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Bug reports for Risk of Rain 1.2.0

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Stovepipes, Oct 22, 2014.

  1. McSkellington

    McSkellington Poptop Tamer

    Dunno, I never had a yellow elite do that to me before. At least not that kind of distance. I played the game for roughly 100 hours so eh.

    [EDIT] Forgot to add that Chef's dice + sear make the enemy get knocked back into weird directions sometimes. Almost caused me to die a few times.

    [ANOTHER EDIT I CAN'T DOUBLE POST AIGHT] Those tiny vagrants??/big jellyfish?? don't have a health bar.
      Last edited: Oct 23, 2014
    • Overmind87

      Overmind87 Space Hobo

      A very BIG problem that exists is that people who use Windows XP CANNOT RUN THE GAME ANYMORE !!!
      We get this problem: KERNEL32.dll is missing InitOnceExecuteOnce :(
      Using Windows XP SP3, did they just drop XP support?

      I really hope they can fix this problem A.S.A.P. or they will loose a lot of people and potential customers !!!
      GOD this Patch was bad in so many ways, awesome in others, but to not be able to even run the game ??? Ridiculous !!!
      • Kahzei

        Kahzei Yeah, You!

        I've found a couple issues since the new update (which I'm otherwise loving).

        1- The game no longer boots on my older laptop, after previously having run flawlessly. (An old Portege M200, running Win7) The 'Preparing to Launch' window flashes into view for the tiniest of moments, and then I get an error from GameMaker: Studio that says "Failed to create Direct3D 9ex device". A cursory search of that issue says that it's usually due to not having the most updated graphics driver, but I'm fully updated. Hardware acceleration settings don't seem to have any affect on the issue one way or the other. It may just be old hardware falling off the legacy support cliff, but I figured I'd report it anyways in case it's an actual issue.

        EDIT: It has come to mind that DirectX can be used for audio as well as video. When playing the game post-update on my desktop, which runs the game almost perfectly, I noticed that once in a while the music would just stop for a few seconds before resuming or restarting. Could be a related issue, if the game is using DirectX to handle audio.

        2- If an explosive attack that passes through obstacles meets a target exactly on the boundary of an object, the explosion will go off, but do nothing. In my case, it was the Engineer's Thermal Harpoons not-hitting Jellyfish most of the time. There are a few other object-interaction oddities I've noticed, they aren't coming to mind. I'll post again if I see more.

        3- Bundle of Fireworks doesn't activate when opening a chest from Command. Not sure if intentional, but it makes the item non-functional entirely in that game mode.
          Last edited: Oct 23, 2014
        • chuiu

          chuiu Void-Bound Voyager

          I have a weird one. I was in an online match earlier today and when I went to look at the graphic menu while focused on my friend (after I had died) I noticed all the text was wobbling around oddly.
          • Wednesday

            Wednesday Void-Bound Voyager

            Had many more than these two, but they're the most prominent.
            1. Elites are the same color as regular enemies (can distinguish with the hp bars, fire, and rockets)
            2. Gilded Wurms are invisible in co op, but I can still damage them.
            • recongye

              recongye Space Hobo

              I cannot unlock the Soldier's Syringe. I have dodged about 20+ lethal attacks yesterday, just to be sure, and the achievement won't pop.
              • Analri

                Analri Intergalactic Tourist

                1. Occasionally using abilities while in midair will halt all forward momentum--I've only noticed this happen after collecting a Hopoo feather, and this has happened most prominently for me while using the Mercenary's Whirlwind.

                2. Damage seems to be 250% in glass mode, but the artifact says 500%.

                3. Dynamite Plunger projectiles tragically get stuck in the ceiling if there is one low enough above the player. Not sure if intended or not. :p
                  Last edited: Oct 23, 2014
                • Rhodessius

                  Rhodessius Poptop Tamer

                  When I fall out of bounds in Sunken Tomb, it seems to forever keep me out of bounds all I see is the back ground and the sound of me infinitely falling out of bounds. I can still use abilities and items, but I can't see my character or respawn back on the map.
                    BroughtMyUmbrella likes this.
                  • McSkellington

                    McSkellington Poptop Tamer

                    After starting the game I couldn't move or jump, but neither could all enemies. I could only attack and change the direction I was looking at.
                    • ShadowlessWanderer

                      ShadowlessWanderer Pangalactic Porcupine

                      Oh thank god its not just me. I thought something was wrong with my computer because nobody else seemed to have this.
                      But I can verify both of these.

                      Another bug though. On 1440x900 resolution at 2x zoom scale, the force item sharing option is hidden behind the actual ship's graphic. Screenshot: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=330819775 You can barely see the top of the checkbox next to my mouse cursor.
                      • DarknightK

                        DarknightK Void-Bound Voyager

                        I'm confirming on the Rusty jetpack issue.

