Beam to ship restrictions.

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by BlueSmoke, Mar 28, 2014.


Do you like this idea?

  1. Yes

  2. NO

  3. Not entirely, let me explain (please comment)

  1. Zanaria

    Zanaria Aquatic Astronaut

    As I stated before, just because you think that way does not mean everyone does. Don't try to force a change on everyone just because you want things harder. If enough people want it then it should be added in as an option for single player and for the owner of a server to control, not a forced thing that everyone has to deal with. Because I can tell you now, if the game had been like that before I bought it, I definitely wouldn't have spent money on it.

    As for finding other ways to escape conflict, I stated previously that it isn't always possible to run away. I was using a cheat mod (in single player, I don't do multiplayer) which gave me overpowered armor, and yet I still couldn't get away from 2 enemies on my starter planet. They kept charging me and kept me pinned against a rock so I couldn't move or jump. If I had not been wearing that overpowered armor, I would have died for sure. And that is one what should be one of the easiest planets. So I'm telling you, you cant exactly always just run from combat.

    Enemies already have an insane aggro range to them and don't even need line of sight to detect you, I've had enemies detect me from half way across the screen and come chasing me.
  2. Tremendo Dude

    Tremendo Dude Pangalactic Porcupine

    Hey, this is a suggestions forum. No one is forcing anything, merely presenting and discussing ideas.

    That said, are you saying that if you didn't have a Get-Out-of-Jail card you wouldn't have bought the game? No, you can't always flee from combat, but fleeing isn't your only option. Keep an emergency bomb on hand, block up paths, dig yourself out, surround yourself in blocks. If a warm-up for the warp is implemented, buy yourself enough time for the warp to be effective.

    In the situation you described, a warp would probably not have been effective either, as there is usually terrain in the background in areas generated in a way that an enemy can knock you in and trap you. As for enemies with ridiculous aggro range... Have you considered zooming out or holding ctrl to look in front of you as you traverse terrain?

    Like I said, if you want to go balls to the wall, expect the possibility of consequences. When there's a serious penalty for death, play a little safer and smarter, and you'll find yourself less often in situations where hitting the warp button is the only way out.
  3. Zanaria

    Zanaria Aquatic Astronaut

    I was zoomed out as far as possible, the game doesn't by default allow you to zoom out to 1x zoom. And that situation was not to argue the use of teleporting, but the prove that running from combat isn't always effective.

    Also digging away from enemies is not effective as when you are starting out you dig very slowly, and unless you are very quick to place blocks, then you can wind up with an enemy trapped in with you. Likewise not everyone has bombs at the start, and as I mentioned, if two enemies are able to keep me from moving at all, then what do you think they are going to do to a warp warm up. Some of those enemies are very fast.

    And as I said, not everyone wants to play the game for the "thrill of danger", that is why Minecraft has a Peaceful mode where the mobs don't spawn, because some people like to just build and explore.

    As for me, I like a little bit of combat in it, but I don't want it to be made harder just because someone thinks they should decide for everyone that its too easy.
  4. Tremendo Dude

    Tremendo Dude Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well, if you want to play the game without the sense of danger, play a normal character. The penalty of death is low enough that death wouldn't be a major setback.

    Obviously not all of the suggestions I listed out are possible for every player. I just wanted to list out some alternatives to Beam-Me-Up Scotty. Hell, many situations where you wish you could beam up immediately, you're underground anyways. I don't think something as simple as a 2 second warmup for warping would hinder players much at all outside of boss fights, nighttime swarms, and pvp, which is "thrill of danger" time.

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