Build-able Elevators

Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by DibJib, Dec 4, 2015.

  1. DibJib

    DibJib Phantasmal Quasar

    I like the elevators concept, I'm not sure the implementation is great though.

    Having a set elevator size is pretty limiting to be honest, especially when I'd like to build a very long elevator down to my underwater base instead of setting up weird junctions to go lower. So how come elevators aren't sort of like skyrails?

    Being able to build skyrails is sort of the same thing as an elevator, but instead, up and down. Couldn't there be a way to make a sort of entity that basically overlaps and attaches it's self to an elevator track block for easy elevator building and basically searches up and down for an available elevator block to transition to?

    I just kind of feel like I can build basically a huge base that has all this wiring to make air locks and such but then my elevators are limited small or big.
    Verion, MelOzone and toby109tt like this.
  2. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    Its kinda what they had to do to keep them simple and functional.

    Vertical skyrails would be a nice addition though.
    toby109tt likes this.
  3. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    I can't recall ever seeing an elevator. Nightly? I have so much stuff I could build between vanilla and mods that I could have missed this.

    I intend to eventually build an "elevator" vehicle once that update rolls out and I figure vehicles out. It will come in handy with some of my other plans.
  4. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    Yes, nightly. Well, now unstable.
  5. DibJib

    DibJib Phantasmal Quasar

    Not sure how that works though. Skyrails travel much faster than elevators do, even faster with boosts right?So it can't be a world loading issue. If they did vertical skyrails that would defeat the purpose of elevators entirely. Surely with the new kind of entity system they have, putting elevators on a track wouldn't take much effort. I could just be ignorant of how the coding works though...

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