Beam to ship restrictions.

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by BlueSmoke, Mar 28, 2014.


Do you like this idea?

  1. Yes

  2. NO

  3. Not entirely, let me explain (please comment)

  1. Zanaria

    Zanaria Aquatic Astronaut

    And why should everyone else be forced to play a game that is more difficult just because you think it should be? It's not really fair for you to try and force something in just because you want a harder time. If you think it's too easy then simply don't teleport yourself, simple as that. Don't be speaking for other people, everyone has their own reasons for wanting to play a game and they may not coincide with yours.

    And tell me truthfully, if you were in a real life or death situation and had the choice between teleporting or staying, which would you choose? Can you honestly say that you would choose to stay and die?

    Also since so many people have went on about the "realistic" aspect of things happening in game, then perhaps I should point out that in Star Trek (in which teleporting is really common), they teleport people all the time during combat. Especially when it is a dangerous situation.
    Lecic likes this.
  2. Lifehacker

    Lifehacker Seal Broken

    I'm not sure exactly how long. If it was too short it wouldn't make it any more difficult to get away from combat. But if it was too long it would just be tedious to wait for it every time you want to beam up.
  3. Ramones_fan

    Ramones_fan Pangalactic Porcupine

    Zanaria said in an earlier post--->
    And why should everyone else be forced to play a game that is more difficult just because you think it should be? It's not really fair for you to try and force something in just because you want a harder time. If you think it's too easy then simply don't teleport yourself, simple as that. Don't be speaking for other people, everyone has their own reasons for wanting to play a game and they may not coincide with yours.

    >>exactly my point of view and why i usually avoid these type of threads, however i felt i needed to add my opinion to this one.

    they also said-->
    And tell me truthfully, if you were in a real life or death situation and had the choice between teleporting or staying, which would you choose? Can you honestly say that you would choose to stay and die?

    >> given the choice i would run the f__k away. FAST.

    Also since so many people have went on about the "realistic" aspect of things happening in game, then perhaps I should point out that in Star Trek (in which teleporting is really common), they teleport people all the time during combat. Especially when it is a dangerous situation.

    to the people who are referenced: please Define what is realistic about this game? if you want realism go deal with real life. if you are playing a game, accept it may not be realistic.

    and to the OP, if you don't like how YOUR friends play, either talk to them about it, or find new people to play with.
  4. CrusaderDeleters

    CrusaderDeleters Void-Bound Voyager

    Thing is, Balance. That's the problem most games have and most developers can't find.
    While some can be found mathematically, others just need a little wit to figure out.

    Btw, 3-5 seconds is a golden time. Anything earlier, and you could just do what you were doing before, and anything past is a waste of time / too difficult.
  5. alphabetsoup

    alphabetsoup Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This is pretty standard practice in a lot of other games (WoW for instance, where you can't hearth while in the middle of combat), so I would not be opposed to it (though I have no strong opinion on whether I really want it). And, like a few other people have said, if you're outnumbered you can either (a) build a shelter around yourself, or (b) run awaaaaaayyyyyy

    The only problem I can see with this is when you're facing griefers who gang up on you for the express purpose of not letting you beam away. That being said, I don't know how PvP will be enforced in the final game - whether it will work like Terraria where you have to toggle it, or if it will only be toggled on certain planets, or whether it will be in play everywhere. I would be more inclined to have such a system if you had to actively seek PvP like in the former two cases; you were looking for it, so you should stand and fight and face the consequences. But if PvP were enforced everywhere and anytime (I highly doubt that this will happen however), I would rather not have this system.
  6. BlueSmoke

    BlueSmoke Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    People think that just because I mentioned my friends, I want all of these changes just because I was "mad at people running away in pvp".
    I think the game need to be more difficult in this aspect, I like the point of being unable to use cheap ways to save yourself while fighting.
    But this is a simple suggestion, it's not like I'm going to rage quit if it's not implemented. You can still give your opinion and vote, my idea wasn't well formulated and it needs criticism. Thanks.

