Changelog for v. Furious Koala

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Jan 26, 2014.

  1. Caudyr

    Caudyr Black Hole Surfer

    If that's the case it actually makes more sense than producing 3 packed dirt from 1 'loose' dirt block, though. ^^
    teilnehmer and Nazja like this.
  2. Hatsya Souji

    Hatsya Souji Parsec Taste Tester

    Makes sense. Yeah. It did. It'll take a while for my BuildEx to gain expanded purposes (that packed dirt mod of mine)
  3. doubtful

    doubtful Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm curious if other people having these types of FPS issues are running with dated computers, onboard video, friend's quite nice laptop that she can play games like Borderlands 2 on reasonably well has a ton of trouble rendering Starbound for some reason. My gaming pc does fine normally but occasionally gets a little stuttering.

    Incidentally, the load times are fantastic now!
    DudeUA, Gearx and Uxt like this.
  4. Celd' The Magi

    Celd' The Magi Pangalactic Porcupine

    Get in the Starbound mood now!

    Looking forward to finding some bugs!
  5. RavenX

    RavenX Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thanks for the update news, Molly :) . Kinda sad bigger ships or ship upgrades didn't hit with this patch. At least now though I can store stuff on my ship and not worry about loosing it in the future. Guess I'm stuck with modding ships if I want a better one for now.
  6. Yay finally!:sparta:
    *goes update*
  7. DigitizedSoul

    DigitizedSoul Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well on one hand the game is still Beta and frankly I can let it off - personally for that one reason. However I would agree though that key-binding is a critical feature, that should be addressed before full release. I hope Tiy does read your post and see your points. Without the key remapping, as well as an inconvenience to many players there are large numbers of people excluded from the game because it is unplayable for them without this basic feature - which I do agree should be a simple feature to add, or simpler still code it that way to start with - even if it runs of a config file. This attitude of bolting key binding on last minute isn't just Starbound though - there are an astounding number of games that do this. How long was it that Minecraft had hard-coded key input?, some of it is still that way (function keys).
  8. SteveOPlaysUK

    SteveOPlaysUK Poptop Tamer

    Remember a lot of this update is behind the scenes coding and mechanics so NOW, they can start on super amounts of content instead including other Biomes and stuff. Today is a good day!
    TheFloranChef likes this.
  9. kurtramone

    kurtramone Void-Bound Voyager

    Key bindings? Just me? No? Okay.
    Thorin likes this.
  10. quakeman00

    quakeman00 Pangalactic Porcupine

    when is the hyloith people are going to be on :c
  11. Hamit Oezdemir

    Hamit Oezdemir Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Finally. Now I can play, once again, till forever.
  12. Radco

    Radco Seal Broken

    Why don't you stop trying to sound smart, while trying to hide your pathetic whine inside big words and write out some code. That might work, since you apparently know better than the Devs how to do this.
    LoStone, barlibrawl, iKowl and 7 others like this.
  13. cakebomb

    cakebomb Void-Bound Voyager

    What update number is this?
  14. ClockworkMidnight

    ClockworkMidnight Big Damn Hero

    Everytime I try to modify anything in the config to the way I had it working in the last version it crashes on start up. XP It sucks because i had things modified to help out with building... anyone know what I can do?
  15. se05239

    se05239 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    May I proclaim.. "Finally"?
  16. Calder

    Calder Space Hobo

    So uhm...... this said in the patch notes that it was supposed to fix framerate stutters on lower end machines. I turned it on after it updated because I've been waiting for this patch to get really into the game because I hate character wipes and now the game is completely unplayable. I used to be able to play it with some minor frame rate dips from time to time, for the most part ignorable no drastic effects on the gameplay, but now every time I move, attack, or open a menu, the game comes to a complete halt and freezes for a up to 10 seconds.
    DudeUA and Solosmoke like this.
  17. SpriteFan3

    SpriteFan3 Intergalactic Tourist

    Viking Helmet.
  18. Aigle1705

    Aigle1705 Tentacle Wrangler

    my cpu is constant on 100% now, with starbound only! starbound is laggy as hell...
    no idea what you guys did to the engine, but i get a new picture every 2 seconds even a flipbook is faster... playin' impossible.

    also the boss loot seems buggy, the UFO, a single UFO, drops 5 molten cores!
    DudeUA likes this.
  19. ThrainDK

    ThrainDK Space Spelunker

    Finally, I've waited the whole week for the release. So excited to play Furius Koala! :up:
  20. The CrazyD

    The CrazyD Title Not Found

    Will there ever come a update that lets us set our own spawnpoint?

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