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Bug Thread:

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Pastuleio, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. Bullethell

    Bullethell Master Chief

    I really doubt it's just mask, started a run with it, now i have four of them, no problems so far.
    • Crimbo Hardstyle

      Crimbo Hardstyle Big Damn Hero

      I'm in and I also got the negative enemies bug with a single Happiest Mask and no Jar of Souls.
      • Megadog

        Megadog Astral Cartographer

        After the teleporter event, the arrow pointing to the nearest enemy also points to friendly ghosts. (can be annoying if you're not sure where that LAST enemy is and you have to wait for the ghosts to dissipate)
        I'm also unable to grab some of the ropes in the tundra level (occasionally). My character treats them like a wall (it's only the ones next to the walls that it happens on)
        • Alucard I

          Alucard I King Homestuck I

          "Choose 1 of 3"
          When there's a chest nearby, pots with items are displaced, merging together. Here we can see Missile Launcher and Foreign Fruit "merged" together(to the left of the chest).
          • Event Horizon

            Event Horizon Big Damn Hero

            I use masks and I've not gotten the negative enemy bug. However, I have been able to move on while there were enemies still on screen. In fear of ending my game, I did not kill the remaining enemies, though.

            Also another really annying 'bug' is when you're able to run around fast enough, you can 'skip' over the ropes and never able to latch onto them. I'm assuming it's because you're running so fast that in between each frame, you move far enough that you never reach the collision box for the ropes.
            • Shrooblord

              Shrooblord Void-Bound Voyager

              I noticed that in co-op, some kills count as if the other player killed the enemy; Player 2 collects Infusion drops when Player 1 kills something, for example.
              • Crimbo Hardstyle

                Crimbo Hardstyle Big Damn Hero

                I'm not entirely sure if this is something that would even be classified as a bug, but if you're in the air when a Cremator is passing, you can sort of 'surf' with it and continue moving along with it and attacking as if you were in midair.
                  Rawrquaza likes this.
                • Knight Wing

                  Knight Wing Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  Massive Leach was only granting 6hp per hit unlike the listed 10hp per hit.
                    Rawrquaza likes this.
                  • Biomatter

                    Biomatter Subatomic Cosmonaut

                    ...So that's what was happening! I noticed that too. I was playing as HAN-D and was jumping and punching and I noticed every now and then I would get carried by the Cremator, allowing me to constantly punch while moving.
                    • hopoo

                      hopoo Risk of Rain Developer Developer

                      I THINK the ghost bug is when a ghost evolved lemurian decides to fly (it actually converts back into a normal, enemy lemurian :-x)

                      A build with that + the infusion/root fix should be up tomorrow morning/afternoon
                      • Myth

                        Myth Space Penguin Leader

                        Saying I can go to the teleporter even though I still have bosses to kill o_O
                          fidrildid6 and Rawrquaza like this.
                        • Crimbo Hardstyle

                          Crimbo Hardstyle Big Damn Hero

                          Found another invisible platform.

                          • Active Link

                            Active Link Master Astronaut

                            You should put that pic in a spoiler. Sort of a rule for the bug threads.
                            • betasword

                              betasword Void-Bound Voyager

                              I would imagine that that was the case, as it happened on the fourth level. It was the Mask I was using at the time as well. To be fair, though, it only happened the one time, and hasn't happened since. But now there's a new version up with it fixed, so I imagine I won't have to worry about it anymore! :D
                              • Knight Wing

                                Knight Wing Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                              • Active Link

                                Active Link Master Astronaut

                                Got a statue in a wall.
                                Statue in a wall.png
                                • Treadlight

                                  Treadlight Existential Complex

                                • Knight Wing

                                  Knight Wing Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                  I know, they changed the url but never had them update their site. I was just letting them know about it.
                                  • Knight Wing

                                    Knight Wing Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                    In the snow map at the bottom right there was unassailable chest because it was placed outside the map boundary wall even though the path seemed to be open.
                                    • Megadog

                                      Megadog Astral Cartographer

                                      I'm getting lemurians in my walls!


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