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Important BETA RELEASE DISCUSSION - DECEMBER 4TH (*ALL* beta discussion goes here. Other threads deleted)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Jul 6, 2013.

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  1. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    Seriously, Tiy said one sentence, and the whole thread erupted a little. I wonder what would happen if Tiy jokingly said that Starbound is cancelled.
  2. WyldeFyres

    WyldeFyres Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  3. But guys... this "list" we're talking about is pretty much the game itself. Or rather, it's what the developers want the game to be.
    You can't ask to see their to-do list, it's like going up to Disney and asking what the next Star Wars trilogy is gonna be about. Spoilers much?

    Side-Note: To the people saying "STOP RAGING"... stop. This is a discussion thread, and people are discussing.
    YatsandYets, AzViz and Inco like this.
  4. SephirothWS

    SephirothWS Phantasmal Quasar

    Personally, I feel that if Tiy and the gang wants to post up such information, they will. They don't have to if they don't want to, and I do like how open they have been with communication with their community they have started here on this site. However, there really isn't anything you can do if Tiy believes that he doesn't need to post up this information, because as Show has mentioned, posting the list would get people to believe that ________ has to be done, and if implementing ________ breaks something that's already implemented and causes the game to be unplayable, people would rage all over the forums about them needing extra time to fix whatever it is that got broke in the first place. Programming is not an easy task, especially when it involves writing everything yourself. I say this out of self-experience when it comes to developing web applications using PHP/MySQL.
  5. zanthal

    zanthal Existential Complex

    I wonder how many big blocks of text this post has saved us from, haha
  6. PaperGoat

    PaperGoat Industrial Terraformer

    thats why we said if it was possible for him to release it
    if it has spoilers or confidential items then fine, don't.
    we aren't saying its our right to see it, just that it would ease a lot of minds if we could be allowed to sneak a peek.
    Kish likes this.
  7. Yes, I realise that. I'm just saying that it's unlikely they would agree to release something like this.
  8. Tiy

    Tiy Lead Developer Chucklefish

    Yeah I'm afraid this is the kind of list that could entirely spoil the game. It's not going public. Sorry guys
  9. PaperGoat

    PaperGoat Industrial Terraformer

    Well, it doesn't hurt to ask.
  10. PaperGoat

    PaperGoat Industrial Terraformer

    okay, thats fine
  11. Can we ask if it's... a long list?
    colorbeam and Kish like this.
  12. SephirothWS

    SephirothWS Phantasmal Quasar

    The only thing I can say as a non-staff, is length doesn't matter, the fact that the devs actually have their plans fleshed out so they know when to say "hey, it's ready, let's release this into the wild." That's really all that matters, to be perfectly honest with you. Not to mention Tiy has stated several times that he's on schedule for a 2013 "gold" release, which means they are aware of when its time to throw the game into a feature freeze, and focus on getting all the pesky little bugs out. And in order for them to do so, they've got less than six whole months remaining now, as we're getting in to the seventh month of the year.
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  13. Show

    Show Phantasmal Quasar

    Todo list item #23:

    Incorporate cheat code: "givemeeverythingingame"
    YatsandYets and colorbeam like this.
  14. Kish

    Kish Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Yeah I was thinking about asking for a completion/progress bar and realized it seemed unlikely.

    Even a 23/87 would be fine by me even if numbers changed but I realize this is going to take out of development time of the game. Meh. I'm getting impatient I think.
  15. SSSHHHHhhhhh... Make him think we're unsatisfied... >:D
    I kid, you're right. It's good to know they have a plan! [​IMG]
  16. enthusedpanda

    enthusedpanda Pangalactic Porcupine

    the continually expanding nature of this game's hype, not surprisingly, is making most of the community starved for more info than they had on the previous plateau

    it's kind of the antithesis of weening an addict off their drug.

    it's a vicious cycle. the more the devs cave on these issues, the more everyone will scream for. if they don't cave, the proportion of bitter threads will just increase.

  17. Show

    Show Phantasmal Quasar

    I know a lot of game companies don't even let their devs directly view the forums for their games. The creative process is taxing enough. Feedback is always good, but sometimes forums can turn slightly...toxic : )
  18. SephirothWS

    SephirothWS Phantasmal Quasar

    I totally agree with you, my good man. I've been lurking for quite a while, but only recently (as in very) came out of the woodwork to become a part of this community. I will admit that I'm anxious for the game, but I'm not going to lose sleep over the fact that it's not done, and the team @ Chucklefish wants the game to be perfectly ready, as in all of the mechanics are in place, everything is implemented feature-wise, and then they can open the floodgates.

    Besides, I have to question this. Out of the 64,941 buyers of the game, in reality, how many will actually test the game, and report bugs & issues to the developers so that they can patch it and have as close to a bug-free release as they can get? Do you have any idea how many people would be willing to do so? I sure don't, but having beta-tested software and games in the past, I know what the details entail, and know not to rage about a potentially game-breaking bug or a game-stopping problem in the game, and not to go everywhere and start spreading bad karma about how incomplete and unfinished the product is, when it's really just that, a beta.
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  19. Corpj123

    Corpj123 Starship Captain

    These forums are already starting to turn toxic.
    BrakSampson and WoxandWarf like this.
  20. linkthegamer

    linkthegamer Master Astronaut

    I think it is mainly just all the people being off for the summer that is adding to the current levels of toxicity. That being said this is really still one of the nicer forums I have ever been on. It has it's disgusting moments but it is not all that hostile and seems more capable of rational discussion then some other places.
    WoxandWarf, AzViz, Saal and 1 other person like this.
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