                        Happens definitely on random platforms, but once place I noticed glaringly was on the pathway to the Artifact of Honor. Kinda makes it impossibru to get it right now, it also happened in Desolate Forest on top of one of the middle platforms (in the same area where the pathway to the Honor artifact is, its to the right of the very long rope you climb up).
                        • Quote.

                          Quote. Subatomic Cosmonaut

                          I had a strange, annoying bug. Was playing a run with Chef, all was going good, tons of Hopoo feathers. Because of that, on the final level, I decided to vist those funkin' robots. When the party was all said and done, I jumped down the bottomless pit to respawn up top. I did respawn, but in a wall on the top left corner of the map, unable to move. Had to end it there. No idea why. Just is.
                            BroughtMyUmbrella likes this.
                          • CantWontDontStop

                            CantWontDontStop Master Chief

                            When using the keyboard, it is impossible to jump while holding up+left. Up+right+jump works fine, but the jump key will simply not respond in the other case.
                            • Findulidas

                              Findulidas Void-Bound Voyager

                              Yesterday when we were playing multi-coop online we had 3 issues in the same run. First was that my friend fell through the floor simply by walking. It was on tundra, the platform under the one that you can go into pig beach. Another bug followed this on the map and couldve happened after perhaps even due to him being stuck there (although this shouldnt happen anyway imo) and that was that a monster spawned in the absolute topmost corner of the world and was stuck there. I only managed to kill him by using my 3x fireworks under him (basically lucking out). Now he was hosting the game so it shouldnt have been due to desync or something like that.

                              The third bug that permanently ruined that session was that on returning to previous levels for the first time we spawned and where "stuck in each other" on the spawnpoint on the forest map. I.e. we couldnt move at all only use our abilites and turn and were quickly killed by the wandering boss that spawned after.
                              • mageblood

                                mageblood Big Damn Hero

                                I found the source of the problem to this:
                                • Another bug i believe is on the rusty jetpack. on random platforms you can not jump. You can see the rusty jetpack animation go off but you are glued to the ground till you move off the platform or it decides to start working
                                Normally, without a jetpack, you can only jump high enough to get over 1 block heights.
                                With 1 jetpack, you can jump over 2 blocks as long as you hold the jump button. This makes you reach the maximum height at the same time you land on the platform that is 2 blocks higher than where you were. This, for whatever reason, prevents you from jumping. Possible the game still thinks you are in air because you didn't have a negative acceleration towards the ground to land, rather you landed as you were still going up or in the process of changing vertical direction.
                                This is the same with 2 or more jetpacks. 2 jetpacks means 3 block heights can be cleared but you (most likely) will not be able to jump unless you get off that platform.
                                Hopoo Feathers or Photon Jetpacks SHOULD fix the problem, but I haven't been able to confirm this.
                                I have confirmed that the jetpacks and block heights bug/glitch out on my own run, it is not random. However, I have seen other problems similar to this, that jumping just suddenly stops working, but I don't know why this would happen. The person I was watching (on Twitch) had this happen to him during a run. Luckily, a Hopoo Feather dropped and saved him, allowing him to jump again and fixing the problem he had.

                                This is what I assume happens, I did not, nor do I even know how to, decompile the game to look at code or do any other crazy stuff to find out what's precisely wrong. This is just my best guess/bet at what may be wrong if it is a coding glitch and not just the engine derping.
                                • Zeldrin

                                  Zeldrin Void-Bound Voyager

                                  That might be because of your keyboard, and not the game.

                                  Microsoft has a great keyboard ghosting test somewhere on their site, but i can't link it because of my post count :I
                                  Google "keyboard ghosting demo" it'll probably be the first link.
                                    Last edited: Oct 24, 2014
                                  • Vathdar

                                    Vathdar Void-Bound Voyager

                                    Well, I tried starting up the game after this new update but I got an error and the game doesn't get to the start menu. I verified the integrity of the game cache on steam and it didn't find anything wrong, so I re-downloaded it but that didn't fix it either. The error:
                                    ERROR in
                                    action number 1
                                    of Other Event: Room Start
                                    for object oInit:

                                    Invalid surface dimensions

                                    edit: fixed this by changing the scale in the Prefini from 2.5 to 1.
                                      Last edited: Oct 24, 2014
                                    • Dzumeister

                                      Dzumeister Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                      Clicking/selecting things in the Title Screen Menu will take several clicks before being registered.

                                      I've experienced this in the Item Log, Monster Log, Achievements pages, and even the Multiplayer Lobby.
                                        BroughtMyUmbrella likes this.
                                      • needsomemiracle

                                        needsomemiracle Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                        Aw yeah, I'ma test the hell out of this!

                                        [hyping continues]

                                        To get the ball rolling:
                                        - The class select screen still says that Han-D does 400% damage with the 4th ability.
                                        - (not a bug per se) The application name for Risk of Rain in the task manager is "GameMaker: Studio"
                                        • Cazakatari

                                          Cazakatari Void-Bound Voyager

                                          When you barely make a ledge with a jump, you cannot jump anymore. You can still move but until you fall or climb you cannot jump.

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