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Changes coming tonight

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. GamerJustin

    GamerJustin Starship Captain

    I'm wondering the same thing. My game freezes, but it fixes itself after a few minutes.
  2. reversePsychologist

    reversePsychologist Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yeah mine too, but apparently not everyone is that lucky. Plus, I promised this friend I'd wait for him before playing, so for me no Starbound until this is fixed. Plus the wait really needs to be fixed nonetheless for everyone, being also the most immediate issue one encounters.
  3. Finally

    Finally Space Spelunker

    The UFO quest should have a warning IMO and/or there should be a fuel quest. My friend and I assumed we were getting some special fuel by completing this quest but rather got destroyed (doing only 50% damage to it).

    Otherwise, we have been having a ton of fun and it's not too hard like everyone complains.
  4. Electroflux

    Electroflux Industrial Terraformer

    Wow, clearly you're paying attention to the forums because every one of these updates are what people have been asking for. Good job. This will make the game much more enjoyable. Going to have a harder time with the UFO, though. Can't spam arrows under the ground anymore lol.
  5. StarKiller

    StarKiller Phantasmal Quasar

    Hey Tiy,

    Just one thought, don't know if you guys have heard this in the forums, but in Single Player, could there be a way to Pause the game? As of right now, I have to Save and Quit, because that small menu doesn't pause the game, and there are times when I need to simply step away for a minute, and don't want to be devoured by creatures, or freeze to death in my short absence.
    JoeZero, Air tree and Colton like this.
  6. The Thing

    The Thing Existential Complex

    The game doesn't seem too hard to me but I find the strength scale between level to be way too much. I dont think that a mob a single level over me should kill me that fast or the other way around. It is not because I have this weapon slightly better than the planet I am on that I should be able to one shot everything.
    Right now, this feels like there is no middle ground. I never felt like I was at the same level than what I met. I'm either way too powerfull for them or much too weak.
  7. BitHorizon

    BitHorizon Ketchup Robot

    First devs I've ever seen that listen so well to the community! Thanks, Chucklefish!
    Deity likes this.
  8. The Thing

    The Thing Existential Complex

    Oh, not sure if that is possible or practical with how developement is being done right now but, a classic changelog with each update would be tremendously appreciated.
    Also, not sure how one goes about setting this up, but if those could be posted straight onto the steam news page like many games does, this would be awesome.
    Changelogs really help the people looking for bugs and other issues since they allow them to see what have been fixed yet or not.
  9. Damuranashi

    Damuranashi Existential Complex

    I just want that the ug that freeze your PC when you're getting to far from the spawn point get fixed. I don't want to go anywhere now.
  10. Lynx88

    Lynx88 Phantasmal Quasar

    The thermometer change is great. I wonder though, what about desert/hot planets?
    Since you have a mechanic for cold biomes, why not a heat based one for the hot ones, so players have to find shelter quickly during the day, or wait till its night to move about.
    GameQB11 and NiSiSuiinegEht like this.
  11. Lallykins

    Lallykins Gross...

    Thank you for the continued diligence and an overall pleasant beta experience thus far.
    Chombo likes this.
  12. Monkeybiscuit

    Monkeybiscuit Phantasmal Quasar

    Ah I was enjoying the difficulty. I think it gives game longer lifespans. Though I realize not everyone wants that experience. No doubt there will be some hardcore mods at some point in the future. :)
  13. Miss Andry

    Miss Andry Cosmic Narwhal

    I can appreciate how quickly you guys try to address the issues and try to get things done.

    Some stuff does feel amateur, but you guys try so hard that I can't stay mad at you
  14. TechnoCat

    TechnoCat Space Hobo

    Amazing responsiveness! You guys are awesome. I look forward to seeing these changes, especially that hunting knife.

    And as an aside, I am so far enjoying that this game has a degree of difficulty and challenge to it.
  15. Arcadiax

    Arcadiax Phantasmal Quasar

    I'd love to see trees drop saplings for their breed so we can grow trees instead of having to decimate multiple planets for fuel and building supplies. Any chance you guys could somehow make a quick fix for growing trees? :)
    Silverduke1 likes this.
  16. Litagano Motscoud

    Litagano Motscoud Master Astronaut

    Windows 8.1 here, I get that bug, too. Though, it eventually comes to after a few minutes.
  17. Weegeemang

    Weegeemang Pangalactic Porcupine

    Wow, great response time. Looking forward to the lessened pixel cost.
  18. disel

    disel Intergalactic Tourist


    I DO NOT WANT ANY OF THAT NOR FIXES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. iPrincey

    iPrincey Space Penguin Leader

    Thank you so much. This was needed. The game was really hard. But I'm toughing it out and enjoying it nonetheless, I actually like the challenge.

    But one last change, please make trees drop saplings, implement some sort of way to grow trees, I don't like having to "decimate multiple planets" like the above poster said, for wood. I like having pretty trees around in my planet.

    My major issue right now is just the trees. I feel so bad about chopping down those beautifully well made looming trees. It would be fine though if I could replant them.
    Silverduke1 likes this.
  20. Frisky Fox

    Frisky Fox Void-Bound Voyager

    Out of curiosity, which hand do you, Phantom-Wolf, and Jarin's wife use the mouse in? I'm a lefty myself and I grew up never with the thought that I could use a mouse in my left hand, but I noticed a lot of other people actually do. At one point I was using my tablet exclusively, and the way I had known the keyboard before then was very uncomfortable!

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