that character wearing a chef hat?
  18. ImmortalFrog

    ImmortalFrog Oxygen Tank

  19. Torren

    Torren Ketchup Robot

    A bile demon has become unhappy, because he has no lair.
  20. Hugt

    Hugt Phantasmal Quasar

    And to THINK that I was just about to see some new chicken footage... what a disappointment.

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