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Charlton says hello!

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Charlton McVicar, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Ever heard of wishful thinking?
  2. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    If the Agaran are corrupt Floran, then why are mutant apex popping out of the cocoon too? Or are these other mutants entirely?
  3. beari78

    beari78 Guest

    Meh. Go on with the space Nazi-ing I suppose.
  4. Tremendo Dude

    Tremendo Dude Pangalactic Porcupine

    The thread is huge. Mind pointing me in the right direction? If the drysap containers in the rooms the Agarans keep florans in isn't drysap, what is it?
  5. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    I don't think the Agaran are all that hostile, I even asked to borrow their stuff. Though they seem to have an affinity with the Miniknog troops. One particular scuffle I had at an apex lab had me running past a settlement, only for the Agarans to join my pursuers, speaking perfect translation no less! Perhaps they are a sort of engineered servant race that are docile at ease, and obedient when active?
  6. Enjou

    Enjou Title Not Found

    Exuberant. Greetings, Charlton. We are all pleased to know you survived your encounter with the Agaran Menace.
    Worried. You aren't infected, are you? Have you been cleared by a human doctor?
    Serious. Infections by Agaran spores is very dangerous. They can even cause permanent damage to a Glitch's operating systems.
    Anger. They corrupted and reactivated my religion subroutines. Now I can't turn them off.
    Reverent. All hail the Machine God.
  7. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Alert. Found one mother of a pod



    After walking around I came across another kidnapped floran.


    Update 2:

    Have gone to a neighboring Level 10 snow planet. Shortly after arrival stumbled upon a greenhouse of some sorts with one apex and an Agaran pod.


    Also there were two more agaran masquerading as immobile mushrooms


    Update 3:

    Have gone a few more minutes to the east. came across an infested Apex medical outpost. The analysis on the most developed pod has yielded troubling results. Judging by the point of entry it would appear the agarans dug in from the west and then burst up under the outpost.

    Last edited: Apr 18, 2014
  8. Fiben Bolger

    Fiben Bolger Pangalactic Porcupine

    I met this guy getting shit-faced in a bar on Proxima Filbert IV who was the lead scientist at the Galactic Ominiversal Ontological and Botanical Emergency Research Symposium (GOOBERS). He said his team had proven conclusively that not only do Agaran spores both cure and cause cancer simultaneously, but that they're also great at getting those tough stains out of your carpets and upholstery. I knew he was telling the truth because that guy did not seem happy about this at all.
  9. Animator

    Animator Cosmic Narwhal

    I'm back, and I'm ready to lay down my theory. This is a theory I posted on another thread, but will iterate here since it's more relevant, edited slightly for more clarity:
    An addendum to this is the explanation of their relations with the Hylotl and the Floran, which seems to be more complex than those with the Apex and other creatures. From the Floran translations that I received, they seem to treat the Florans as an equal, but their intentions with them don't seem to be out of the goodness of their own heart. We've known that the Hylotl and the Agarans have had some strife before, from the story in this thread. They've attempted to establish contact in the past and failed, since the crew had already known the risks of doing this to begin with. Now, Hylotls, despite their culture being weirdly rejected by the majority of species, are not known to be hostile, so it beckons the question: What happened within the very first moment of contact between the Hylotl and the Agarans that caused this kind of strife, and if it had to do with that but with an earlier dilemma that arose before?

    It could be easily said that since the Agarans have more in common with the Florans (especially if my theory is to be true, which would make them a subset of a Floran species), they just want them to win for the sake of having more Florans to work with. Why work with the Florans? Beyond being the most closest resembling species they are, it could easily have to do with wanting to pursue their origins for the sake of science: Kidnapping random Florans to poke and test to see why they work like they work, and if my theory is correct, to see how they originated from the Floran to begin with.

    However, to note, another reason could be that the Hylotl did mess up their relations with them somehow, and as a result, just flat out want to be left alone by them. We know that one of the major pursuits of the Hylotl race is to extend olive branches: Perhaps they extended one too many to the point where the Agarans just got irritated and said, "Screw it" and made Hylotl-Hunting their top priority. This is supported by the majority of the dialogue bubbles characters have to say about Hylotl culture, and how they find their insistence of shoving peace down your throat a little bit overly saccharine. However, this is a small problem with this explanation: The Agarans were originally peaceful, and really didn't do much before. A Hylotl / Agaran encounter should have ended normally with some sort of understanding if both sides were as peaceful as they claim to be.

    It could be argued that Greenfinger has a hand in this: He named the species to begin with, like (apparently) all other creatures, which means he would have to have studied them or at least encountered them once before. Greenfinger himself is a Floran. This is mostly speculation, though; it's hard to accuse someone of influencing an entire species of creature just because they name it in the first place, but seeing as how he works with Big Ape and his other gaggle of pals, it's not something to completely rule out.

    As it stands now, it's clear that they don't favor any particular race: Their relationship with the Florans, as shown by the screenshots of them caged up, is clearly out of opportunity, so at most, they may be temporary allies with them to suit their own needs.
    It's neither a trophy or a foreign tradition. Many cultures that stick skulls on pikes and present them in the front of a structure do so for a single reason: To stay away. It's clearly a way to scare away unwanted attention: And in this case, it's Hylotl. This may help to support the theory that the Hylotl botched up their relation with them, since by putting those skulls up, it avoids direct confrontation with the Agarans, and are left alone. This keeps them true to their character to an extent; Agarans don't want any problems with Hylotl for whatever reason, and so they use the skulls of the Hylotl they may have killed for whatever reason to erect and scare away others from doing the same thing.

    Of course, that doesn't stop Hiraki Chorale, which leaves only one more question: Why the hell is she getting involved with the Agarans, and going out of her way to kill them, especially when they're in a cave not doing much? (If she single-handedly pissed off the entire Agaran race against all the Hylotls in existence, I promise you, my sides will go into orbit faster than Sputnik, because that would just be hilarious.)
    Yzzey and beari78 like this.
  10. beari78

    beari78 Guest

    Oaken Soldiers.
  11. quantian

    quantian Aquatic Astronaut

    I don't think it's appropriate to reference objects that are clearly floran to agarans, since Agarans are themselves not lacking in objects.

    I mean you're free to speculate how they procured them or use them, but however you look at it, those skulls on sticks are the floran decoration type.
  12. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    That's meta knowledge. Unaplicable
  13. quantian

    quantian Aquatic Astronaut

    get a hylotl to scan it, and tell me it doesn't say floran made it.
  14. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Fine then. Explain where the floran that made it went or why there is nothing in the vicinity cept the Agaran holding structure?
  15. beari78

    beari78 Guest

    Florans are hostile. Agarans killed them to defend and took their skull stuffs.
  16. quantian

    quantian Aquatic Astronaut

    tell me, how did you get most of the stuff you have?
  17. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Does not apply.
  18. beari78

    beari78 Guest

    Munch, get the flipping torture table!
  19. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Typical. You'll never break me even with torture. Now go find some evidence to prove your counter claims ingame.
  20. quantian

    quantian Aquatic Astronaut

    Quite double standard-ish, aren't you?

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