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[Bug] Iron pickaxe missing from game

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Lallykins, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. Lallykins

    Lallykins Gross...

    Don't know if intentional or just a hiccup but Iron Pickaxe missing at anvil. Game has other material tiers but no Iron. Do not have "Materials Available" checked on crafting window
  2. Khrono

    Khrono Big Damn Hero

    It's not a bug. You can tell since you need the previous tier of pick to craft the next and none require iron. My guess is they skipped it because making an iron pick + the racial armor was just too much
  3. Lallykins

    Lallykins Gross...

    Noted, keeping fingers crossed for future implementation since silver is..well..hard to find as of late. I blame Avians

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