    Thanks for the kind opinion. :DD
    Sure, PVP would be a pain in the neck. My idea have a lot of downsides and I like you guys bringing all of this up.
  7. Dirigible Tomato

    Dirigible Tomato Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Or, if you don't like it, don't use it?

    I don't see why you should limit stuff like this just because you think it's cheap.
    So some people wanna be cheap. Let them.

    Also, remember those frigging slaughterfish in Skyrim that would ALWAYS stop you from fast travelling?
    I foresee similar issues.
  8. Zanaria

    Zanaria Aquatic Astronaut

    If you think the game needs to be more difficult you could either see if someone can make a mod to do that for you, in which case it only affects you or anyone else who has the mod. Or suggest is as an option, because as it has been said, not everyone would like the game to be more difficult and they shouldn't be forced to go endure a higher difficulty just because some people want it.
  9. Harlander

    Harlander Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Personally, I wouldn't go for this. It's a perfect candidate for a tunable setting in a customisable difficulty system, though.
  10. Lecic

    Lecic Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I'd like to bring up the point that you can still take damage for around 3-5 seconds while the beaming animation takes place.
  11. PhoenixR

    PhoenixR Big Damn Hero

    I'd also like to point out that you can press ESC to exit the respawn animation, so maybe chucklefish just doesn't want any real consequences for death in the first place :rolleyes:
  12. Lecic

    Lecic Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Yes, they don't want any real consequences for death, which is why you either lose a huge chunk of your pixels, a good chance to lose all your items, or permanently lose your life, when you die.
  13. Tremendo Dude

    Tremendo Dude Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'm all for a short motionless recall time for teleporting. Not too fond of raw combat checks for it.

    The other question would be, if you have to channel the warp, how would the game deal with falling? (IE: your energy depletes when flying with a boost tech at high altitude, so you try to beam up to save yourself.) Would stopping horizontal movement suffice?
  14. Zanaria

    Zanaria Aquatic Astronaut

    The problem is that if you have jumped off a cliff or used the boost tech then you are possibly moving horizontally as well. So then the teleport wouldn't work. Also what would happen if someone somehow made a mod where you are in some kind of vehicle that is moving constantly, like a boat for example. If that is the case then you would never be able to teleport unless you could somehow stop the movement (and with real boats you are almost never perfectly still).
  15. Tremendo Dude

    Tremendo Dude Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'm thinking less of "have to be standing still" and more of "don't press any movement keys".
  16. Zanaria

    Zanaria Aquatic Astronaut

    That is actually quite possible, as you can detect specific key presses in most programming languages and use them to set a timer. And is much better than the idea of taking damage sets the timer or dealing damage or being out of combat, etc.
  17. Harlander

    Harlander Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    How about a brief DDR-like sequence to speed up the teleporting process?

    No, wait, never mind, that's horrible
  18. Mallacor

    Mallacor Great Scott!

    Have you played on Hardcore? Trust me there's times where you'll want & need to beam up in fights, not to mention when you're getting ass banged when trying to get back to your stuff naked :fireball:

    I would like a option to hot key the Beam Up. Sometimes get the impression people saying It's to easy or need more challenge aren't even going on Hardcore or Permy death. Trust me you'll want the beam.

    I vote No.

    So to the Devs, no to the beam nerf, Hardcore & Permy Death hard enough with out taking away these modes ability for a second chance.

    Add it for the Casual mode for players who want that 'extra challenge' but don't want to balls up to go Hardcore or Permy.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2014
  19. Krakenswarm

    Krakenswarm Master Chief

  20. Tremendo Dude

    Tremendo Dude Pangalactic Porcupine

    When I agree with the beam nerf, I speak with a permadeath perspective. I believe death penalties should inspire you to look before you leap and keep a clear head in dire situations. Find other ways to escape conflict if a warm up on the beam is too much to wait.

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